Red House, in Bexleyheath, was built for the 19th-century designer and poet William Morris; purchased by the National Trust, it was opened to the public in 2003. [25] However, as the project neared completion, the Morrises moved to Amberley Lodge, close to the site, so that Morris could monitor the builder's progress. And more than one stained glass angel. His initial plans had to be scaled back, due to the high costs involved, but plans were made for building to commence in 1865. Die Kindheit von William Morris verlief glücklich, er zeigte jedoch noch nicht seine künstlerische Begabung. [16], In October 1857 Morris met Jane Burden, a woman from a working-class background, at a theatre performance and asked her to model for him. Unfortunately however, the Burne-Jones’ lost a son to scarlet fever and chose to remain in London, putting an end to Morris dream of rural life in Bexleyheath. I’ll put up more about the Red House another day – it was well worth the trip. He lived at the house with his youngest daughter and three domestic servants, however felt lonely at the Red House and found its upkeep too expensive. A medical doctor, Horsfall had served as a medic in the British Army during the South African War, before moving to Britain and becoming a lecturer for the Social and Political Education League and staunch apologist for the British Empire. There is a tea room and a gift shop. Blog theme Copyright 2016 - Solo Pine. Henry died at the house in 1910, although Maude continued to live there for another decade. A key design tenet of The Firm was a respect for traditional and hand-crafted artwork. The well at the Red House. [43] The flower beds were bordered with lavender and rosemary while lilies and sunflowers had also been planted in the garden. Married to Clara Benton, they had three daughters and a son, who moved with him to the House. Notable names include those of May Morris and Georgina Burne-Jones on their visit in 1897, and the names of Japanese visitors who were in London to collect a battleship docked on the River Thames; among the latter was the future Japanese Prime Minister Saitō Makoto. [10] Having passed his finals and been awarded a BA in 1856, Morris began an apprenticeship with the Oxford-based Gothic revival architect George Edmund Street in January 1856. [71] It has been suggested that Burne-Jones may also have been loath to move from London at the time because his artistic career was becoming increasingly successful, and most of his contacts within the art world were in the city. [17] They were married in a simple ceremony held at St Michael at the North Gate church in Oxford on 26 April 1859, before honeymooning in Bruges, Belgium. [90] Many believed that the house would be demolished to make way for encroaching suburban development, so a campaign group emerged with the hope of preserving the house and donating it to The National Trust; founding a preservation committee, they launched an appeal to purchase the property, with Horsfall agreeing that he would be willing to sell it to them for £3100. Co-designed in 1859 by the architect Philip Webb and the designer William Morris, it was created to serve as a family home for the latter, with construction being completed in 1860. [11] He soon relocated to Street's London office, in August 1856 moving into a flat in Bloomsbury, Central London with Burne-Jones. In 1864 he asked Philip Webb to design this extension. As I wandered around I could almost hear the music being played and see the wine being drunk as I tried to envisage Morris entertaining close friends during his short five year stay at the Red House. [42] The garden was similarly unique in its design,[39] with Morris insisting on integration of the design of the house and garden; the latter was divided into four small square gardens by trellises on which roses grew. Let's journey through the house so you can see where this man and his family lived. I know that I've given away some of 'his story' but I'd thoroughly recommend a visit to the Red House as the lovely volunteers who will show you around will only bring the place even more to life. In fact it was the only house commissioned, created and lived in by Morris and is a building of extraordinary architectural and social significance. [23] Morris would likely have been pleased that Upton was close to the track that pilgrims followed to Canterbury Cathedral during the Middle Ages, and would also have had the opportunity to visit the ruins of the Medieval Lesnes Abbey which were around three miles away. Discover the remarkable story of Jane Morris and her artistic contribution to the Pre-Raphaelite circle. They all looked so scrummy! [19] He wanted it to be situated in a rural area that was not far from London,[20] and chose to search in Kent because it was his favourite county; he particularly enjoyed its geographical mix of large open spaces with small hills and rivers, favourably contrasting it to the flat expanse of his native Essex. In 1950, they unsuccessfully attempted to sell it to the National Trust and then the Labour Party, before offering it for £5000 to anyone "willing to preserve it for the nation". [29] The servants' quarters were larger than in most contemporary buildings, reflecting the embryonic ideas regarding working class conditions which would lead Morris and Webb to become socialists in later