01:14:47 Clent's take: T…, Join the crew as KB and GBD talk about the ranked climb and patch 10.22 --- Riot's Mythic/Legendary Items Champion Roadmap Check out http://mobalytics.gg/trinityforcenetwork to sign up for a free Mobalytics account! Right now, we’re all about Respawn’s Apex Legends. 33: Rock N' Roll Landscaper. The Dive - A League of Legends Esports Podcast, Welcome to The Dive, a weekly podcast hosted by Kobe, Azael, and MarkZ that takes a closer look at the world of League of Legends esports and the NA LCS. Keep those questions coming to [email protected] so we can answer them on the show! Find out more on http://trinityforcenetwork.com, Four Wards - Moving Forward in League of Legends, A League of Legends Podcast dedicated to helping you dissect the information given to you by the Proper podcast. Embrace for a throwback episode from Pwnophobia himself. He is here to help us review the play-in stage as well as to give us some insight into what the group stage will look like. --- Check out http://mobalytics.gg/trinityforcenetwork to sign up for a free Mobalytics account! --- Check out http://mobalytics.gg/trinityforcenetwork to sign up for a free Mobalytics account! The Legendary Ladies of the Legends of Tomorrow Podcast are proud to present their first ever “PilotPod”, a new Legendary Ladies series to help their fans get through the extended summer hiatus. Email us - [email protected] us - www.patreon.com/leaguecastTweet us - https://twitter.com/leaguecastFacebook - https://www.facebook.com/Leaguecast/Join Ou…, This week, the guys talk Samira! Aidan, Nick and Colton talk about Patch 10.21, ranked rewards, the crazy reaction to Seraphine, Worlds group stage results, emails, …, Aidan, Nick and Colton talk about Samira, Worlds group stage predictions, two weeks worth of emails, and more all on …, Aidan, Nick and Colton talk about the new items for Season 11, Patch 10.20, Worlds Playins and group stage predictions, …, Aidan, Nick and Colton talk about the item shop update, the new worlds song, some quick thoughts on Samira, a …, Aidan, Nick and Colton talk about Patch 10.19, the new Fates set for TFT, the state of skins and events, …, © 2020 Leaguecast Podcast. Listen as they discuss which players could be the ones to watch, which matches could be hype and which group could be the dreaded “Group of Death.” Don’t forget you can always find The Dive on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, …, Join SvensonACE and Danman as they tackle patch 10.18 and all its content. 01:11:06 bluefrost asks HLL to rank these from least likely to most likely: 1. is his thing. The World (ft. Bwipo) | EUphoria Worlds 2020 Episode 3, The Four Wards Podcast - Episode 266: Kangadru the Waiter, The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 690: Put a Leash on It- Jungle Tracking, Does NA have hope? And since the season has about 2 months left in it, we decided to check in with everyone to see how they're doing on their goals! Use code "Trinity30" for $1 off one month, 5% off 3 months, or 30% off a year! Battle Royale console veteran. The Four Wards podcast will discuss this and more once a week! 00:59:59 Barbanator24 says that while Bjergsen won the player of the series…, This week, patch 10.18 is here! Sponsors: moxyandzen.com/tforce - use code "tforce" mobal…, This week Kobe and Kien take a look at China's "Ning race," talk about jungle pathing, and look at differing playstyles leading up to the ever more important third drake. Keep those questions coming to [email protected] so we can answer them on the show! Jason started the Myths and Legends Podcast out of his love for reading/writing and training in English literature. The boys cover their favorite changes, which for this patch means covering like half the entire thing! Contact us Here or… Facebook Group Facebook Page Discord Twitter Instagram Website Email Hosts Blake “Wise Papa Smurf” Brad “Adeptt” Michael “PonderousSealion” Curtis “Danger Penguin” Tyler “Astrozbk” Oli “Tyco Tump Hard” “Kil Zil” Support Us Patreon Rate us on iTunes – 5 St…, This week, Badger joins the show because he really wants to talk about Samira! We need more questions! Game design (it’s art!) Well, that's it! A group of friends. 00:43:10 Alienware! Mediocre FPS player; trying my best not to get Outplayd like the rest of us. Together, Errik, Flave, And Lursen give Apex tips, Apex tricks, and in-depth knowledge to improve and get better at Apex Legends. We discuss builds, lore, listener feedback, and so much more! Doesn't stop him from (eventually) stomping faces in FPS games. A community. Podcast. 