thomas becket

The other biographers, who remain anonymous, are generally given the pseudonyms of Anonymous I, Anonymous II (or Anonymous of Lambeth), and Anonymous III (or Lansdowne Anonymous). [15] Becket, meanwhile, proceeded to the main hall for vespers. Thomas Becket (født ca. In the town of Strood, also in Kent, Becket is said to have caused the inhabitants of the town and their descendants to be born with tails. On completion in 1197 the new foundation was dedicated to Becket, whom the king had known personally while at the English court as a young man. "[16], Another account can be found in Expugnatio Hibernica ("Conquest of Ireland", 1189) written by Gerald of Wales.[17]. Han blev myrdet i Canterbury-katedralen.. Encyclopædia Universalis. Hans biografi ble oversatt til gammelnorsk, Tomas erkebiskops saga. Kommentaren din publiseres her. [8], Becket was ordained a priest on 2 June 1162 at Canterbury, and on 3 June 1162 was consecrated as archbishop by Henry of Blois, the Bishop of Winchester and the other suffragan bishops of Canterbury.[1]. [1], Beginning when he was 10, Becket was sent as a student to Merton Priory southwest of the city in Surrey and later attended a grammar school in London, perhaps the one at St Paul's Cathedral. Pope Alexander excommunicated all four. On 29 December 1170, they arrived at Canterbury. The first holy image of Becket is thought to be a mosaic icon still visible in Monreale Cathedral, in Sicily, created shortly after his death. Kopier denne teksten og lim den inn i litteraturlisten din: Førsteamanuensis, Universitetet i Stavanger. As the scion of the leading mercantile dynasty of later centuries, Mercers, Becket was very much regarded as a Londoner by the citizens and was adopted as London's co-patron saint with St Paul: both their images appeared on the seals of the city and of the Lord Mayor. He is venerated as a saint and martyr by both the Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion. Thus a "major new feast day was instituted, commemorating the translation, that was celebrated each July almost everywhere in England and also in many French churches". One knight grabbed him and tried to pull him outside, but Becket grabbed onto a pillar and bowed his head to make peace with God. [1], In 1170, Alexander sent delegates to impose a solution to the dispute. The assassination of Thomas Becket, in Canterbury Cathedral, on 29 December 1170 changed the course of history. They were not arrested and neither did Henry confiscate their lands, but he did not help them when they sought his advice in August 1171. Fra da av satte Becket seg som mål å forsvare kirkens rett og selvstendighet overfor staten. Becket was one of the most powerful figures of his time, serving as royal Chancellor and later as Archbishop of Canterbury. Leksikonet er eid av de norske universitetene og "[14] Many variations have found their way into popular culture. The monks were afraid that Becket's body might be stolen. His efficiency in those posts led to Theobald recommending him to King Henry II for the vacant post of Lord Chancellor,[1] to which Becket was appointed in January 1155. ",[13] but according to historian Simon Schama this is incorrect: he accepts the account of the contemporary biographer Edward Grim, writing in Latin, who gives us "What miserable drones and traitors have I nourished and brought up in my household, who let their lord be treated with such shameful contempt by a low-born cleric? Soon after his death, he was canonised by Pope Alexander III. [1] He was born in Cheapside, London, on 21 December, which was the feast day of St Thomas the Apostle. Papal legates were sent in 1167 with authority to act as arbitrators. I 2006 foretog BBC History magazine en forespørgsel blandt historikere om "tidernes værste brite". This was the only military order native to England (with chapters in not only Acre, but London, Kilkenny, and Nicosia), just as the Gilbertine Order was the only monastic order native to England. [20] A stone cover was placed over the burial place with two holes where pilgrims could insert their heads and kiss the tomb;[1] this arrangement is illustrated in the "Miracle Windows" of the Trinity Chapel. Upon hearing reports of Becket's actions, Henry is said to have uttered words that were interpreted by his men as wishing Becket killed. Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest? Med opptil 3 millioner brukere i måneden og In 1154, Theobald named Becket Archdeacon of Canterbury, and other ecclesiastical offices included a number of benefices, prebends at Lincoln Cathedral and St Paul's Cathedral, and the office of Provost of Beverley. A guard chamber (now called the Wax Chamber) had a clear view of the grave. Two springs of clear water are said to have bubbled up after he struck the ground with his crozier. Gilbert began his life as a merchant, perhaps in textiles, but by the 1120s he was living in London and was a property owner, living on the rental income from his properties. Denne siden ble sist redigert 15. jun. [19] On 12 July 1174, in the midst of the Revolt of 1173–74, Henry humbled himself with public penance at Becket's tomb as well as at the church of St. Dunstan's, which became one of the most popular pilgrimage sites in England. [sic][note 2] Gilbert's father was from Thierville in the lordship of Brionne in Normandy, and was either a small landowner or a petty knight. [1][24] The king also destroyed Becket's bones and ordered that all mention of his name be obliterated.