shane ending

Enter your email address to subscribe to A Life Less Ordinary and receive notifications of new posts by email. I just watched Shane last night for the first time and I must have missed that scene so its hard for me to comment on it. Shane dies? As he rides over the last hill, his left arm is stiff and at his side. Written by. There is no suggestion, indication, inference, or hint that Shane dies in the end. Gawd. They grunt and groan as they push the stump, all the while shooting each other knowing glances.”. "[citation needed], The 2017 film Logan drew substantial thematic influence from Shane, and formally acknowledged it with a series of specific dialog references and scene clips. And it also contains a very wonderful understanding of the spirit of a little boy amid all the tensions and excitements and adventures of a frontier home. Homo-eroticism? Now, does any of that mean that I am right? Shane stays the night, enjoying Marian's cooking and interacting with the family. He’s dead. There are thousands of movies that employ significantly more subtle clues (have you ever watched The Graduate?) ?…wait a minute..never mind…I don’t wanna know. Starting out with name-calling was an excellent way to help me see the error of my ways. Really? Lahiri, H. (2015). Me? You say that his calmness doesn’t suggest that he’s been shot, but we know that Shane has been shot – Joey tells us he’s bleeding. Ryker hires Jack Wilson, an unscrupulous and notoriously skilled gunfighter. Look at Apocalypse Now. Shane kills Wilson but not before Wilson shoots him. Shane strokes Joey’s head with his left hand and shows no pain whatsoever. Perfect for Halloween - Great Horror Movie Mistakes & Trivia on Kindle... Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade mistake picture, The biggest mistakes in the Harry Potter movies, 25 mistakes you never noticed in great movies, The 20 biggest mistakes in The Wizard of Oz, 40 biggest mistakes in The Big Bang Theory. "), but Shane shrugs it off and rides away. Thomas J. I think it’s important for Shane to die. But – and this is important – my personal opinion is that Shane is dead. Having said that I don’t mean to imply that Shane would not soon die. Just like Ethan Edwards (or Ben Wade, or any number of western characters we're fascinated by), Shane's unfilmed destiny is up to the viewer. For its premier, the studio replaced the 34-by-25-foot screen in Radio City Music Hall with one measuring 50 feet wide by 30 feet high. But, as with all art, it’s a matter of interpretation. It’s not my imagination but my intellect that tells me of Shane’s demise. I had a hard time deciding whether or not to respond to your comment. I like cats, movies, and purple. And, even Freud said that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Don’t you know that? Joe comes into the bar in the nick of time, frees Shane, and then the two of them proceed to beat up Fletcher's men. That’s not arbitrary – he was almost certainly directed to do that. DeWilde behaved. Palance was nervous around horses, and had great difficulty with mounting and dismounting. He doesn't even appear to be hit at all in the gunfight until Joey notices the blood. Fletcher says that he wants Joe and Shane on his side and asks if he can hire them. He rode over the mountains to Alberta, changed his name to O'Rourke, joined the Royal Mounties and shacked up with Shelly Winters. that kid just wanted his hero to come back, and besides, wouldn’t you feel like slumpin’ a bit if you had just been through an ass whippin’ fight and got shoosted in the side, and then rode off to the great wide open without your supper? 45 in the 2007 edition of AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies list, and No. Neither do I. During Torrey's funeral, Lewis's home is set on fire by Ryker's men but saved from ruin by the homesteaders who decide they should stand up to the cattle baron. It’s not my imagination but my intellect that tells me of Shane’s demise. I think it is very glaringly open ended, and with situations like this, your imagination can convince you either way. To the best of my knowledge, no one who worked on the film has ever made a definitive statement as to whether Shane was dead or alive. (Ben Wade, BTW, breaks out of Yuma precisely two days after being incarcerated and was elected Governor of Arizona three years later), Home Automation, Accessories, Cables, and Remotes, The West Wing - When We All Vote Special (HBO Max). and runs away. If you like westerns, it’s worth it). So even in the book, it doesn’t answer whether or not he dies, but it does illude to the idea that he might of. He looks composed, strong, and dangerous. Then he dies a true hero, having martyred himself for the sake of the valley. Marian then says a heart-felt good-bye to Shane, leaving the possibility that they're in love, and realizing she'll never see him again. B. Guthrie Jr.'s script. It just has to get done. It contains a tremendous comprehension of the bitterness and passion of the feuds that existed between the new homesteaders and the cattlemen on the open range. [6] The picture was produced and directed by George Stevens from a screenplay by A. They’re all dead long before Shane leaves the town. I’ve seen a lot men die in the movies and none had final words as coherent as Shane during the final dialogue with the kid. Comments are closed. Joe even says that