Ihre Sportlehrerin Miss Desjardin geht dazwischen und vertreibt die lästernde Meute, kann Carrie aber nur mit einer Ohrfeige beruhigen. Nur elf Menschen haben die Nacht überlebt, und es müsste neun unidentifizierte Leichen geben – es sind aber nur acht. Carrie had no idea about menstruation and thought she was bleeding to death. As Carrie loses consciousness, she gathers her last ounce of strength to telekinetically stop her mother's heart, killing her. This film was directed by David Carson. Kinder des Zorns (1984) • Mercy – Der Teufel kennt keine Gnade (2014) • The film -- especially the first half -- had me in a spell. |, April 6, 2015 In einer Woche ist der große Abschlussball. Carrie (2002) Carrie Rating Scores; Vote Now! Tische und Stühle fliegen durch die Luft, Menschen werden verletzt. This remake of the classic horror film Carrie is too loyal to the source material for its own good, and isn't able to deliver any chills or scares. mystery and thriller, The film stars Chloë Grace Moretz as the titular character … Miss Desjardin versucht mit ein paar Schülern über einen Lüftungsschacht zu fliehen – keine Sekunde zu früh, denn das Wasser am Boden bekommt Kontakt mit einer elektrischen Anzeigetafel, der Stromschlag tötet jeden im Raum. Margaret immediately assumes her daughter is a witch, possessing demonic powers. She then looks towards the great unknown and towards the speedway longing towards her new life hidden from everyone else. Rack up 500 points and you'll score a $5 reward for more movies. Enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing Carrie (2002) near you. It was supposed to go on for a TV series, but it didn´t happen, because of the low ratings. Die Einladung hebt Carries Selbstbewusstsein. Verified reviews are considered more trustworthy by fellow moviegoers. Die Verurteilten (1994) • Additionally, the pacing is extremely slow and prevents the story from building any momentum or engaging the audience. Under the Dome (2013–2015) • Hearing this, the gym teacher, Ms. Desjardin, comes into the shower, and finds Carrie lying by the drain in a fetal position. | Carrie (2002) is the second movie adaptation to be released, based on the book Carrie (1974). Sue sagt, sie könne nichts anderes sagen als, dass Carrie tot sein muss. Haven (2010–2015) • This is a movie with no imagination. ENTER CITY, STATE OR ZIP CODE GO. Mr. Mercedes (2017) • Sie sieht ganz verändert aus in ihrem hübschen engen Kleid, geschminkt und frisiert. [walks outside to see Little Carrie] Carrie, what am I supposed to tell you. Miss Desjardin freut sich für Carrie und die Komplimente, die sie von vielen bekommt und erzählt ihr von ihrem eigenen, missglückten Abschlussball. Fredrik Nordstrom schrieb auf Shlasherpool.com, dem Film würden die „Spannung“ und die „Atmosphäre“ des Originals fehlen. It is the third film adaptation (the others were in 1976 and 2002) of Stephen King's 1974 novel of the same name and the fourth film in the Carrie franchise. Der Film basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Roman von Stephen King und ist eine für das Fernsehen produzierte Neuverfilmung des Horrorfilms Carrie – Des Satans jüngste Tochter von Brian De Palma aus dem Jahr 1976. Carrie kriegt einen Wutanfall, dass sie nicht bei ihrem richtigen Namen angesprochen wird, der Schreibtisch schiebt sich mit Wucht ein Stück zur Seite, als Carrie sich umdreht und aus dem Büro stürmt. It … It also featured Carrie as a little girl, encountering Estelle Horan, one of the neighbors, whom her mother calls a "slut." Based on Copyright © Fandango. Stephen Kings Stark (1993) • Sue Snell jedoch scheint Mitleid mit Carrie zu haben. Christine (1983) • (walks outside to see Little Carrie) Carrie, what am I supposed to tell you. SEE DETAILS. Your Ticket Confirmation # is located under the header in your email that reads "Your Ticket Reservation Details". Kinder des Zorns 5 – Feld des Terrors (1998) • By creating an account, you agree to the Privacy Policy The scheme works and the two are declared winners. Als Carrie zu Hause