Her mother, Ingrid (Michelle Pfeiffer), is a beautiful, free-spirited poet. Please try again later. A woman shoots a teenager for sleeping with her boyfriend. Intense and painful family situations, murder, shooting, drug use, suicide. All children find their mother to be many things, from the all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving figure of their earliest memories to the extremely demanding and ultimately rejecting caricature she can appear to a teenager struggling to know herself. Astrid and her mother had some family rules including one about allowing a man to stay the night. We were unable to submit your evaluation. With a mature subject theme, profanities and suggested sexual relations, the film may fail to meet family viewing criteria. Rated PG-13 for mature thematic elements concerning dysfunctional relationships, drug content, language, sexuality and violence. Many times in the movie, drugs are mentioned - no graphic use, though. We see a scene of a teenager in her underwear. Signup for the Parent Previews Newsletter! As a parent herself, she believes parents play a powerful role in teaching media literacy in their homes. Astrid is forced through a series of foster homes after her mother (Michelle Pfeiffer) goes to prison for committing a crime of passion. But for older teens accompanied by parental discussion, this film could spark dialogue on ways to improve a program that accommodates thousands of young people. Synopsis Under Starr’s (Robin Wright Penn) guardianship, she dabbles in religion, tampers with illicit sex, and suffers a violent attack. But liberating herself means asking some hard questions of the calloused woman locked up in prison—the mother who can’t live with her and can’t live without her. Your purchase helps us remain independent and ad-free. Astrid is seduced by one foster parent and shot by another. A Jungian analysis might suggest that the story is a metaphor for the inevitable separation in all mother-daughter relations. Astrid's other foster homes include Claire (Renée Zellweger), a weepy actress with a distant husband, and Rena (Svetlana Efremova), a money-hungry Russian who rules a ragtag group of orphans. Some characters drink alcohol in a few scenes but mostly while eating. Despite the town’s disapproval, a disfigured man becomes a father figure to a boy struggling in a bad home situation in the film, The Man Without A Face. Overview Information Oleander is a plant. What to Watch, Read, and Play While Your Kids Are Stuck Indoors, Common Sense Selections for family entertainment, Stoke kids' love of reading with great summer stories, Teachers: Find the best edtech tools for your classroom with in-depth expert reviews, 6 formas de usar los medios para que los niños mantengan el español, Wide Open School: recursos para el aprendizaje a distancia, Which Side of History? For 15-year-old Astrid, this event is the start of a journey for self-discovery. There are non-explicit sexual situations and references. Common Sense Media's unbiased ratings are created by expert reviewers and aren't influenced by the product's creators or by any of our funders, affiliates, or partners. Based on true events, Lorenzo’s Oil portrays a positive relationship between parents who come together in search of a cure for their son’s rare disease. Sexual references and situations, including predatory sex with foster parent. The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points. Do you think the outcome would have been different if they had abided by it? I love this movie, it`s beautiful. Are people destined to imitate their childhood exemplars? Movie Reviews Made Especially For Parent and Family Magazines. Parents and caregivers: Set limits for violence and more with Plus. The MPAA rated White Oleander PG-13 for mature thematic elements concerning dysfunctional relationships, drug content, language, sexuality and violence. Family movie reviews, movie ratings, fun film party ideas and pop culture news — all with parents in mind. A woman is an alcoholic but you actually don't see her drink. Unlike getting a driver’s license, there are no prerequisites to meet before having a baby. But the caregivers she meets along the way seem as riddled with problems as she is. Children left without positive role models may be destined to repeat a cycle as deadly as the poisonous oleander. Astrid is seduced by one foster parent and shot by another. Parents: Set preferences and get age-appropriate recommendations with Common Sense Media Plus. WHITE OLEANDER is adapted from a book with language both vivid and lyrical that made the terrible events more epic than sordid. Shuffling through a complex world of foster homes, she struggles to find an identity separate from her mother. The book was selected for Oprah's Book Club in May 1999, after which it became a national bestseller. Haunted by a painful past, Ingrid Magnussen (Michelle Pfeiffer) is a woman given to passion, an artist who wrestles between her need for autonomy and the responsibility of raising a child. All of the mother figures -- Ingrid, the foster moms, and the social worker -- are like one mother splintered into many extreme versions, as though reflected through a prism. Get full reviews, ratings, and advice delivered weekly to your inbox. One scene shows a man sleeping in his underwear. Kerry Bennett is interested in media from both a journalist and parent perspective. No obligation to prove competence. Their life, though unusual, is satisfying until one day, a man named Barry Kolker (Sir Billy Connolly) (that her mother refers to at first as "The goat man") comes into their lives, and Ingrid falls madly in love with him, only to have her heart broken, and … Ingrid murders her lover. Astrid Magnussen (Alison Lohman) is a fifteen-year-old girl, living in California. White Oleander Parents' Guide How did Astrid’s wardrobe change in each of her foster homes? A man and woman can be heard making love. | Through it all, she visits her mother in prison, and it becomes clear that the woman who killed the man who tried to leave her would also do anything -- and destroy anyone -- to hold on to her daughter. All rights reserved. Finally, though, she learns that she is reacting to Ingrid, and that to be fully her own person she must find her own way to intimacy and expression. A third commits suicide. First, Astrid lives with Starr (Robin Wright Penn), a situation that starts out fine until Astrid gets involved with Starr's live-in boyfriend. White Oleander (2002) Parents Guide Add to guide . The star rating reflects overall quality. This is a high maintenance shrub that will require regular care and upkeep, and can be pruned at anytime. Astrid and her mother had some family rules including one about allowing a man to stay the night. Free-spirited and self-absorbed, she leaves her daughter, Astrid (Alison Lohman) in the car while she visits her lover for an afternoon tryst. Characters drink, smoke, and use drugs. An unidentified girl bloodies a girl's lip. Parents need to know that this movie includes brutality of a modern-era Dickensian quality. Whenever Astrid seems happy, Ingrid finds a way to ruin it, leaving Astrid confused and self-destructive.
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