Take these and laugh at pathetic, weaker opponents still stuck with just the relics their codex gave them. This army went 4-1 at the North East Open, a UK major we did some coverage on earlier this year. Devilfish full of Breachers hopping out to murder things would be great if only it wasn’t objectively worse than just plinking away from miles across the battlfield, but it is. Her other useful abilities are mostly tied to the drones that come with her. They’ve also got some decent stratagem support now, with Pulse Onslaught letting them shoot their best profile at 15″ being particularly notable. The army’s strongest units – Riptides and Broadsides- manage to sneak past many Marine abilities by being neither VEHICLES nor CHARACTERS, and having invulnerable saves good enough to prevent Combat Doctrines from being a massive problem, and just in general their defensive setup can make it very difficult for other shooting armies to win a straight gunfight against them. Post navigation. The Ethereal bonuses aren’t locked, so the HQ slot here adds the one you probably want for your castle. Wrap UpAnd that’s enough about gun-toting fishmen. Fire Warrior Shas’ui: Markerlight, Pulse rifle. As of TGG these can also pack the Annihilation Warheads prototype system, which do an automatic 3MWs on a hit, which is hilarious, and are big beneficiaries of Gifted Pilots/Hardened Warheads. I’ve said it many times here on Frontline and elsewhere: the T’au codex lacks depth. These are essentially “unit” relics with a much broader set of places they can be assigned than just characters. Fire Warrior Shas’ui: Markerlight, Pulse rifle . Do you fantasize about watching your opponent throw wave after wave of their enemies into your gunline, only to fall dead at your feet as they try to charge your lines with primitive weapons? Both of these abilities are fine but are also trivially replicated by a single ethereal (who you probably have), making the mandatory inclusion of the drones (who are a straight up liability in ITC) a major downside of her new datasheet. Outrider Detachment, Tau Empire: Farsight Enclaves [8pl, 422pts] +1CP Even if you aren’t a melee army charging Tau can help – it stops Broadsides shooting for a turn, and forces their other units to at least move and be unable to Kauyon. Or it could even affect different weapons in different ways. 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle+ Heavy Support + TX7 Hammerhead Gunship [9 PL, 175pts]: 2x Smart missile system, Ion cannon, 2x Seeker missile TX7 Hammerhead Gunship [9 PL, 175pts]: 2x Smart missile system, Ion cannon, 2x Seeker missile TX7 Hammerhead Gunship [9 PL, 175pts]: 2x Smart missile system, Ion cannon, 2x Seeker missile++ Air Wing Detachment +1CP (T’au Empire) [33 PL, 512pts] ++ T’au Empire Sept Choice: Farsight Enclaves AX39 Sun Shark Bomber [9 PL, 128pts]: Markerlight, Missile pod, 2x MV17 Interceptor Drone, 2x Seeker missile AX39 Sun Shark Bomber [9 PL, 128pts]: Markerlight, Missile pod, 2x MV17 Interceptor Drone, 2x Seeker missile AX39 Sun Shark Bomber [9 PL, 128pts]: Markerlight, Missile pod, 2x MV17 Interceptor Drone, 2x Seeker missile DX6 Remora Stealth Drone Squadron [3 PL, 64pts] But they’re not nearly as powerful as they were at the end of 8th edition. Moreover, it could affect different Septs in different ways. The Destroyer Missiles that come with the Stormsurge can absolutely ruin someone’s week if you get the Markerlights in place to get them hitting on a re-rollable 2+. If the T’au had a couple of units that had some ability, opponents would have to take much more care in their games against the T’au. The gimmick is basically this – they’re cheap, fast, and fly, plus they mount a couple of drones on them. The Tactics Corner is an informational resource of useful tactics articles for your favorite units for 8th edition 40k! . TOTAL REINFORCEMENT POINTS: n/a T’au have some decent tactics to work with, and very few of them cost more than 1 CP, giving T’au a lot of flexibility when it comes to spending their command points and executing multiple tactics per turn. Priddis’ list also incorporates 6 Seeker Missiles on the Broadsides, set up to eliminate any target that the army’s Marksmen drop Markerlights on turn 1. Unlike most titan scale units from FW this thing is actually usable, and we hate it. Tau Warlords typically fall into two categories: Crisis Suit Commanders and Cadre Fireblades. You can see John talk about his list in a video Twisted Dice put up on their channel. FA: Tactical Drones: 8x MV4 Shield Drone (80), 4x MV7 Marker Drone (40) (2pl, 120pts) Don’t get me wrong: they still have some punch. This idea is one that I’ve seen discussed quite a bit in various T’au threads, and it’s certainly got some legs. Why not! These pull you in a very different direction to other Tau armies, encouraging you to bring units that want to be up close and personal with the enemy and play a much more aggressive style of game, perhaps backed up by some longer-ranged options (which are still pretty good thanks to general Tau abilities). Otherwise, go forth and continue to threaten a fairly minor region of space!Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Related, ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (T’au Empire) [36 PL, 656pts] ++, T’au Empire Sept Choice . HS: TX78 Sky Ray Gunship [8 PL, 146pts]: 2x Smart missile system, 2x Markerlight, 6x Seeker missile HS: TX78 Sky Ray Gunship [8 PL, 146pts]: 2x Smart missile system, 2x Markerlight, 6x Seeker missile HS: TX78 Sky Ray Gunship [8 PL, 146pts]: 2x Smart missile system, 2x Markerlight, 6x Seeker missile ++ Total: [105 PL, 2,000pts] ++ John Hickton’s Greater Good SpectacularTau players got some opportunity to try out some of the new TGG toys between the book landing and the world going in to lockdown, and easily the most interesting successful list to have come out of it was the one Twisted Dice‘s John Hickton used to win the Scottish Takeover.
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