+250 reputation with Undercity. DISCLAIMER: This site is not assotiated with and/or endorsed by the Blizzard Entertainment. Bring 5 Vials of Innocent Blood to Apothecary Lydon in Tarren Mill. I trust the Syndicate gave you little trouble? That should fix the Horde's problem in Stonetalon, yes? Very good! Download the client and get started. Very good! A level 13 Thunder Bluff Quest. That should fix the Horde's problem in Stonetalon, yes? Fortunately the Syndicate, a group of human brigands in this area, employ shadow mages... and those mages collect innocent blood for their own, unsavory purposes. Vial of Innocent Blood Quest Item Item level 1: Related. So, what are you waiting for? Bring 5 Vials of Innocent Blood to Apothecary Lydon in Tarren Mill. They have slain God's people and poured out innocent blood, and set up their own gods, and now they must suffer the wrath of God's judgment in the flesh. That should fix the Horde's problem in Stonetalon, yes? This NPC or object can be found in Hillsbrad Foothills. But to create the toxin, I will need the blood of innocents, a difficult ingredient to obtain. World of Warcraft is a trademark and Blizzard Entertainment is a trademark or registered trademark of Blizzard Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. JOBE scientists who tried to establish what creatures the blood was taken from could only get some vague and ambiguous answers from the Yuttos. Vial of Innocent Blood (5) Description I will create a toxin to bleed the violence from the Venture Company, rendering them weak and docile. Blizzard Entertainment is a trademark or registered trademark of Blizzard Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. Vial is an item mostly used by the Alchemy profession for making elixirs, oils, and potions. We are lucky the Syndicate shadow mages did the difficult work for us. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. Vial of Innocent Blood (5) Relevant Locations. That should fix the Horde's problem in Stonetalon, yes? Description The vial apparently contains the blood of an innocent creature. Vial of Innocent Blood (5) Description I will create a toxin to bleed the violence from the Venture Company, rendering them weak and docile. The Yuttos hold these vials in some regard and they are considered blessed and as having special properties. Bring 5 Vials of Innocent Blood to Apothecary Lydon in Tarren Mill. But to create the toxin, I will need the blood of innocents, a difficult ingredient to obtain. Upon completion of this quest you will gain: Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! ... [Vial of Innocent Blood] [Vial of Phlogiston] [Vial of Primal Reagents] [Vial of Purest Water] [Vial of Sedative Serum] [Vial of Spider Venom] References Edit. Revelation 16 Verses 3-11 The first five vials of God's wrath brings suffering and torment upon the inhabitants of the earth. Did you find the Syndicate Shadow Mages, and collect from them the blood? As I mentioned, the blood of innocents is not an easy thing to obtain. All Rights Reserved. I will create a toxin to bleed the violence from the Venture Company, rendering them weak and docile. They all have heard the gospel ministered (preached) unto them, and have rejected God and His ministry. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. Blood of Innocents Bring 5 Vials of Innocent Blood to Apothecary Lydon in Tarren Mill. https://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Quest:Blood_of_Innocents?oldid=2328456. I trust the Syndicate gave you little trouble? 5x Vial of Innocent Blood. Bring 5 Vials of Innocent Blood to Apothecary Lydon in Tarren Mill. Always up to date. I will create a toxin to bleed the violence from the Venture Company, rendering them weak and docile. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! Did you find the Syndicate Shadow Mages, and collect from them the blood? But to create the toxin, I will need the blood of innocents, a difficult ingredient to obtain. Visit the Official. Most other vials are Quest items. I will create a toxin to bleed the violence from the Venture Company, rendering them weak and docile. Vial of Innocent Blood (5) I will create a toxin to bleed the violence from the Venture Company, rendering them weak and docile. That should fix the Horde's problem in Stonetalon, yes? That should fix the Horde's problem in Stonetalon, yes? Contribute Blood of Innocents Bring 5 Vials of Innocent Blood to Apothecary Lydon in Tarren Mill. You can find the Syndicate shadow mages in Durnholde Keep to the southeast.
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