this was good like REALLY good (direction bgm dialogues pacing message acting etc). Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. The Juror is a 1996 American legal thriller film based on the 1995 novel by George Dawes Green. But it said that it is based on first time Korean judicial system using jurors in 2008. This does not work. Park Hyung sik is as terrific as he could be. The movie is interesting and worth watching highly recommend to everyone. Seoul, South Korea, September 21st, 2008. If I was the jury, I would wonder why the jury need to work hard to investigate the case. However, it is different - the scenery has been expanded outside the jury room. "The Juror" tells the story of a woman who volunteers, almost eagerly, to serve on the jury in the trial of a Mafia godfather accused of murder. Based on true story, di tahun 2008 pertama kali dalam peradilan korea selatan menghadirkan juri (8 masyarakat biasa yang dipilih oleh hakim) untuk ikut menentukan vonis kepada terdakwa di pengadilan dengan kasus pertama yaitu pembunuhan ibu kandung yang dilakukan oleh terdakwa disabilitas. O confuso primeiro julgamento com júri popular na Coreia do Sul. In 1975, he won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished criticism. Without revealing plot twists, I will say that the movie goes on a long while - a very long while - after the trial is over, and that a trip to the jungles of Guatemala is unnecessary, to put it mildly. The story revolves around the case of a son brutally murdering his mother, with all factors seeming to point to a guilty ruling. But what do you think? This Teacher is a piece of work. Rated R When the judge asks her if she's read about the case, she says no - but she's heard about it from her son. © Letterboxd Limited. work in progress. 8 jurors are selected for the criminal trial including Kwon Nam-Woo (Park Hyung-Sik). What do you think? TMDb He's obviously the smartest man in the mob, and he gets his kicks by psychologically manipulating his victims instead of just intimidating them. Great execution, memorable lines, and brilliant ensemble cast that brings the film to life so vividly. Movie: Juror 8 (English title) / Jurors (literal title) Revised romanization: Baesimwondeul Hangul: 배심원들 Director: Hong Seung-Wan Writer: Hong Seung-Wan Producer: Cinematographer: Release Date: May 15, 2019 Runtime: 114 min. Mark Cordell (Alec Baldwin) buys some of Annie's artwork and then wines and dines her before she discovers he is better known as "The Teacher", Boffano's enforcer and the actual perpetrator of Riggio's murder. Mark goes after Annie's friend Juliet (Anne Heche). No reinventa la rueda, ni lo pretende. For Violence, Language and Sexuality, Joseph Gordon-Levitt Mikael Izkovellarosy 304 films 19 41 Edit. Annie removes the wire and gives it to Eddie, insinuating she and Mark are now a couple. This list is dedicated to all who thought I wouldn't amount to nothin'. Но рад, что Корея стабильно продолжает снимать по несколько legal films в год. Depicting S.Korea's first juror trial, this brilliant piece of ensemble cast is gripping. Before she even gets home from the jury selection session, a Mafia operator named the Teacher (Alec Baldwin) is inside her house, photocopying family pictures and phone numbers, and feeling up the artwork. Somewhat tame Korean spin on the 12 Angry Men theme. I found "Eye for an Eye" offensive in its manipulative arguments for vigilante justice. Namun juga komedinya tidak terlalu membuat film ini menjadi komedi. Até na Coreia do Sul existe um "INSS" pra fuder com a vida das pessoas. Juror 8 ( 33 ) IMDb 7.1 1h 54min 2019 13+ Kim Joon-Kyeom (Moon So-Ri) is a presiding judge who leads the first civil participation of a criminal trial in South Korea. It was directed by Brian Gibson and stars Demi Moore as a single mother picked for jury duty for a mafia trial and Alec Baldwin as a mobster sent to intimidate her. a list of movies bts have recommended or talked about, جميع الافلام الاسيوية الى تابعتها مرتبة حسب التقيم. as Oliver, Annie's Son, CIFF 2020: Black Perspectives Program Highlights Diverse Voices, CIFF 2020: The Roger Ebert Award Returns to Champion New Voices, Immerse Yourself in Martin Scorsese’s World Cinema Project #3. Oliver is unharmed. **this is just movies ----- inspired by all the lists like this for other sites because they’re my fav way…. Directed by Hong Seung-wan. