stonewall membership

© 2020 Stonewall Columbus, Inc. a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization - Privacy Policy. 10.5 This Agreement, and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, English law, and the parties irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. I average 225-250 rounds of golf each year and this course never gets old. 8.4 This clause 8 shall survive termination of the Agreement. 10.1 A Member shall not, without the prior written consent of Stonewall, assign, transfer or deal in any other manner with its Membership. But in a competitive market, your workplace and culture needs to stand out to jobseekers. Consider Monthly Giving! Knowledge and expertise you can trust. The membership supports our work to tackle discrimination and promote equality of opportunity and good community relations in Royal Greenwich. 10.2 Any notice or other communication required to be given to a party under or in connection with this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the other party personally or sent by pre-paid first-class post, recorded delivery or by commercial courier at its registered office (if a company) or (in any other case) its principal place of business, or sent by e-mail to the other party’s designated e-mail address. The member undertakes that it shall not at any time disclose to any person any information that it has received from Stonewall, by virtue of its Membership Benefits or otherwise, which may be of a confidential nature. As a Diversity Champion, we'll help you embed LGBT inclusion by: A diverse workforce creates diversity of thought, action and innovation. Join . Membership giving is what sustains Stonewall’s programs and operations; we couldn’t do any of our work without the sponsorship support from businesses and annual and monthly contributions from individuals and families. Renewal of the Membership will be subject to Stonewall’s receipt of confirmation from the Member that they wish to continue the Membership Subscription, this confirmation must be received prior to the Members annual Membership expiry date. Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Take action . It is amazing to me that no matter when I show up, the golf staff always gets me out within a few minutes. We work with over 850 organisations, all of whom share our core belief in the power of a workplace that is truly equal. 9.1 A Member can terminate this Agreement not less than 30 days before the Subscription Renewal Date by giving notice in writing to Stonewall. Cancel 1 of 2 Next Keep in Touch. Advertising five job vacancies for free in your first year of membership on. Collaboration and learning from your peers keeps you at the cutting edge of practice. Home; Join Us; Sponsor; Resources; For more information or questions, please email our Membership OUTreach Committee. To get your membership set up, we just need you to tell us a little bit about yourself. 1.2  By submitting an application form and paying the Membership Fee a new member thereby agrees to these Conditions, and will be deemed to accept these   Conditions on each Subscription Renewal Date, unless the subscription has been terminated in accordance with clause 9. Join . Stonewall Equality Ltd Home; Join Us; Sponsor; Resources ; For more information or questions, please email our Membership OUTreach … Hey, welcome! 7.1 From time to time Stonewall may authorise a Member to use certain of its trade marks by entering into a licence agreement with that Member on terms to be proposed by Stonewall. 1 Stonewall shall have no liability to the Member (howsoever arising, including any liability in tort) under or in connection with this agreement for any: 9.6 Upon termination of Membership, details including name, mailing address, email and telephone number will be retained on the Stonewall database allowing for a Member to easily resume their Membership. 10.6 Contact Details: Yes, I would like to be considered for special offers and promotions from select Stonewall Kitchen partners. “Member” means an Organisation whose application for Membership to Stonewall’s Diversity Champion’s programme has been accepted. Charity Registration Number: 1101255, (If you've already entered your information before, apologies—we just want to make sure we start off on the right foot). The Diversity Champions Programme is the leading employers' programme for ensuring all Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) staff are accepted in the workplace, without exception. Please think about your privacy - clear browsing history if necessary. Topics range from Index best practice to global mobility. Click for quick exit. Years of working with employers in the UK and globally has informed our knowledge and expertise. We intend to use our membership to participate in the Workplace Equality Index from Stonewall. 3.2 No variation to the Conditions shall be effective unless agreed in writing by Stonewall. Click for quick exit. Read the latest and sign up for updates. “Annual Membership Fee Invoice” means the invoice sent to a Member in respect of payment of the  Membership  Fee for the following year of Membership. As Europe's largest lesbian, gay, bi and trans (LGBT) charity, we know that people perform better when they can be themselves. By clicking ACKNOWLEDGED, closing this banner, continuing to browse or clicking any link on this website, you signify your consent to our use of cookies. For customer assistance please call: No person can be designee with playing privileges for more than three consecutive years, without the consent of the General Partner, if such designee is not the unit holder or directly related to, or an owner of, or an executive officer of, the unit holder. Monday-Friday from 8am-11pm and Saturday-Sunday from 10am-6pm. Births, deaths, marriages and citizenship. 1.1 Stonewall Equality Limited (hereafter “Stonewall”) welcomes applications to the Diversity Champions programme from new members who seek to promote supportive work environments for lesbian, gay, bi and trans people. 4.3 All Membership Fees are payable within 30 days of the date of receipt of the Annual Membership Fee Invoice.

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