ankommt, erinnert sie der Anblick einiger Löcher am Haus an ihre Kindheit. Carrie is a 2002 made-for-TV movie based on the first novel published by Stephen King. Children of the Corn (2009) • Carrie kann ihr Glück kaum fassen und betritt mit Tommy die Bühne um zum Königspaar gekrönt zu werden. The film was directed by David Carson from a screenplay by Bryan Fuller. Many say it is a remake, but it isn't because it is a far more faithful adaption of the novel but with a twist ending. Fandango FANALERT® Sign up for a FANALERT® and be the first to know when tickets and other exclusives are available in your area. Many say it is a remake, but it isn´t, because it is a far more faithful adaption of the book with a twist ending, including scenes, that didn´t appear in the other adaptations such as "The Rain of Stones" or "The town destruction". David Carson Kinder des Zorns 3 – Das Chicago-Massaker (1995) • |, October 9, 2013 Carrie (TV Movie 2002) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Carrie Schauspieler, Cast & Crew. Funken entfachen einen Brand. The Green Mile (1999) • Carrie schreit und heult, und vom Himmel fallen brennende Kometen, die das Haus treffen. Es Kapitel 2 (2019) • Miss!" Sie ahnt nicht, dass über ihr der Eimer mit dem Schweineblut steht und Chris und Billy hinter der Bühne stehen. Cinemark When she reaches home, Carrie's mother, Margaret White, receives the phone call from school. Tyler Posey realizes he's on his own in an exclusive clip from 'Alone,' now on FandangoNOW, What to Watch on FandangoNOW: Smiths-Inspired ‘The More You Ignore Me,’ Horror Movie Collections and More, This Week in Family Movie News: ‘Thomas & Friends’ Coming Down the Track, First ‘Addams Family 2’ Teaser and More. Carrie is the 2002 and second film adaptation of Carrie. Miss Desjarden nimmt Carrie mit zum Rektor und erklärt ihm, dass Carrie mit ihren sechzehn Jahren spätpubertierend sei, aber ihr totales Unwissen in Bezug auf die Periode der fanatischen Mutter zuzuschreiben ist. By opting to have your ticket verified for this movie, you are allowing us to check the email address associated with your Rotten Tomatoes account against an email address associated with a Fandango ticket purchase for the same movie. Kinder des Zorns IV – Mörderischer Kult (1996) • Cast + Crew; November 4, 2002; Horror; Tell us where you are Looking for movie tickets? Sie bemerkt instinktiv aber, dass Tommy von dem leeren Eimer getroffen wird und blutend zu Boden sinkt. Ms. Desjardin manages to get a few kids into a vent, where they make their escape. Sue agrees to sneak Carrie out of town to somewhere in Florida after Carrie pays respects to her dead mother at night so that she can´t be seen. Es (2017) • Plötzlich geschehen seltsame Dinge. Due to her bizarre religious beliefs, Margaret considers menstruation a sign of sexual sinning. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Don't have an account? Dead Zone (1983) • Is there really such a thing as telekinesis? Der Nebel (2017) • | Children of the Corn: Revelation (2001) • movie theaters are playing Carrie (2002) near you. Film U.S. release date Director(s) Screenwriter(s) Producer(s) … Das geheime Fenster (2004) • Later she sees another vision of Chris before she turns back to reality. Zu Hause angekommen will Carrie sich in der Badewanne säubern. It was supposed to be the pilot for a TV series, but it was cancelled because of the bad and low ratings. Earn 125 points on every ticket you buy. Once she opens her locker door, tampons fall all over her, much to the delight and laughter of other students, except for Sue Snell. The Mangler 2 (2001) • Sue hingegen versucht Carrie aufzuhalten, aber es gelingt ihr nicht. Carrie Movie Information: Type: Movie Year: 2002 (more 2002 movies) MPAA Rating: R Runtime: 132 minutes / 2h 12min Genres: Horror, Thriller, Drama, … Stephen King Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Zögerlich stimmt sie schließlich zu. After gym, in the shower, Carrie has her first period and panics. Sie zieht Carrie aus der Wanne und wiederbelebt