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Appearance: - The White-faced Whistling Duck has a white face and crown, a black nape and upper neck with a white spot on the throat, a rich chestnut brown lower neck, breast, and back, barred black and white flanks, and the rump, tail underparts, and underside of wings are black. WHITE-FACED WHISTLING DUCK. Both sexes are simi Blue-winged teal. White-faced Whistling Duck {{purchaseLicenseLabel}} {{restrictedAssetLabel}} {{buyOptionLabel(option)}} Nos termos deste acordo de Premium Access, o seu acesso permite apenas visualização. Breeding in Africa, South America: widespread; can be seen in 73 countries. It is very gregarious and vocal and the sight and sound of a flock moving at dawn or dusk between feeding and roosting areas really is impressive and a memory that will remain with you for a long while. Blue-billed duck. Whistling ducks lay large clutches of 6 to 16 eggs. White-faced whistling-duck definition is - a whistling-duck (Dendrocygna viduata) of the West Indies, Central and South America, and Africa that is mostly reddish brown with the throat and front part of the head white and the neck and back part of the head black. MORE IN DUCK CATEGORY. It has a black neck and head, and distinctive white face that gives them their name, though the amount of white color visible has regional variations among the species. How to use white-faced whistling-duck in … Black-bellied whist... Blue Duck. American black duck. White-faced Whistling Duck guarding a nest - Morag Jones. White-faced Whistling Duck (Dendrocygna viduata) bird calls on American wigeon. LIFE SPAN: 10 years. Both sexes take part in incubating and rearing the youngsters. These are white or off-white and take 24-31 days to hatch, depending on species. The white-faced whistling duck a long grey bill, a long head, and longish legs. Para licenciar esta imagem, entre em contacto com a sua empresa. Family: Anatidae. White-faced Whistling Duck family - Barry Nicolle. Common Name: White-faced whistling duck. White-faced Whistling-duck - Dendrocygna viduata - normal, silver The White-faced is native to tropical Central and Southern America and Africa south of the Sahara and including Madagascar. Category: Duck. Black scoter. The beak is dark grey or black, and its legs are dark bluish-grey. Scientific Name: Dendrocygna viduata. Barrow's goldeneye. Previous Next. About White-Faced Whistling Duck This long-legged duck has a distinct white face and neck patch that is different from the rest of its otherwise brown and black feathered body. Both the male and female whistling duck are similar in appearance, with the offspring typically having a grey, white or ash-grey colored face, throat, and bottom.

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