[24][25]. Becket was born about 1119,[4] or in 1120 according to later tradition. Da striden snart igjen brøt ut, drog fire riddere, etter en ubesindig ytring av kongen, til Canterbury og drepte Becket på trappetrinnene opp til høyalteret om kvelden 29. desember 1170. fagfolk på bokmål og nynorsk. The knights found Becket in a spot near a door to the monastic cloister, the stairs into the crypt, and the stairs leading up into the quire of the cathedral, where the monks were chanting vespers. He was the son of Gilbert and Matilda Beket. 11:49. 12th-century Archbishop of Canterbury, Chancellor of England and saint, "Thomas a Becket" redirects here. Thomas Becket , also known as Saint Thomas of Canterbury, Thomas of London and later Thomas à Becket (21 December 1119 or 1120 – 29 December 1170), was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 until his murder in 1170. Besides these accounts, there are also two other accounts that are likely contemporary that appear in the Quadrilogus II and the Thómas saga erkibyskups. The name "Thomas à Becket" is not contemporary, and appears to be a post-, There is a legend that claims Thomas's mother was a, "V&A plaque", with latest count; Binski, 225, with a catalogue entry on one in the. In Scotland, King William the Lion ordered the building of Arbroath Abbey in 1178. [11] The king's exact words are in doubt and several versions have been reported. Hans far Gilbert var en rik kjøpmann og sheriff i London som kunne gi sønnen en god og allsidig utdannelse hos regularkannikene i Merton Abbey i Surrey, og han studerte jus i London før han dro til universitetet i Paris. A few of these documents are by unknown writers, although traditional historiography has given them names. The absence of nightingales in Otford is also ascribed to Becket, who is said to have been so disturbed in his devotions by the song of a nightingale that he commanded that none should sing in the town ever again. Becket's assassins fled north to de Morville's Knaresborough Castle, where they remained for about a year. Attempts by Henry to influence the other bishops against Becket began in Westminster in October 1163, where the King sought approval of the traditional rights of the royal government in regard to the church. This sentence also inspired the Knights of Saint Thomas, incorporated in 1191 at Acre, and which was to be modelled on the Teutonic Knights. Thomas Becket drepes foran høyalteret i Canterbury. Canterbury, because of its religious history, had always seen many pilgrims, and after the death of Thomas Becket their numbers rose rapidly. Soon after his death, he was [citation needed], Becket was nominated as Archbishop of Canterbury in 1162, several months after the death of Theobald. Drapet vakte oppsikt i hele Vest-Europa, og det gikk snart rykter om mirakler ved hans grav. [23], The shrine stood until it was destroyed in 1538, during the Dissolution of the Monasteries, on orders from King Henry VIII. On 7 July 1220, in the 50th jubilee year of his death, Becket's remains were moved from this first tomb to a shrine in the recently completed Trinity Chapel. [1] King Henry sent his son Henry to live in Becket's household, it being the custom then for noble children to be fostered out to other noble houses. I 1173 ble han kanonisert, og neste år måtte kongen gjøre offentlig kirkebot ved hans grav. Finally, even Becket expressed his willingness to agree to the substance of the Constitutions of Clarendon, but he still refused to formally sign the documents. 1190−1200. The saint's fame quickly spread throughout the Norman world. Mordet på St. Thomas Becket, avbildning fra det 13. årh. Becket fought back by threatening excommunication and interdict against the king and bishops and the kingdom, but Pope Alexander III, though sympathising with him in theory, favoured a more diplomatic approach. "St Thomas Becket landing at Sandwich (Relief)", "St Thomas Becket meeting the Pope (Panel)", "Consecration of St Thomas Becket as archbishop (Panel)", "Hollywood shines a light on geezers who killed à Becket", "Music festivals: We pick 10 of the best", "Portsmouth Cathedral, St Thomas' Cathedral, Old Portsmouth", "Welcome to Monmouth, St Thomas Church Monmouth", "Church of St Thomas a Becket, Capel, Kent", "Church of St Thomas the Martyr, Bristol, Bristol", Edward Grim’s account of the murder of Thomas Becket, Daily Telegraph:On this day in 1170: Thomas Becket is murdered in Canterbury Cathedral, and becomes a martyr,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia pending changes protected pages, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2019, Articles needing additional references from December 2017, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2018, National Portrait Gallery (London) person ID same as Wikidata, Pages using S-rel template with ca parameter, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Becket enthroned as Archbishop of Canterbury from a, The story of Becket's life became a popular theme for the medieval, Modern works based on the story of Thomas Becket include, There are many churches named after Thomas Becket in the UK, including, As part of his obligations in contrition to Henry, William de Tracy significantly enlarged and re-dedicated the parish church in, There are many schools named after Thomas Becket in Great Britain, including, Among the possessions of the treasury of the, Alexander, James W. "The Becket controversy in recent historiography.

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