sie mit Mund-zu-Mund-Beatmung. Screenplay by Gallery Fandango helps you go back to the movies with confidence and peace of mind. So will Sue ihr Gewissen beruhigen und wiedergutmachen, dass sie mit an Carries Verspottung teilhatte. Komplette Handlung und Informationen zu Carrie The series probably was never produced because of the low ratings of the film. Trivia. Carrie uses her powers to trap her mother inside the room, finally confronting her abuser. Forgot your password? Desperation (2006) • | Bevor das Gespräch weitergehen kann, ruft Margaret White ihre Tochter zurück ins Haus, zieht sie mit Gewalt hinein und schreit hörbar für die Nachbarn, Carrie müsse in den Wandschrank und für ihre Sünde beten. At the same time, Carrie researches "miracles" in the library to understand what has been happening to her. Miss Desjardin yelling at Tina to "Knock It Off". Official Sites Der Dunkle Turm (2017) • Carrie would had gone on to help others with their ESP, eventually setting the stage for a potential TV series. The cast, which features Emilie de Ravin, Kandyse McClure, and Rena Sofer, isn't that bad, but the performances are bland and lifeless. Stephen Kings Es (1990) • One of Sue's friends, Tina Blake, who teased Carrie, begins chanting "Miss! 2002's Carrie will just have to remain this strange oddity of bizarre intent and hilariously botched execution. Im hohen Gras (2019) • All Critics (10) In einer kleinen Stadt (1993) • Country Due to the CGI of the film, it was voted the least favorite Carrie adaption. Sue's interview with the investigators wraps up, but many other questions remain. 11.22.63 – Der Anschlag (2016) • Filming & Production 4 November 2002 The percentage of Approved Tomatometer Critics who have given this movie a positive review. As Tina screams in horror, Carrie crushes her to death with a basketball board. Februar 2020 um 08:03 Uhr bearbeitet. Außerdem zwingt sie Tommy, mit Carrie zu tanzen. Der Musterschüler (1998) • The percentage of users who rated this 3.5 stars or higher. Die kleine Carrie beobachtete damals die Nachbarstochter beim Nacktsonnen. The series consists of four films and three musical productions. Kinder des Zorns: Genesis – Der Anfang (2011) • In einem Geschäft probiert sie Make Up, als Sue hinzukommt und ihr ein wenig unter die Arme greift. In dem Glauben, sterben zu müssen, verfällt sie in Panik. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your email. Distributed by Carrie would had gone on to help others with their ESP, eventually setting the stage for a potential TV series. Carrie (2002) Carrie: Music from the Motion Picture (2013) Carrie: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (2013) Riverdale – Carrie: The Musical (2018) Carrie is an American horror media franchise, based on the 1974 novel of the same name by author Stephen King. The spotlights then crash to floor, and the uncontrollable electricity sets the school on fire. Laura Karpman Dolores (1995) • Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 21. Fall TV First Look: Find Out What’s Coming, The Best Peacock Original Shows and Movies, All Upcoming Disney Movies: New Disney Live-Action, Animation, Pixar, Marvel, and More. We know life happens, so if something comes up, you can return or exchange your tickets up until the posted showtime. and the Terms and Policies, Carrie liegt leblos in der Wanne. Castle Rock (2018), Stand by Me – Das Geheimnis eines Sommers, Stephen Kings The Stand – Das letzte Gefecht, Kinder des Zorns 3 – Das Chicago-Massaker, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Carrie_(2002)&oldid=197014277, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. 2002's Carrie will just have to remain this strange oddity of bizarre intent and hilariously botched execution. Carrie (2013) • Stephen Kings Quicksilver Highway (1997) • Sie beginnt, sich ein Kleid zu schneidern. Stephen King’s The Night Flier (1997) • Liste der Besetung: Angela Bettis, Patricia Clarkson, Rena Sofer u.v.m. Directed by David Carson.
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