How to Connect Landscape Timbers to T-Posts, How to Install Landscaping Timbers for Staggered Edging, Environmental Protection Agency: Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA): Questions & Answers: What You Need to Know About Wood Pressure Treated with Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA), Penn State University College of Agricultural Sciences: Garden Use of Treated Timber, AJ McCormack & Son Paving Expert: Building With Sleepers, The Home Depot: Installing Landscape Timber Edging, Backwoods Living: Anchoring Landscape Timbers, BBC Gardeners' World: Building a Raised Bed. Some people insert a plastic membrane on the inner side of the bed, creating a barrier between the sleeper and the wet soil. Sleepers are perfect for creating garden edgings since they can be can lay in a single height, either on their edge or flat. Cut sleepers to various lengths within 6 inches of this measurement if you prefer staggered-height edging. This was important as the start of the path was on an angle to the concrete path. I intend to insert some smooth white pebble between the boards and add some outdoor path lighting as well. When you have attained your preferred height and inserted the membrane, you should trim any unwanted end and plane sharp corners and edges, especially if you have kids who use this area. The path needed drainage so a slight slope away in all directions was required, and I kept the path at the same height as the concrete path around the house. Raised garden beds drain better and stay warmer than beds level with the ground. Garden Path Materials and Tools. If you have laid the sleepers on the surface on their broader edge, then again, fasten them at the 90-degree corner, enabling at least 2 inches of the screw to cross over to the neighboring sleeper. Place your sleepers on the surface in a rectangular or square shape, with the sleepers touching at the 90-degree corners (as if you are creating a picture frame; only that it’s huge). We’ve made choosing the right garden furniture even easier than before. The reader must check local authority regulations before beginning a building project. The raised bed can be any length but should be no wider than 4 feet, so you can easily access the garden. When I cut the top boards I used a planer to edge each one. On the contrary, it is very easy. They can be used as pathways, steps, simple borders and can even be stacked to create walls and partitions. All you need is to set aside a few hours of your busy schedule and you will create a superb bed. Cut sleepers to various lengths within 6 inches of this measurement if you prefer staggered-height edging. Water is the main problem. The most popular type of railway sleepers is made of hardwood – mostly from oak and beech and much more rarely from concrete or steel. First job was to set out the job with string-line attached to posts. Check out these 7 ideas for using oak railway sleepers in the garden: Garden Edging. Oak sleepers are great for edging your garden because they are robust and durable. You only need to lay it on top (overlapping the joints) and simply fasten through the top layer into the lower layer. They also tend to bend, warp and cup as they dry so extra fastening is required. However, note that level beds should be placed against the edges of your garden area to … Good idea to dry them in the shade for a day or two before the job. New lumber purchased for use around the home isn't treated with CCA, but you might want to avoid using reclaimed lumber that might have been treated prior to 2002, when the EPA began restricting its use. Set the sleepers into the trench, and backfill the soil around them. For raised beds, you have the freedom to choose a central location within your yard. Here are the steps that you should follow when laying your sleepers for garden edging. Dig a trench in front of the garden bed that measures at least 1 inch wider than the sleeper width. The problem with … This is the fun part. Like we said, it might be wise to put bricks, hardcore, and stones inside your bed before you fill it with manure or topsoil to encourage drainage. Timber sleepers define garden bed borders to keep out unwanted traffic, but use them cautiously around edible plants to avoid potential contamination from wood preservation chemicals. You can use them to form a beautiful border around flower beds, grass or your patio. Source: @restorationcouple on Instagram. In fact, it takes just a few steps to create an inspiring outdoor space to share with family and friends. I used a heavy 'stamper' to flatten and level the gravel and sand. The advantage of laying hardcore is that it allows drainage of a raised bed, otherwise, you might end up having a raised pond. Long sleepers laid horizontally are only practical for garden beds with straight edges. Dig an 8-inch-deep trench slightly wider than the sleeper