son of frankenstein ygor

[10] The script was changed to keep most of the characters in tact, with Neumuller becoming Krogh, who has lost an arm instead of a father, and changed the child's name to Peter. He was portrayed by the late Bela Lugosi, who was best known for playing another Universal Studios horror villain, Count Dracula. : Enter This Link To View The Full List of Clues From 4 October 2020 For Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He even has the Monster kill Wolf's butler Benson in order to keep him from anyone about the Monster still living. [15] In 1952, the company re-released Son of Frankenstein theatrically. The Monster is duller and no longer speaks. Baron Wolf von Frankenstein You liar! | [10] Lee briefly considered shooting the film in colour, but this idea was halted after the poor effect of Karloff's makeup looked in George Robinson's color tests. He is fond of Ygor and obeys his orders. After an unspecified period of years, Dr. Frankenstein's son Wolf, also a scientist, returned to his family's ancestral home, having been brought up in England. Son of Frankenstein (1939) Bela Lugosi as Ygor. Wolf discovers this and confronts Ygor. I don't know whether I... Ygor They wouldn't bury me in holy place like churchyard. Oh, electricity. Wolf von Frankenstein is the scientist son of the madman scientist Henry von Frankenstein, who miraculously created a monster from cosmic rays. No. This put Ygor's revenge on hold for a period of several years. : Dans le roman originel de Mary Shelley, Frankenstein ou le Prométhée moderne, Victor Frankenstein agit seul ; un personnage d'assistant est cependant créé dès 1823, dans la première adaptation théâtrale du roman, Presumption or the Fate of Frankenstein, pour servir de contrepoint comique. After the dissolve of the Laemmles with Universal and the British embargo on American horror films in 1936, Karloff and Lugosi found themselves in a career slump. Son of Frankenstein marks changes in the Monster's character from Bride of Frankenstein. About two hours ago. [2] The film performed well in the box office, with the Hollywood Reporter proclaiming that the film had repated greater returns than any prior horror film in key city openings. Cette imagerie a été particulièrement influencée par le film parodique Frankenstein Junior, où Marty Feldman a une telle apparence (aidé par ses yeux exorbités naturels). Want to Solve Crossword Puzzles? Ygor You see, bone get stuck in my throat! Your father made him live for always. Le fidèle Igor (parfois aussi Egar) exécute les basses œuvres de son « maître », il personnifie sa part d'ombre, il est son âme damnée : le Dr Frankenstein est un visionnaire brillant, tandis qu'Ygor déterre les cadavres ; Frankenstein est un bourgeois jeune, beau et éloquent, tandis que son sous-fifre est un bossu à l'air pervers, intellectuellement diminué, un Quasimodo qui ne tombe pas amoureux. All night. | Wolf ends up shooting Ygor, and apparently killing him. He "befriends" Frankenstein's Monster and uses him for his own purposes of revenge. : And I can promise you he didn't like the costume, which had to hurt him physically"[5] Karloff never portrayed on the Monster again in the series and only performed again on a few one off appearances on Route 66 and at an all-star baseball game. Wolf wants to redeem his father's reputation, but finds that such a feat will be harder than he thought after he encounters hostility from the villagers. [4] Bela Lugosi and Basil Rathbone were announced as cast members on October 20, while Universal announced in the Hollywood Reporter on October 24th that plans to have Karloff, Lugosi and Peter Lorre had fallen through as the company could get Lorre from 20th Century Fox. He came to see. Krogh no want dead man, Ygor is dead! Because I stole bodies, eh they said. No, no, no! [3] Initially, Universal first though about remaking two previous works: The Old Dark House and The Raven but instead opted to do a new Frankenstein film after the success off the triple bill of Dracula, Frankenstein and Son of Kong at Los Angeles' Regina Theatre on Wilshire Boulevard. I was dead and he brought me to life. [8], Further issues caused issues with production including exterior shooting that was plagued by rainfall and cold which forced Lee to halt some filming. They hanged me once Frankenstein. : All dead! He decides to revive it to prove his father was right and to restore honor to his family. [14] The next day, producer George Waggner was instructed to order the same type of make-up that Karloff wore for the new actor portraying the monster with instructions that changing the appearance may "kill the interest of Frankenstein follower. [10] But is stopped as Wolf enters and Neumüller and his forces shoot the creature and falls into a pit. According to the documentary Universal Horror (1998), the film was intended to be shot in color. Le personnage, interprété par Dwight Frye, se nomme cependant Fritz et non Igor. Not much is known about Ygor's life prior to the films he is featured in. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It's alright. [2] Universal's declining horror output was revitalized with the enormously successful Son of Frankenstein. After Wolf learns what Ygor has done, He goes out to the laboratory to confront him. When the abduction is discovered, Krogh and Wolf pursue the Monster to the nearby laboratory, where a struggle ensues, during which the Monster tears out Krogh's false arm. For two years, horror films were out of the New Universal Studios line up. Baron Wolf von Frankenstein : I should turn you over to Inspector Krogh! [20], Gary Don Rhodes wrote that Son of Frankenstein received "stronger reviews than generally met other horror films. The screenplay written by Willis Cooper was initially rejected and early drafts of the film predominantly only carried the characters that would be used in the final film. Frankenstein discovers among the castle the remains of the Monster (Boris Karloff) and decides to try save his family name by resurrecting the creature to prove his father right but finds that monster only responds to Ygor's commands. The first cut of the film ran over 100 minutes and was cut down with the final cost of the production being $420,000. : The film stars Basil Rathbone as Baron Wolf von Frankenstein along with his wife Elsa (Josephine Hutchinson) and son Peter (Donnie Dunagan) who return to his late father's estate. Company Credits The film ends with the village turning out to cheer the Frankenstein family as they leave by train. Where? Baron Wolf von Frankenstein (Basil Rathbone), son of Henry Frankenstein, relocates his wife Elsa (Josephine Hutchinson) and their young son Peter (Donnie Dunagan) to the family castle. [19] The company decided on the latter. [8][12] In the November 30 issue of The Hollywood Reporter, Universal announced that the staff had doubled on the cutting and scoring of Son of Frankenstein in order to meet its scheduled release date. Have you seen Benson? "[21] Kate Cameron of The New York Daily News declared that Lee "created an eerie atmosphere for the story and he has put into the working out of the plot enough horror to send the chills and shivers racing up and down the spectators' backs"[21] B. R. Crisler of The New York Times reported that the film could be considered "the silliest picture ever made", yet implements "a very shrewd silliness, perpetrated by a good director in the best traditions of cinematic horror, so that even while you laugh at its nonsense you may be struck with the notion that perhaps that's as good a way of enjoying oneself at a movie as any".

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