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google privacy policy and terms of service apply. [2] It was directed by Brian Gibson and stars Demi Moore as a single mother picked for jury duty for a mafia trial and Alec Baldwin as a mobster sent to intimidate her. I could have lived with that. Report this film. Annie travels to Guatemala where there is a showdown with Mark. Profile. Made by fans in Auckland, New Zealand. Seoul, South Korea, September 21st, 2008. IMDb um but why did i cry like six times watching this lol. She uses the tape to tip off Boffano, who schedules a meeting with Mark. Watch your favorite Korean movie the fastest and in HD now. He chases Oliver into a structure, where locals shoot Mark. It holds an 18% rating on Rotten Tomatoes from 22 reviews. Well worth a watch. After having sex with her, Mark reveals himself to be Annie's stalker. Eight jurors are selected for the criminal trial; they are ordinary people with various backgrounds who do not understand how law works but they have to question the defendant’s self-declaration of guilt and seek out the truth behind it. : é só aproveitar o fato de que o hyung-sik é amigo do choi woo-shik e é sucesso em parasite 2... rs. This is the sort of cross in life that many people happily would not bear, but not Annie Laird. Mostly for personal management but hope to serve as recommendation. Mark convinces Boffano otherwise. Annie is foolish enough to think that maybe she can outsmart him. To ensure her son's safety, Annie hides Oliver in the village of T'ui Cuch, Guatemala. He is suave, he is cultivated, he quotes Lao Tzu, he can talk knowledgeably about art, he builds puppets, and he is a psychopathic killer. Wouldn't her mother's instincts at least prompt her not to mention her child? A performance that caught my eye is by James Gandolfini, as Eddie, the Teacher's sidekick. Судебный фильм о первом в корейской истории деле с участием суда присяжных. The film received highly negative reviews and was a box office bomb, grossing only $22.7 million against its $44 million budget. Film data from TMDb. A frightened Annie convinces the jury to acquit Boffano. Annie, also armed with a pistol, fires six more shots, making sure Mark is dead after he tries to shoot Annie with a gun pulled from his ankle holster. Para ler mais:, "okay, but is this really a five star worthy movie?" Koreans for one, know how to make theur movies enjoyable without getting too gritty. Hyungsik is a gem. Mark, furious at Annie's betrayal, calls her, revealing his intention to travel to Guatemala to kill Oliver. هذا هو القانون", Review by Budi Ferizqianto Diana Putra ★★★★½. This is a list about the releases of Art Subs…, bts cinephiles!!! For a 'based on true story' movie, this one is almost too good to be true. It was released on May 15, 2019. Both movies have the same buried plot: Mom fears her child will be killed by a violent nut, so she takes the law into her own hands. p.s. The film received highly negative reviews and was a box office bomb, grossing only $22.7 million against its $44 million budget. The Teacher doesn't mess around. Genre: Law Distributor: CGV Arthouse Language: Korean Country: South Korea Plot Synopsis by AsianWiki Staff © A balance of humor and deeper tone to the insights of a jury trial. Annie, played by Demi Moore, is a sculptor whose art consists of building boxes that you stick your hand into, to feel the strange things inside. He also slashes Eddie's throat. Annie Laird (Demi Moore) is a sculptor who lives in New York with her son Oliver (Joseph Gordon-Levitt); she works a day job as a data entry clerk. More details at In two really unnecessarily ugly scenes, the Teacher shows her how he could run down her child - and he forces her best friend to have sex with him, then kill herself. Pues bastante bien. 2019 Many observations could be made about this choice of work, but I will not make any of them. He pulls a gun and forces Juliet to take a fatal drug overdose. Eight citizens, the first to intervene as jurors in the country's legal history, are randomly selected to examine a matricide case that appears to have been resolved due to the existence of apparently conclusive evidence.
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