Shane is the safest person their family could have around. Did you guys miss the last shots of the movie? I asked Jack Schaefer about this. Outside, Shane sees Joey, who notices Shane is bleeding. We need to see his mortality. Joe tells him not to and protests that it is not Shane's business. Third, anyone who has seen the movie Pale Rider with Clint Eastwood knows that it is a remake of the movie Shane. He manages to hold them off impressively but eventually gets caught up by Fletcher's men who hold him, preparing to beat him up or kill him. In the summer of 1889, a strange man rides into a small town. So we can conclude his wound is in his side, not his arm or shoulder. That would take great insight to notice during one viewing of the movie, and I don’t get the feel from the rest of the film that the key symbol to Shane’s fate would be hidden in such a cryptic manner. He is hired as a farmhand by local rancher Joe Starrett who lives as a homesteader with his wife, Marian, and their young son, Joey. There’s no living, and there’s no going back. After the Japanese legislature amended the law in 2004 to extend the duration of motion picture copyrights from 50 to 70 years, Paramount and its Japanese distributor filed suit against the two companies. Bob thinks that the ordeal with Fletcher's men is over, but Shane and Joe know better. The same can be said of the movie Shane. Shane is a western novel by Jack Schaefer published in 1949. The next night Fletcher and Wilson come to talk to Joe. Fletcher, a powerful cattle rancher in town, wants to buy all of the farmers' property to expand his ranch. Does Shane die at the end? Arguing about the ending, one character says Shane died, and the other says "he's slumped 'cause he's shot, and shot don't mean dead. the boat is actually going over the mountain for real, Secular Sunday VI – Crazy Mel’s Church for Nutters, Why I Stopped Watching Netflix’s New Show Hemlock Grove Halfway Through the Season, Creating Smarter Forms Using Geolocation | Web Dev Secrets | Tips and tricks to save you time and effort, A Brief Review of Remove My Stretch Marks (.com). well, the final answer, unequivocably, is that he is alive. [26], The 1985 film Pale Rider is partly inspired by Shane, with Clint Eastwood playing a mysterious stranger who comes to the aid of gold prospectors terrorised by a mining tycoon. You can take two interpretations from that last scene. But movies will depart from reality where it’s convenient. It’s, like, a normal thing. After a brief argument the two men get into a shoot out. Yet, the bad guy still manages to do a face plant on the barroom floor. I’ll give you that his right arm is not dangling by his side, but I don’t think you can definitively say he’s still alive. Buys "Fifth Estate, "Killer Elite: The Cult of the Gunfighter, 1950–1953",, Films whose cinematographer won the Best Cinematography Academy Award, United States National Film Registry films, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2018, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2020, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Douglas Spencer as Axel 'Swede' Shipstead, This page was last edited on 6 October 2020, at 00:56. Shane refuses to be goaded into fighting and returns back to the Starretts. Frank "Stonewall" Torrey, a hot-tempered ex-Confederate homesteader, is taunted by Wilson, who then shoots Torrey dead outside the saloon. Modern films rarely have the same subtleties and subtext that films from this era had. It may well be that no homo-eroticism was intended, but it’s something that I see very clearly and was discussed in more than one of my film theory class. First, at the end before he rides off, Shane is talking to the boy in a manner that is extremely calm and without effort. While Shane is staying with the Starretts, Fletcher increases his push to take the land. Films Set for 3 to 5 Aspect Ratio", Turner Classic Movies,, "'Shane' (1953) - Trivia", "Watching Movies With: Woody Allen; Coming Back To 'Shane, "Argument for the Extension of the Copyright Protection over Cinematographic Works", "Paramount Gets Option on Novel: to Enact Title Role", "Warners Acquire 'Winterset' Rights: Studio Buys Screen Privilege From R.K.O. I cast the first vote and I voted the third option. I watched it because it is a classic and I am trying to catch up on all the classics. I have seen this movie dozens of time. All rights reserved. Shane goes into town to fix their pitchfork and runs into Chris, one of Fletcher's men. In addition, he had the two principal shooting victims—Palance and Elisha Cook Jr.—rigged with hidden wires that jerked them violently backward when shot. Shane Poems . What are you talking about, Kris, I know you’ve seen Shane! Six of one, half a dozen of the other. I guess some people are inclined to see homo-eroticism in anything they can. Ending / spoiler for Shane (1953), plus mistakes, quotes, trivia and more. Marian pleads with Shane to stay, saying that Joe cannot handle Fletcher or run the farm on his own. Revealing mistake: Alan Ladd (Shane) was quite short. Shane, come back! Nicole recently visited the still-standing log cabin used in the 1952 movie Shane. Things don’t have to be real, they just have to look real enough (unless you’re Werner Herzog, in which case the boat is actually going over the mountain for real).

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