Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. The World War I draft law recognized the peace churches, but prosecuted anyone else who objected on the basis of their own beliefs. Then one day I had a visitor. Although all objectors take their position on the basis of conscience, they may have varying religious, philosophical, or political reasons for their beliefs. About 6,000 of these men went to jail. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. They also managed to produce a twice monthly bulletin. We all recognise that there are people who have perfectly genuine and deeply seated scruples on the subject of military service where these scruples are conscientiously held we desire that they should be respected, and that there should be no persecution. More than 70 died as a result of brutal treatment. Ann has been active in the peace movement for many years - from Aldermaston to Greenham Common - and as a result has developed a keen interest in conscientious objectors, whose bravery and achievements she believes deserve greater coverage. They had all spent a number of days and nights in the air raid shelter, which was positioned in the garden of the ‘Home.’ The children were fractious, irritable and in a state of distress when the ‘All Clear’ was sounded and the nurses escorted the children outside into the warm afternoon sunshine. The head took it very seriously and we were given a lecture about it. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. If you felt, as the result of this war, that you would be treated as an equal would it alter your opinion?". Judge Burgis said O'Cora had favourably impressed the tribunal by his frankness and honesty. This trial legalised mock tribunals. The medical examination after the call up was not all that it should have been, as in the case of Glasgow CO, James Curran. I said, 'I'm not going to pay it.' Recruiting for the forces and open hostility towards the applicants became the norm for days 2 and 3. Even on recreation we were not allowed to talk. The No Conscription League also had branches in most towns and cities throughout the country, and Glasgow was no exception. We use cookies and similar tools to enhance your shopping experience, to provide our services, understand how customers use our services so we can make improvements, and display ads. Later this was extended to married women, although pregnant women and mothers with young children were exempt from this work. It was very vindictive, a very nasty campaign, and I was part of it. . The BBC is not responsible for the content of any external sites As the children had been in the shelter for such a long period of time, Elizabeth decided they would all have afternoon tea in the garden to allow the children to be outdoors, running about in the fresh air as long as possible. The trail was set for Thursday 4th September 1940. Written by Bill Ganzel, the Ganzel Group. During the Civil War, Quakers pressured Congress to allow members of the peace churches to perform alternate service, usually acting as medics who would care for wounded soldiers but not fight themselves. They also claimed that they were cowards, but when we consider the treatment from some of the general public, the institutions, the effect on their families and friends, the treatment in courts and prisons, and the separation from 99% of the population, we have to accept that only a very determined, very strong conviction would carry them through. When he came out he was completely grey, and he couldn't talk. The Peace Pledge Union continued holding its meetings throughout the war at the Dick Sheppard Centre, 48 Dundas Street, Glasgow. Others were bound in straight jackets for days. The trial was adjourned until Thursday 22nd August. The COs unlucky enough not to get granted exemption and to fall into the hands of the military risked bullying, and the writer supplies details of such disgraceful behaviour on the part of the army. One or two of the screws were better, but by and large that was the attitude. Please try again. It was while I was working in London that I had to spend six months in Wormwood Scrubs, for refusing to accept a condition. The Glasgow and West of Scotland Tribunal for conscientious objectors opened its proceedings at Glasgow Sheriff Court on 16th of October 1939. There was no talking in the workshop. The COs who were sent to work on farms were under the control of the farmers and their treatment got so dreadful that there were calls that for humanitarian reasons they be removed from the farmers' control and placed under the control of some other body. The Sheriff stated; "In order to succeed in this case the Crown must establish that an endeavour was made to incite persons to evade their duties or liabilities under the National Service (Armed Forces) Act. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations, Select the department you want to search in. Elizabeth Rose Hook 1943, Dr Barnardos's Children's Nurse. Unable to add item to List. They were always nice about David, but other people took the attitude, 'My son may be killed getting food for your children, what are you doing?'. Between conscription being introduced in Britain in 1939 and April 1940 26,681 conscientious objectors had registered. . "It was considered as being non-patriotic. Second, those who objected to being the military served on the home front. He was twice awarded the Bronze Star Medal for actions in Guam and the Philippines. During the first three days 59 cases were heard, with the following results: National service of a civilian nature, 15. On Wednesday July 31st 1940, Frank Leech, James Kennedy, Frank Dorans and Edward Shaw were arrested under Sheriff's Warrant and charged with contravening Defence Regulations No.
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