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Order wholesale women's clothing … The prices for stock clothes are 5-10 times lower than the regular prices that manufacturers establish for their new collections. We give … *Note: If you order items … Premium quality clothing and jewelry do not have to be expensive. Shop from Europe’s largest online platform with 50000 products -24H/7 We at Wholesale Fashion Square source our clothes and jewelry from hundreds of local manufacturers and retailers here in Los Angeles to make it possible to get the best of deals, when it comes to premium fashion items. Having the knowledge and expertise, being aware of numerous nuances of working with wholesale apparel, we’re interested in long-term mutually-beneficial cooperation. We aim to offer our customers fashion clothing from renowned brands in top Western European quality as well as excellent service. Business SizeOver 5,000 square meters of warehouse space, efficient warehouse and transportation logistics, experienced managers – these factors determine our business volume and ensure fast and precise order processing. We at Wholesale Fashion Square source our clothes and … We aim to offer our customers fashionable clothing from renowned brands in top Western European quality as well as excellent service. looking for deep discounts on top quality fr clothing brands? Supply ReliabilityDirect contracts with manufacturers of brand clothing, shoes and accessories guarantee the punctual wholesale supply of high European quality seasonal fashion items. Our stock clothes catalogue includes sweaters, knitwear, suits, tops, skirts, pants, sportswear, shirts, blouses, t-shirts, dresses, jeans, jackets, down jackets. We very much appreciate our repeat customers and prospective business partners. Home Page: Embroidery: Sizing: Catalogs: Help & FAQ: Contact Us: Search Products . We sell Discount New and Used FR Clothing Flame Retardant Clothing at discount prices for energy industry Workers. ACCESSORIES → Caps & Hats; BIBS → Quilt Lined → Unlined; COATS & JACKETS → Coats → Jackets; HIGH-VISIBILITY → Sweatshirts → Vests → Jackets → Shirts eFashion Paris is a leading wholesaler and b2b marketplace for women men's Fashion. Working with POSTSKRIPTUM GmbH, you will be able to expand the range of your products with high-demand European brand clothing at the lowest prices. POSTSKRIPTUM GmbH is a wholesale clothing supplier that offers women’s, men’s and children’s stock clothes from leading European brands. JACKETS, PARKAS AND COATSFOR WOMEN, MEN AND CHILDREN, EUROPEAN BRAND STOCK CLOTHESFOR HIM & HER. Purchase high-quality women's wholesale clothes online from Wholesale Accessory Market. We provide direct stock supply from manufacturers: casual, business and evening clothing, sportswear and loungewear. We’re happy to work with wholesalers from different countries, providing real assistance in stock selection, custom registration and delivery. FAQs; Shipping; Sizing; Reviews; Careers; Contact Us; Track My Order; Blog × Search our store. Our company’s consistency is ensured by our continued cooperation and prolonged contracts of original brand stock purchase with well-known manufacturing groups from Germany, France, Italy, Spain. Our service ranges from a broad variety of goods to the organizational assistance with transportation. Carhartt workwear flame-resistant clothing available at low prices with logo embroidery. SHOP NEW ARRIVALS > Help us make the world a better place. Damaged goods are either removed from sale or are sold as "faulty goods" at lower prices. Ariat; Bulwark; Carhartt; DragonWear by True North; DRIFIRE; Ergodyne; National Safety Apparel; Walls FR; Wrangler; Same Day Shipping; Non-FR Products; Click Here! We are looking for all kinds of partners: retail chains, boutiques, shops, wholesale companies, business wholesalers. Use code 20THANKS to save 20% OFF on reusable goodies, cozy tees, and more! : +49 7363 95790, Fax: +49 7363 9579 100. This website uses cookies, which are necessary for the technical operation of the website and are always set. Warehousing, sorting, packing and assisting in customs clearance complete our services. Please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail, phone, or visit us at our office! Other cookies, which increase the usability of this website, serve for direct advertising or simplify interaction with other websites and social networks, will only be used with your consent. We've got all your protective work apparel and PPE needs covered. FR Hi-Vis Clothing; FR Accessories; FR Undergarments; FR Women's Clothing; 2Q Products; Public Safety Gear; Winter Wear Sale; Final Markdowns; Shop by Brand. You’re always welcome! Reviews. Flame Resistant Shirts at Ariat Flame Resistant Shirt, Cinch Flame Resistant Shirt, Mens Flame Resistant Shirt, Flame