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Angry Pilgrim An anal fallowers by the use ti a turkey mater ta suck the semen taut ti the weman' a ass and squirting Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA Pa would rise before daylight had kicked nighttime into touch. on Jun 07 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA The literal meaning is not that he will resist by blood or by force of arms. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA Dīcere, earlier deicere, comes from the very common Proto-Indo-European root deik- (also deig-), dik- (dig-) “to show, point out,” and appears in Greek deíknysthai “to show, point out,” Gothic ga-teihan “to show, make clear,” and German zeigen “to show.” The 13th-century English philologist, grammarian, and university professor John of Garland coined the word dictiōnārius as the title for one of his Latin textbooks in which he grouped lexical items thematically. Submitted by jon b. from Fairbanks, AK, USA Last edited on Sep 23 2012. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA style of speaking or writing as dependent upon choice of words. Doldrum and doldrums entered English in the first half of the 19th century. This term's popularity may have been increased by its frequent use on the animated TV show, beautiful, good enough to eat, sexy. on Apr 08 2002. Mardy is a British dialect (the North and Midlands) adjective and noun meaning “spoiled, spoiled child; childish sulkiness.” Mardy is most likely formed from the adjective marred “damaged, spoiled,” originally the past participle of mar, and the native adjective suffix –y. Last edited on Jun 12 2013. Last edited on Dec 15 2011. Last edited on Nov 12 1999. on Nov 12 1999. There was a fleeting reference to the Doctor being in a “mardy mood” during the opening scene. Skip navigation Sign in. Last edited on Sep 18 2017. The English adverbial phrase totis viribus, “with all (one’s) might,” comes straight from the Latin phrase tōtīs vīribus, the ablative plural of the adjective tōtus “all, entire, the whole of” and the noun vīs (plural inflectional stem vīr-) “strength, physical strength, force.” More fully, the phrase tōtīs vīribus is an ablative of manner, just in case it’s on tomorrow’s quiz. When used in reference to people (the sense we are highlighting today), Indigenous may be capitalized as a sign of respect. on Jul 27 2009. Drew was more of an ambivert. The etymology of doldrum(s) is difficult: it seems to have originated as a slang term (and slang terms are notoriously difficult to etymologize), possibly from dold “stupid,” originally a past participle of Middle English dollen, dullen “to dull,” or possibly from the adjective dull. My conversation with the Google employee who told me about the penalty starts dropping See more words with the same meaning: good tasting, tasty, yummy. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA Vīs has an exact equivalent in Greek ĩs (also wĩs in some dialects), “force, might,” a Homeric word that appears in the instrumental case form ĩphi in the poetic formulas ĩphi máchesthai “to fight with strength,” and ĩphi anássein “to rule with might.” Totis viribus entered English in the 16th century. relating to or being a people who are the original, earliest known inhabitants of a region, or are their descendants. on Aug 19 2016. on Jun 19 2018. Urban Dictionary Words of the Day. Garland explained that his dictiōnārius was not based on the sense of dictiō as a single word, but dictiō in the sense of connected discourse. Its further history is unknown, but some authorities think it is related to scornen “to despise, be contemptuous, hold in disdain.” Scunner entered English in the 14th century. For Indigenous authors, writing themselves into sci-fi and fantasy narratives isn’t just about gaining visibility within popular genres. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA "The new Corvette is delish." Last edited on Sep 18 2017. Last edited on Jun 12 2013. a state of inactivity or stagnation, as in business or art. Those who are addicted to the late, great, dearly missed Terry Pratchett and his Discworld series of novels (41 of them! Think you're a word wizard? Last edited on Jun 15 2013. Ever since my school days I’ve always taken a scunner to businessmen. Submitted by zuzu Last edited on Jul 26 2017. ), particularly The Wee Free Men (2003) and its sequels, will be familiar with the Wee Free Men’s constant use of scunner, a term hard to define past “dislike, aversion, or a source of dislike or aversion” (as indefinable as Huck Finn’s fantods). "'We’ve Already Survived an Apocalypse’: Indigenous Writers Are Changing Sci-Fi," New York Times, August 14, 2020. Mardy entered English in the second half of the 19th century. on Oct 22 2010. Usually used in contrast to the near past, as when discussing future corporate plans. Both adjectives mean something like “internally produced, developing from within.” The first element, Latin indi- and Greek endo-, comes from Proto-Indo-European endo, endon “inside, indoors,” perhaps originally “in the house” (Greek éndon, Hittite anda, andan “within”). on Sep 06 2010. Let them eat meat - but farm it properly, a mistake, bad idea, wrong, inappropriate, alternative spellings or pronunciations (list of), CSI Myths: The Shaky Science Behind Forensics. The sound is also called "the sad trombone". Last edited on Dec 15 2015. Diction ultimately comes from Latin dictiō (inflectional stem dictiōn-) “speaking, act of speaking, (oracular) utterance, word, expression,” a derivative of the verb dīcere “to say, speak, talk.” Dictiō, though a word in general Latin vocabulary, is naturally connected very closely with rhetoric and law, two very important professions among the Romans. Totis viribus is uncommon in English; it is used, as one would expect, mostly by lawyers. If a man say totis viribus, he will resist.

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