Went the day well? “For your tomorrows, ( Log Out / We can’t tell.How went the day? We died and never knew. those who came home from conflict changed and in remembrance of those who did not return… lest we forget. Exterior scenes were shot on location in the village of Turville in Buckinghamshire. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Hoorah! An English village is occupied by disguised German paratroopers as an advance post for a … A young boy, George, escapes from the church. When you go home, Tell them of us and say, "For your tomorrows, These gave their todays". "Nazis into Germans: Went the Day Well? But, well or ill, He arranged a most wonderful concert at St Paul's Cathedral on the 29th June 2011 at which the anthem was premiered by the St Paul's Choristers in the presence of Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Gloucester. The film reinforced the message that civilians should be vigilant against fifth columnists and that "careless talk costs lives". The film's title is based on an epitaph written by the classical scholar John Maxwell Edmonds. “When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say, (1942) and The Eagle Has Landed (1976; Critical Essay)", "Bucking Up the British in the Midst of the Fight", The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Went_the_Day_Well%3F&oldid=977072248, Films set on the home front during World War II, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 6 September 2020, at 19:20. Fight for what I believe in! Cavalcanti establishes, with loving care and the occasional wry wink, the ultimate bucolic English scene, then takes an almost sadistic delight in tearing it to bloody shreds in an orgy of shockingly blunt, matter-of-fact violence. [1] It is the Whitsun weekend so life is even quieter than usual and there is almost no traffic of any kind. [3][4] Anthony Quinn, a film critic for The Independent on Sunday, commented in 2010: "It subtly captures an immemorial quality of English rural life—the church, the local gossip, the sense of community—and that streak of native 'pluck' that people believed would see off Hitler". The 1975 book, The Eagle Has Landed, and the later film use some of the same ideas. With Leslie Banks, C.V. France, Valerie Taylor, Marie Lohr. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Went the day well? Went the day well? But, well or ill, Freedom, we died for you. For their tomorrow, we gave our today”, “Go tell the Spartans, thou that passest by, It reflects the greatest potential nightmare of many Britons of the time, although the threat of German invasion had largely receded by that point. I’m glad that I took a moment to look, Now, a nice cup of tea and a read of my book.How went the day? I will not make room for a dish-wash machine.Sometimes a poem will rise from the waterI jot it down quickly, less my memory falter.The cat has been sick and the milk has gone offand this morning, I woke with a terrible coughbut a pot plant I cherished, which I thought must have diedhas opened a bud.
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