life. [26] It cost Morris approximately £4,000, at a time when the value of his shares was dropping. [78] He moved with his family to Queen Square in Bloomsbury in autumn 1865. [77], Morris decided to move out of Red House and sell the property rather than rent it out, although no immediate purchaser appeared. Within a few years of moving into the Red House the firm had begun to take off and the long commute from Bexleyheath to London was taking its toll on Morris’ health. Not the job for me. [citation needed] The same year, it was designated a Grade I [listed building] by English Heritage. Although his father died in 1847, the Morris family remained affluent as a result of shares in the Devon Great Consols copper mines. Chairs from Morris & Co at the Red House in Bexleyheath near London, England. The house itself was a canvas and studio for Morris and his artist friends. An enthusiastic and knowledgeable guide took us round, and there were interesting things to see - uncovered wall paintings, a couple of items of built-in furniture, and the house itself. [9], At Oxford, Morris became the best friend of fellow undergraduate Edward Burne-Jones; they had a shared attitude to life and a keen mutual interest in Arthurianism. [66] Their stained glass windows proved a particular success in the firm's early years as they were in high demand for the surge in the Neo-Gothic construction and refurbishment of churches, many of which were commissioned by the architect George Frederick Bodley. [58] In the dining room, Morris planned to decorate the walls with a series of embroidered female heroines, based in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Legend of Good Women. He took real pride in using the best craftsman for each job during the building work and actually did a lot of the work himself. Taking inspiration from medieval works or art and literature, Red House was decorated in bold, jewel-like tones and the … I can heartily recommend the homity pie but good luck choosing a cake. Rossetti when he saw it for the first time declared it ‘more a poem than a house’. Unable to find furniture to his taste in the shops of the time, Morris again commissioned his friend Phillip Webb to design dressers, settles, beds and table glass all in a pared back, Gothic style that complimented the romantic style of the house. [72] Morris was deeply disappointed with this, writing to Burne-Jones: "As to our palace of art, I confess your letter was a blow to me at first, though hardly an unexpected one: in short I cried, but I have got over it now; of course I see it from your point of view". Of all the property's residents, he would live there for the shortest time, although carried out one of the largest alterations, by removing the dividing wall between the downstairs waiting room and bedroom to create a study-cum-library and inserted a porthole window between this library and the Pilgrims' Rest, which was designed by his son, the architect Walter Hindes Godfrey. Thatched house in Bexleyheath near London, England. It was believed that it resembled the joint work of Morris, Burne-Jones, Rossetti, Siddal, and Ford Madox Brown; as a result, the building's property manager James Breslin described the mural as being "of international significance". März 1834 im Elm House in Walthamstow bei London geboren, damals noch ein kleines Dorf jenseits der Großstadt. The committee returned the donations that had been offered. [98] After the war, the House had fallen into a poor state and the Hills were keen to sell it. The servants quarters house the staff offices which were apparantly ample sized for the workers which is only to be expected considering that Morris was part of the Socialist movement. After retirement he returned to England, moving to Red House with two servants. Wells, and John Masefield, and architects Edwin Lutyens, Giles Gilbert Scott, Herbert Baker, and Raymond Unwin, as well as the former Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald. Subscribe here to get new blog posts and the occasional newsletter. [82], In 1889 Charlesworth sold the Red House for £2900 to Charles Holme (1848–1923), who remained owner until 1903. [65], The products created by the Firm included furniture, architectural carving, metalwork, stained glass windows, and murals. Red House remained a private residence for various individuals from 1866 until 2002, during which period various alterations were made to the interior design. A poem of a house, Red House, Kent The Red House weathervane is covered with William Morris designs Your first sight of Red House from the front gate Visitors at Red House, Bexleyheath [45], Morris and his wife moved into the Red House at the end of the summer of 1860. Mackail, the external design of the house was "plain almost to severity, and depended for its effect on its solidity and fine proportion. Stained glass at the Red House . (Georgiana Burne-Jones). [26] Webb and Morris would work on the design of the house together. Auch wenn das Gebäude einige Ornamente im Innern aufweist, sind viele Stellen bewusst rustikal und ohne Dekor belassen. September 2019 um 15:34 Uhr bearbeitet. It was just a short walk and there we were, looking at the rambling and welcoming Red House, designed by architect Philip Webb for William Morris, his friend.
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