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This resource series, curated by the BGS Cardiovascular SIG, brings together key principles and guidelines on the management of cardiovascular disease in older adults.This section contains downloads to useful patient information leaflets which members of the BGS Cardiovascular SIG have developed and allowed us to share. To continue working on the website, click "Stay Signed In" below. ‘The Back Book’ is an excellent source of information about back pain and should be available from your GP. Patient Information. This article is complementary to the low back and radicular pain pathway available on Map of Medicine 1 and highlights particular areas of practice and discussion points. American Thoracic Society PATIENT EDUCATION | INFORMATION SERIES www.thoracic.org Other symptoms can include: Shortness of breath or air hunger Unintended weight loss Coughing up blood (hemoptysis) Chest pain or tightness These symptoms usually develop over many Patient Information What sorts of conditions respond to acupuncture? In patients attending general practice for the first time with sciatica 75% are better within 28 days. Patient information Research projects Interdepartmental peer review Clinical Excellence Awards COVID-19 resources for managing endocrine conditions Future of Endocrinology working group Leaflets for newly-introduced procedures may be introduced at any stage, whilst essential changes to existing leaflets are made to the published versions as soon as possible. This can only be achieved through a clinical consultation. In 1995 a group of physicians met to discuss their common interest in addressing a gap in chronic pelvic pain research, diagnostics, support and treatment. The Journal of Pain publishes original articles related to all aspects of pain, including clinical and basic research, patient care, education, and health policy. View More. Upcoming Events. British Journal of Pain. There are several acceptable treatments and your care may vary depending on the Handouts — English . Acupuncture is effective in a range of painful conditions and is commonly used for short-term relief of chronic low back pain and neck pain, and can help with the management of knee pain caused by osteoarthritis. Apicectomy is a minor surgical procedure where the apical part of a tooth root is removed and curettage of the tissues around the apex of the root is carried out in order to remove any infected tissue that lies around the apex of the root of the tooth Patient information. Some common patterns of Nerve root pain in the leg. Become a Member. PAIN:LESS CAMPAIGN . Company Registration - No.08156883 Who is this information for? These Patient Information Leaflets (PILs) are specially written by the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD). PAIN:LESS CAMPAIGN. Patient Information Leaflets (PILs) Patient information leaflets (PILs) for allergens within the baseline series. COVID-19 Resources. Information for women is available on the Some Important Facts. This information is for people who have a groin hernia. Publications. This information leaflet was produced by the Parathyroid UK Clinical Advisory Team in conjunction with the Society for Endocrinology and provides information and diagnosis of this condition. Its Patron is HRH Prince of Wales. British Association of Spine Surgeons (BASS), RCSEng, 35-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, Holborn, London, WC2A 3PE. You will be signed out in seconds due to inactivity. Professional and patient related internet sites were searched by section contributors. There is often confusion amongst the public and patients regarding tooth whitening, below is a 'guide to safe and appropriate tooth whitening for patients'. After two years, the International Pelvic Pain Society (IPPS) was incorporated to serve as a forum for professional and public education. Registered Charity - No.1150365. Basic Chronic Pelvic Pain; ... and hope to improve pain and restore quality of life. The information provided is intended for patient guidance only. The archives of the British Pain Society, European Pain Society, Irish Pain Society, The British Geriatric Society and the Steinberg Collection were reviewed together with published conference papers and abstracts for the same time period. Firmly embedded in clinical practice – users lead the proposal, selection and development of all guideline topics – we choose new areas, areas where there is clinical uncertainty, where mortality or morbidity can be reduced. All patient information leaflets normally undergo a complete revision every three years. Disclaimer In trying to help patients with non-urgent shoulder and elbow problems during the COVID-19 crisis, members of BESS have used their expertise to select appropriate and up to date medical advice links on the internet to help you during the outbreak. Of many members and non-members, specialists and generalists, patients and provides information and exercise videos for the time. Fields, Holborn, London, WC2A 3PE vary depending on the website, click Stay! Selected for publication in the leg in the leg PILs ) are written... Rcseng, 35-43 Lincoln 's Inn Fields, Holborn, London, WC2A 3PE (... 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