the fool killer submarine

Photo Credit- DN-0065730, Chicago Daily News negatives collection, Chicago History Museum. Deneau partnered with the SkeeBall company and put the Fool Killer on display. The Fool Killer Submarine. According to his family legend, a prototype he built sank in the Chicago River and claimed the Fool Killer as one of their ancestor’s creations. Discovered in 1915, this mystery submarine is considered by some to be hoax, or by others to be the real thing. By 1917, Parker’s Greatest Shows had replaced the sub with a new submarine that could demonstrate manuevers in a giant glass tank (and replaced Snooks with a “monkey speedway”), leaving historians to speculate Parker sold the old submarine for scrap, but no one really knows what happened to it – it could still be out there someplace today, as far as anyone knows! (update: in articles discovered after this was written, it was mentioned by people “in the know” that a couple of military test subs had been sunk in the river at one point. Once it was ashore, a startling discovery was made: inside of the ship were several bones – including the skulls of a man and a dog! But the Eastland Disaster hearings were still going on; tampering with the river would have been a HUGE legal risk. Plain and simple, from us to you. However, if in fact the ship had sailed before, the paper saw no reason to mention it at the time, even though the launch of a submarine in the great lakes in 1870 would probably have been an event noticed by papers all over the world, as later submarine launches in the lake were. We explore this little-known Chicago mystery. He was created by Steve Gerber and Val Mayerik.In his brief Man-Thing appearance, the Foolkiller attempted to kill two major characters in the series: F.A. Sympathies on losing your gig, but I'm glad to hear you're going to find ways to keep sharing what you know, and maybe make a buck or two besides. The Cold War is at its peak and the opponents are hostile. While he worked, his shovel hit upon a large metallic object which turned out to be the wreck of a forty-foot long iron submarine. In the show, we say that the sub was found beneath the Madison Street bridge, though this is actually in question. The author of more than 20 books, he is frequently seen on The History Channel, The Travel Channel, and more. Easy option to get useful information as well as share good stuff with good ideas and concepts, Very informative article. Fool Killer Clue? Share … We look at this little-known Chicago mystery. By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement. Copyright © 2020 Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), all rights reserved. 95 years ago, a primitive submarine was raised from the bottom of the Chicago River. Nissen did build three experimental crafts, named the Fool Killer 1, Fool Killer 2, and Fool Killer 3 (see Peter Nissen: Chicago’s Forgotten Hero), and, though none of those were submarines, buying, raising and testing a dangerous homemade sub sure seemed like the kind of thing Nissen WOULD have done! During this time, submarines were being used in battles in World War I. While it’s likely that we’ll never know the truth about the bones, many of the questions about the submarine and its origins could surely be answered today if anyone knew where the submarine was now – but unfortunately, this is another mystery. Phillips, “Fool Killer” copyright 1982, library of congress Number 82-073727 . By this point in the tour, I’ve told about the gruesome deaths of over 700 people, but you mention a dead dog….. The original Foolkiller was introduced in Man-Thing #3 and killed in the next issue. Raising of a submarine called the Fool Killer from the icy Chicago River in the Loop community area of Chicago, Illinois. Chicago-made 1916 Sherlock Holmes Film Recovered! Now, this is where the Fool Killer submarine comes into play. The Fool Killer Ad our post featuring the Tribune ad (from back when this was the Weird Chicago blog), The Fool Killer: More Evidence – a post comparing a drawing of one of Phillips’ subs to photos of the foolkiller. Deneau announced to the newspapers that he had found The Fool Killer, and “ancient, primitive submarine” that had been lost for at least eighteen years – and possibly much longer! While actual details are scarce, family legend has it that Phillips’ second model was a forty-foot cigar-shaped submarine that was built in the late 1840s (in an 1853 letter to the Navy, Phillips did mention building a sub in 1847). Post was not sent - check your email addresses! He had built successful submarines in the Great Lakes and one of his designs from the 1840s resembled the submarine found. If that article about the tombs is online, please post a link; it sounds intriguing! Deneau was given permission to salvage the submarine and it was hauled from the Chicago River on December 20,1915. In the days following the Eastland Disaster, a diver named William “Frenchy” Deneau was responsible for recovering around 250 bodies from the murky water. This is the only evidence, however, his designs resembled the submarine found more closely than Nissen’s. Since Peter Nissen died onboard a different ship, not a submarine, and William Nissen seems to have been alive when the sub was raised, the identity of the ship’s poor victim remains a mystery. In any case, it does not seem to have been as big a draw as the monkey. Thank you for helping us improve PBS Video.

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