Three police officers injured as protesters clash with Trump supporters in San Francisco, San Bruno police searching for suspects in Friday night shooting, Two deaths in separate shootings 30 minutes apart in San Francisco, San Francisco homicides: 2 dead in separate shootings. Then, as the members of the posse scurried into their automobiles, the car whirled and rushed away. The driver caught sight of a gun in the hands of one of the officers and began backing rapidly down the road. They opened fire, and a rifle bullet struck one of the fugitives in the arm and "spun him around." The robbers transferred the loot, hostages, and injured comrade to the Oldsmobile, in the midst of gunfire. The cashier again called out, "Hello, Santa." The second time, however, they used a stronger rope and were successful. A church employee told law enforcement that he saw a suspicious person in a newer-model, blue Buick sedan before the robbery. Estimates were made that at least 200 bullet holes were made in the bank, a number which many thought too low. In the alley, Chief Bedford and Deputy George Carmichael were mortally wounded; Officer Carmichael found himself reeling from a bullet that had been fired from one of the robbers' guns. Judge Davenport ordered Ratliff be extradited to Eastland County jail, writing a bench warrant for armed robbery of the Harris' Oldsmobile. Such warrants are increasingly being used by law enforcement across the country. He is being held without a bail amount pending further review by the district attorney’s office. As they planned the crime in Wichita Falls, the safe-cracker came down with the flu, and the trio pulled in Davis, a relative of Helms and a family man in need, promising a large return for his participation. [3][5] In addition, Ratliff knew that he would be immediately recognized if he returned to Cisco. However, their trail was eventually picked up and the end of the chase evidently was not far because the footprints were close-spaced, showing that they were wearing from the long chase and weak from loss of blood. By this time, "Santa Claus" had filled his sack and exited the vault. The warrant “required Google to identify a large cache of deeply private data ... and then allowed police the discretion to obtain private information from devices of interest.”, Prosecutors argue that Chatrie “voluntarily disclosed his location information to Google and Google’s disclosure of that information to the government did not infringe upon his reasonable expectation of privacy.”, Prosecutors cited Google’s own description of how the location data is used: “From driving directions, to making sure your search results include things near you, to showing you when a restaurant is typically busy, location can make your experiences across Google more relevant and helpful.”. Reporters, including Boyce House, followed the action in another vehicle. A man suspected of robbing banks in Mill Valley and Novato this month was arrested Thursday in Sacramento County. Chatrie’s lawyers said step one concerned 19 Google users; step two, nine users; and in step three, law enforcement officials were given identifying information for three users, including Chatrie, that was used to pursue the investigation. They did not realize until later that they had left the money in the Oldsmobile with Davis. The First National Bank still stands in Cisco, although it is in a new building. The credit union robbery occurred at 4:50 p.m. May 20. The growth became so heavy that further progress was impossible, and the robbers abandoned their bullet-riddled car and the two hostages several miles from town and continued on foot. "Santa" had been caught. She quickly unlocked the door, thrusting her daughter out into the alley while yelling at her to run and, despite warnings from the robbers that they would shoot, escaping herself. I need at least 100k.”. Six other civilians were wounded. Having duped the two jailers, the man who had played Santa managed to get hold of a six-shooter in an office desk, fatally wounding Jones, and violently fighting the second jailer in hand-to-hand combat, sometimes shooting a few rounds that, fortunately for Kilbourn, missed their mark. In March, he was given a sentence of life imprisonment—99 years. The wounded bandits, especially Ratliff, were doing very poorly due to their injuries, lack of food, and the icy, sleeting conditions. This made the heist a particularly dangerous undertaking for the four men, so Ratliff decided to conceal his identity by disguising himself as Santa Claus.
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