Like most mammals, moose are very protective of their young. They weigh 50-60 pound and grow up to 6 feet in the width. Year-round, moose snack mostly on leaves, stems, twigs, and the bark of small shrubsâand they eat plenty of all of these things. In scientific terms, moose most commonly inhabit boreal (taiga) and subartic (tundra) regions. Adults may stand as tall as 2.3 m high. I always see them from a distanceâthank goodnessâbecause these mammals are HUGE! When male moose are searching for a mate they will dig holes in the ground and urinate in them to attract a female moose. Moose - Reproduction. Their huge bodies are covered with short dark brown fur. The Soviet Union attempted to domesticate moose for use in a cavalry. Theyâre pretty impressive on land too. Moose Statistics and Appearance Life span: 15-25 years Weight: 550-700 kg (1200-1500 lbs) Body length: 2.5-2.7 metres Moose are large even-toed herbivorous mammals, the largest of the deer family. There are 400,000 moose in Sweden before the hunting season, 100,000 are hunted so that about 300,000 remain during winter, and some 100,000 are born each spring. The calves stay with Mom for about a year until the next mating season the following spring. Here are 18 Interesting Facts About Moose. Average lifespan: 15 to 20 years in the wild. Largest measured pair of antlers had 7 feet in width. Main purpose of antlers is to attract females and to defeat other males during fight for their affection. Antlers: Male moose grow large, shovel shaped antlers with pointed ends each year. Antlers are heavy and large. Moose are best known for their antlers. Female moose, called cows, donât have antlers. The Inuit name for the moose is tuktuvak. Copyright © 1998-2020 DLTK's Inc. - All Rights Reserved, Runtz, M. W. (1991). They will attack young moose whenever they can. Incidentally, the word “moose” is both singular and plural, as is the word “deer”. Males and females have the same height (around 4-6 feet at shoulders), but different weight. Moose are excellent swimmers. In fact, moose defending their calves is the most common reason for moose attacks against humans. The fur-covered pouch of skin that dangles from a moose’s throat is called a “bell.” Deep Divers. By touching it you take away the calcium on the antler, which many animals depend on for nutritients. All rights reserved. When mating season is over in the fall, bulls shed their antlers and head off to be alone until next yearâs mating season. When the winter ice melts, moose spend much of their time swimming in lakes and rivers to keep their body temperature down on hot days, sometimes swimming without stopping for 10 or more miles. PicFacts(1-500) PicFacts(501-1000) PicFacts(1001-1500) PicFacts(1501-2000) PicFacts(2001-2500) PicFacts (2501-3000) PicFacts (3001-3500) PicFacts (3501-4000) … They are the fastest growing organ in moose. Moose primarily live in areas that have cold, snowy winters. The Inuit name for the moose is tuktuvak. They use the pointy ends of their shovel-shaped headgear to fight with other males when competing for mates. Interesting Facts: If you find a shedded moose antler in the wild you aren't supposed to touch it. Breeding: They are also fast runners; moose can run 35 miles per hour. Fast Facts: Moose. They can most easily be seen at dawn or dusk, when they are more active, moving quietly through shallow water or underbrush. NatureMapping Animal Facts for Kids Moose. Their main predators are wolves, grizzly and black bears. They have large ears and a long square face. Moose vary in size and shape. PicFacts. The mating behaviors of moose are dependent on the regions they are located in. There are more Moose in Sweden per square kilometer than any other country in the World. The dewlap is basically a loose flap of skin covered in a strip of longer fur. At the beginning of each winter, the moose shed their antlers. Predators: An adult moose can run up to 35 miles an hour for short distances and 20 miles an hour for longer runs. Distribution/Location: Their stomachs may hold up to 112 pounds of food at one time. Moose have fairly short, dark brown hair though some are slightly reddish while others can be close to black. Moose are such strong animals that most predators will either scavenge for moose that died of natural causes or target the young calves. photo by: deckhand, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Calves leave their mothers after about one year, in time for the arrival of the next baby. - Source 2. The Killer Whale is a natural predato. Male moose have antlers from early spring to late autumn. Moose, the largest member of the deer family Cervidae. (n.d.). One of the most serious threats that affect moose is actually a fatal disease that is passed onto moose by white-tailed deer. The mooseâs antlersâwhich stretch nearly six feet wide from tip to tipâdrip water as the animal exits the water and trots toward the forest. Male and female moose are about the same height, and measure in between 2 and 3 meters (excluding their antlers). Mating: Since they are herbivores, there is an extra challenge because plants are not as high in energy as meat. Did you know that nearly 100,000 moose are shot each year during the hunting season? Moose are herbivores (plant-eaters) and they like to eat flowering plants, shrubs, leaves and small branches of the trees. Unfortunately, the biggest danger to an adult moose is getting hit by a car. Their colour varies from a little brown to a dusty black depending on the season and age of the animal. In the winter, moose sometimes look more grey in colour but this is because their fur is covered in a thin coating of frost caused by their breath, not because their colouring actually changes. Moose live a fairly silent and solitary life. If you find a shedded moose antler in the wild you aren't supposed to touch it. © 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, © 2015- Mooseworld: Moose Species and Population. The illness is often referred to as "moose disease" (rightly named). The massive moose (weighing nearly 2,000 pounds) is … Due to their large size, they need to eat a lot of food. Retrieved January 20, 2018, from, Wildlife Ecology College of Natural Resources. Name Game. Calves, in comparison, are often a light rusty colour. Moose don’t form herds like other deer, though. Interesting Moose Facts: Males and females have the same height (around 4-6 feet at shoulders), but different weight. They can swim 6 miles per hour without a break for 2 hours. Appearance: Moose have important adaptations that help them to live in these habitats; for example, they have long legs which work equally well moving through deep snow, marshy areas and water. It would make sense that the giant antlers of male moose are their most powerful weapons for defense; however, their strong feet are actually used more effectively. Tundra â These regions are very open so groups of moose will meet in an open habitat for mating season. Groups of moose are formed with a dominant male moose (bull) and many female moose (cows). Whether you are referring to one of these animals or many, the word to use would still be ‘moose’. Female moose begin breeding at about five years old and give birth to one calf every year or two, though twins are possible. Males are heavier and they can reach 950 pounds, while females weigh up to 750 pounds. They actually have the biggest antlers of any living member of the Cervidae family (this is the family that deer belong to). The massive moose (weighing nearly 2,000 pounds) is the largest animal in the deer family. In some places in Europe moose are also referred to as "elk", which causes some serious confusion because in North America elk is the name given to the wapiti species. During the summer, they eat plants from the river, like pondweed and pond lilies. Male moose, called bulls, begin growing their antlers in the early spring. Moose are striking in appearance because of their towering size, long legs, pendulous muzzle, and the immense, wide, flat antlers of old bulls. Moose have poor eyesight, but they have excellent sense of smell and hearing. Males are heavier ranging between 350 kg to 600 kg compared to the females at 250 kg to 400 kg. Moose have a dewlap hanging from their necks. Males are heavier and they can reach 950 pounds, while females weigh up to 750 pounds. They use their antlers to fight with each other and when the antlers contact a really loud sound is released, which impresses the female moose.
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