Resistant Work Shirt, Cinch WRX Flame Resistant Shirt, Carhartt Flame Resistant … That is why, working with our partners, we follow the strategy of maximum attention and assistance. BY EMPORIO ARMANI, MICHAEL KORS, PINKO & CO. Wholesale Clothing from Europe, Stock Clothes Supplier. No Defects Before sending you each shipment, we thoroughly examine clothes, shoes and accessories. POSTSKRIPTUM GmbH is one of the leading European wholesale clothing suppliers with unmatched expertise of assorting, packaging and mixing to provide a high-demand selection of products, not only for major business wholesalers, but also for companies interested in smaller amounts of clothes and accessories. Subscribe to our newsletter and get the latest information about our new products and promotions, © Copyright 2004-2019 by Postskriptum GmbH • In der Waage 11, 73463 Westhausen, Germany • Tel. FAQ. MEN'S. Contact Us. we are your go to online source for closeout, clearance, discounted fr clothing . POSTSKRIPTUM GmbH is a German import-export company with limited liability. FR Clothing | Flame Resistant Apparel. POSTSKRIPTUM GmbH is a German import-export company with limited liability. Celebrate Black Friday, the Wholesome way! look no further than offers a large selection of frc outlet pricing direct from the factory. Wholesale Clothing from Europe, Stock Clothes Supplier POSTSKRIPTUM GmbH is a wholesale clothing supplier that offers women’s, men’s and children’s stock clothes from leading European brands. Additionally, our inventory consists of various flame-resistant clothing, jeans, and pants. Flame Resistant Clothing for the Workplace - Looking for FR Clothing? Our vast selection of FR clothing and accessories includes FR shirts, henleys, arc rated jackets, fire-resistant coveralls, bibs, and safety toe boots. Amazing wholesale deals on premium clothing and jewelry every single day! 20% OFF SITEWIDE . The economic policy of the company focuses on import/export of fashion clothing on stock from Western European manufacturers. Carhartt workwear flame-resistant clothing available at low prices with logo embroidery. A contract for wholesale clothing purchase should include at least one mixed collection bag; and its price may vary depending on the item and brand (€500 – €5000). Uniform Striping | Quote Request _____ CARHARTT . Wholesale. Clothing ethically made in WRAP certified factories. Go . For business wholesalers, POSTSKRIPTUM GmbH offers over 50,000 high quality items of brand clothing, shoes and accessories designed for European customers. Get Deals Delivered to You! All of our designs are created with lots of love for fashion, extreme attention to detail and adhere to the strictest standards of quality. BLACK FRIDAY SALE HAPPENING NOW UNTIL NOV 30TH! Our fashion items are distinguished by style, comfort, design, high European quality and low prices. Style# FRS160 - Flame-Resistant Twill Shirt with Pocket Flaps, Style# 100234 - CARHARTT: FR Work Dry Cotton S/S T shirt, Style# 102904 - FLAME-RESISTANT CARHARTT FORCE® COTTON LONG-SLEEVE T-SHIRT, Style# 102903 - FLAME-RESISTANT CARHARTT FORCE® COTTON SHORT-SLEEVE T-SHIRT, Style# 101028 - Flame-Resistant Classic Plaid Shirt, Style# 101153 - Flame-Resistant Force Graphic Long-Sleeve T-Shirt, Style# FRS003 - Flame-Resistant Work-Dry® Lightweight Twill Shirt, Style# 101245 - FR Base Force Cold Weather Top, Style# 102843 - FR HIGH-VIS FORCE HYBRID SHIRT, Style# 102905 - FR HIGH-VIS FORCE LONG SLEEVE T-SHIRT CLASS 3, Style# 100432 - Men's Flame-Resistant Canvas Shirt Jacket, Style# FRK003 - Men's Flame-Resistant High Visibility Long Sleeve Shirt, Style# 102015 - Men's Flame-Resistant Snap Front Plaid Shirt, Style# 101699 - Men's FR Striped Force Cotton Long Sleeve Shirt, Style# 101698 - Men's Original Fit, Lightweight FR Cotton Button Down That Fight, Style# 100237 - Men's Original Fit, Lightweight FR Cotton Long-Sleeve Henley Tha, Style# 100235 - Men's Original Fit, Lightweight FR Cotton Long-Sleeve T-Shirt Th, Click on the thumbnails for more information about products. Get Deals! Our vast selection of women's wholesale fashion apparel at wholesale prices can't be beat, whether you're looking for tees, outerwear, or pajamas. a full line of fr clothing . Broad Distribution Geography We ship clothes and shoes wholesale to countries throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America. call 917-745-5931 to order + login/sign up. Jewelry do not hesitate to Contact us ; Track My Order ; Blog × Search store... The strategy of maximum attention and assistance & HER top Western European manufacturers boutiques,,! Save 20 % OFF on reusable goodies, cozy tees, and.! Of high European quality as well as excellent service complete our services we aim to offer our customers clothing... 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