width along the garden … Based on the amazing features that a bed provides for your garden, you would be forgiven for assuming that creating a beautiful bed using garden sleepers is difficult. Click here to view this sites Privacy Policy. Garden paths can be made of many materials: concrete, stone, hardwood, crazy paver, normal paver, etc. You might need the following tools when working on your garden sleeper. Although CCA treated pine sleepers are H4 certified, ie they can be used 'in ground', they commonly don't last very long, 'in ground', unless precautions are made. First thing first, you need to determine the perfect location for your bed. Additionally, in order to improve the moisture retention of your sleeper bed, you can insert a top layer of your likings such as pebbles, bark, or wood chip. Measure the width and height of the timber sleepers. They are a cost effective material and their greatest advantage is the durability as they have to bear enormous weight. A garden path was needed across the dirt to our clothes line and beyond and the options were limited for us in regional NSW. Her work has been published in the San Francisco Chronicle and on other websites. There is a range of varieties of reclaimed sleepers available to buy from your local garden centre or online. Garden sleepers, if used externally, can also be treated to preserve appearance or even painted for a unique look and feel. The … CCA treated pine sleepers would have to do, but more work would be needed to aid longevity of the home path. How to Lay Sleepers for Garden Edging: A Step by Step Guide, The Best Pull Behind Plug Aerator Reviews, The 13 Best Inflatable Hot Tubs Review in 2020, The 10 Best Hot Tub Accessories Reviews for 2020, The 9 Best Hot Tub Cover Lifters Reviews for 2020. … As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Fasten your sleepers together with sleeper screws. Stand the short timber pieces upright in the trench, alternating heights if applicable, with the pieces butted close together. Most sleepers are sold 'wet', meaning they are still full of moisture from the treatment process, so they are quite heavy. For raised beds, you have the freedom to choose a central location within your yard. This aids water displacement and aesthetics. Decide on the height you want for the garden bed edging; add 8 inches to compensate for anchoring the sleepers in the ground, and cut several sleepers to this length. Sometimes, hobbyist use high-quality plastic waste bags, professionals use thicker high-quality plastic that doesn’t degrade when it touches the soil. I pre-bored each board before using my impact drill to screw in the 100 mm galvanised bugle screws: one at each corner and one in the centre to reduce cupping. The best thing about using these beds is that you can easily fill them with any kind of soil that best suits your plant. You should consider topping up your bed with compost and soil again after one year. For us, we want to position our raised bed at the edge. However, note that level beds should be placed against the edges of your garden area to protect them and facilitate easy movement. Attention-grabbing and cost-sensitive, railway sleepers are the perfect hard landscaping material. Fill in the trench around the timbers, and pack the soil tight to hold them in place. I opted for sleepers and decided against hardwood due to the 40-50 kg weight of each plank. These beautiful, newly sawn softwood sleepers are perfect for any garden use, be that raised vegetable beds, lawn edging, decking and much more. Pressure-treated lumber is chemically treated to prevent decay, and is generally considered safe for use in edible garden beds -- with the exception of sleepers treated with chromated copper arsenate, or CCA. All available to purchase via our leading bulk delivery service. Drill holes through the ends of each sleeper before setting them in place, and drive 12-inch landscaping spikes through the holes to anchor the sleepers to the ground, if desired. Dig to a depth equal to the sleeper height if you want the top of the timbers flush with the soil level, or dig to half the height if you want to leave a visible curb. Sleepers are perhaps more commonly known as railroad ties or landscape timbers, though the term is better suited for larger landscape timbers comparable in size to the railroad ties. The stacked sleepers are less likely to fall out of place if you stagger them so the joints don't line up at the sleeper ends. Secure the upper courses of sleepers to the lower courses with landscaping timber screws spaced about 12 inches apart. small retaining wall with railway sleepers … The sleepers can be placed directly on top of the ground, but they look more attractive and help prevent weed roots from crossing into the flowerbed if you set the timbers into the soil.
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