00:57:00 ALIENWARE HYPE! Summoning Insight can be found in video format on Insight on Esports YouTube and Twitch channels. If you want to just sit back and have a good time listening to some good old fashioned conversation (with a few laughs thrown in) then this is the podcast for you! Also, if you would like to play along wit…, 00:00:00 Intro 00:25:10 Omniscient's take: Play-ins showed us that Bo1's are worse than Bo anything else. To give you the best possible experience, this site uses cookies. We're low on questions again! 00:22:13 Human Boy, yes-yes's take: NA did fine. Personal statistic tracking and analytics for your …, This week, we have all four wards! Part-time gamer — like, no really, it's supposed to be part-time, right? That's the end of the season for both LEC and LCS! CLG Miko is back this week to help the gang run down the group stage, as well as give his thoughts on the knockout stage! Then, of course, we answer your questions! How about strategically warding? Will TSM still escape? Find us at ht…, Aidan, Nick and Colton talk about the Psy Ops event, the Season 11 item system update, behavioural updates, Worlds teams and info, emails, and more all on episode 447 of Leaguecast Podcast! Thanks for reaching out! Guests from League of Legends esports join the podcast every week to give fans the latest insight on games around the world. Email us - [email protected] us - www.patreon.com/leaguecastTweet us - https://twitter.com/leaguecastFacebook - https://www.facebook.com/Leaguecast/Con…, Welcome to the League Rundown! Then, of course, we answer your questions! Tune in for an hour recap of the NA and EU LCS! One of TES, DWG, G2 drop in groups. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/the-dive-esports-podcast/message…, 00:00:00 Intro - What happened to NA at Worlds? We need more questions! Longest running podcast about all things League of Legends! 00:39:10 Blitz470 The issues of NA should not be accepted, as they will only weaken the region and prevent improvement. fourwards.trinityforcepodacast.com. 00:36:25 Gengariffith's take: TL getting put in the play-in stage is the best outcome for NA if we hope to have 3 teams in groups. Use code "Trinity30" for $1 off one month, 5% off 3 months, or 30% off a year! Then, of course, they answer a your questions! The main hub of Outplayd: An Apex Legends Podcast. Focused on learning shooters on a deeper level. One of the three of us will get back to you as soon as we can. Built using WordPress and the Mesmerize Theme, The Episode Where We Talk About New Items For 2 Hours. The Confessionals is an interview podcast where witnesses of strange events and unexplained encounters - Sasquatch, UFOs, … And we actually have a trinket tip, courtesy of a listener! Two legends of Bodybuilding, Boyer Coe and Roy Callender, join the Bodybuilding Legends Podcast to talk about the years when they competed against each other in the Golden Age of Bodybuilding. We're low on questions again! Help us in our fight to make Shen fringe again. Join the Discord to Play! We say goodbye to Rogue, while Fnatic and G2 make it out alive. Keep those questions coming to [email protected] so we can answer them on the show! We're low on questions again! Fi…, Aidan, Nick and Colton talk about the item shop update, the new worlds song, some quick thoughts on Samira, a discussion on skill based matchmaking, salary caps, lots of worlds news, emails, and more all on episode 449 of Leaguecast Podcast! No one can understand him and no one has seen him sober. Featuring a special interview by Quickshot with Mac, the Head Coach of Mad Lions.Find the upcoming EUphoria schedule here: https://twitter.com/LEC/status/1311319901878079488EUphoria …, Aidan, Nick and Colton talk about the new items for season 11, Patch 10.20, Worlds Playins and group stage predictions, emails, and more all on episode 450 of Leaguecast Podcast! The Dive | 2020 Worlds Draw Show Reactions Live, Trinity Force Podcast Episode 686: Patch 10.18, The Four Wards Podcast - Episode 262: It's Good to Have Goals, The Trinity Force Podcast - Episode 685: For Old Time's Sake. We need more…, What's this? You can email us at [email protected], If you want to interact with us on the daily, then join the Discord. In addition to history and world folklore, he's a fan of his wife and child, dachshunds, hiking, Batman, and cake (the dessert, but the band's ok, too). 3. Sponsors: …, Join the crew as KB and Canadian Extraodinaire SvensonACE talk new TFT meta and Tracking the Jungle --- Jungle Roadmap Coach Curtis Midlane Jungle Tracking Check out http://mobalytics.gg/trinityforcenetwork to sign up for a free Mobalytics account! We're low on questions again! Personal statistic tracking and analytics for your League of Legends performance.
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