celtic insults

“Your Ma is your Da!” So this one makes no sense, but with a drawn out emphasis on Ma and Da it sounds good. Way back in 1919, the Late Winston Churchill, God be good to him, recruited a body of fine and upstanding gentlemen who were unemployed in England and at a bit of a loose end, empowered them as special constables, gave them a mishmash of uniforms, and sent them over to Ireland on a sort of a cultural exchange program. The World is a public radio program that crosses borders and time zones to bring home the stories that matter. Ger Leddin. Interestingly, the Irish language does not have any swear words and this one is the closest phrase you can get! The help of others was required to get the work done.) Want to see what's on deck? Q: What do Celtic FC Glasgow fans use as birth control? Finally, our last one is in Irish/Gaelic! In fact, many an Irish hardened all-round-good-fella will put the buying of a round before paying the rent or, God forgive, buying a birthday gift for the girlfriend. It is a hard one to explain as the term gombeen can be taken to mean two entirely different things, both totally dependent on context. In other less advanced countries, acting the maggot would be taken as, acting in a way similar to that of a soft-bodied legless larva of a fly. Not the cruellest of savage insults, but a handy one to keep in your arsenal all the same. You know the kind of guy who starts playing with his phone’s ringtones right in the middle of his great-aunt’s funeral. 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My favorite – “You are depriving a village somewhere of an idiot”, Another old one from Ireland’s rural folk “May your spade never dig, may your sow never pig.”, “I could say nice things about you, but I would rather tell the truth.”. But, and there’s always a but, if used in another context, let’s say by a mother to her child, it can mean a silly little person and actually can be a term of endearment. Ger Leddin is a journalist from Limerick Ireland. Irish insults: the 10 most savage jibes and meanings behind them. Longer Offensive Irish Phrases and Insults . The word gombeen comes from the Irish language word gaimbín, which means the interest due on loan. 2.8k. Someone is said to be acting the maggot when they behave in a less than appropriate manner, or in a manner out of place in that particular environment. A: A Celtic FC fan is a real dick. We all know the type. If you’re not from Ireland you might think that a right bollix is the starboard side of the male testicles, but no, you’d be mistaken — there probably is some obscure Latin-sounding medical term for that bit of the anatomy, but excuse me, it just doesn’t spring to mind at the moment. SHARES. 19 Stirling Way We think this is more like, your mother is so ugly that she looks like a man. {"cart_token":"","hash":"","cart_data":""}. To learn more, review our Cookie Policy. Most often used in the north of Ireland, but becoming quite popular and falling into everyday usage in the rest of the island, the term dryshite denotes a goody-goody kind of person — you know the kind of guy that your mother wished you were like. You see, we have this incredible knack of putting people down, if the Olympic Council decided to introduce insulting others as an international sport, we’d be taking home gold medals by the wheel-barrow full. Anyway, to cut a long story short, they soon became a tad unpopular, so from then on to be associated by family to one is considered by some in Ireland as not being something to write home about. Joke #1: Q: what is the difference between a Celtic FC Glasgow fan and a vibrator? Sign up for our daily newsletter TOP OF THE WORLD and get the big stories we’re tracking delivered to your inbox every weekday morning. But don't forget the 45 percent who voted for it — and the 85 percent voter turnout — in a place where even 16-year-olds got to cast ballots. Just look at the amount of Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations are held from one corner of the globe to the other. Celtic Clothing Company Enjoy! Credit: Jeff J Mitchell . Sorry if that’s confusing, but it’s all in the inflection. There are many different Irish insults. If you'd like to hear how these sound when a Scot says them, watch this video. Well, that’s a lick arse. Follow the latest developments in the Scottish referendum on GlobalPost's live blog. ", Awa' n bile your head (Away and boil your head): Get lost, Baw: Testicle; the root of many general insults including "bawjaws," "bawbag," and "bawface", Clipe: tattle-tale, snitch; as in , "Don't be a wee clipe", Erse like a bag o' washin (Ass like a bag of laundry): A negative assessment of a woman's attractiveness, Face like a skelped erse (Face like a slapped ass): Describes a person's face that's red with rage or blushing, I wouldnae ride her in tae battle (I wouldn't ride her into battle): An negative assesment of a woman's attractiveness, Jobby: Feces, also used to refer to something as trash or junk, Mince: Rubbish, as in, "You're talking mince", Scrote: Scrotum, literally, but a general insult, Yer bum's oot the windae (You're bum is out the window): You're talking nonsense, not making sense, Yer maw's git balls n yer da' loves it (Your mother has testicles and your father loves it): And example of a genre of insult involving accustations against a person's "maw" or "da".

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