Maple: This name comes from a type of tree. 74. His name is already BANDIT , but we were also thinking of naming him DIABLO, which means devil in Spanish. 14. Miyu: Beautiful He was beautiful and had blue eyes!!! 22. 82. What Does Seeing a Dead Person Alive in My Dream Mean? Frontier: This is a perfect choice for your frontier dog. 00:21:57 Name's Shasta and I'm an Alaskan Husky. You have entered an incorrect email address! Just decided on Irie for a name. Not all the actors or the characters they portrayed were in all 48, but the three or four main actors and their characters stuck together for a good share of them. So happy to hear your story, I miss my husky so much I lost her 4 years ago her name was Inga ❤️. 95. Pepper: This is an adorable name for a black dog. I hope we get her! The pups team up with Shasta and enter an exciting dog-sled race across Alaska. I’m making a story about a person that works at a pound, with 34 huskies and I could only thing of three names, Willow, Lusa, and Sheba, all Huskies I have now. Although we will only list a few below. Jake and Anna are both reds with brown eyes. We were devastated by his loss… we notice many things about Juneau that are similar to Judah. Anastasia: This is a fun, Russian name for a husky. The pandemic's biggest beneficiaries: Billionaires, Oscar winner explains why Trump 'must win' election, Ex-WH lawyers: Contract Melania's aide signed 'bizarre', Florida coach's confidence couldn't beat COVID, 'Home Improvement' actor arrested for assault, Former education secretary advocates year-round schooling, $421M in debt: Trump calls it 'a peanut,' but challenges lie ahead, UFC fighter outraged over being awarded win. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. i like Bandit Athena Buck BO Baxter Buster Dexter Jaxen Teddy Max Maximus Tucker Milo Bentley Duke these are some of my favorite names you mite like some to though. Renegade, the thief who steals all the toys and treats he can get away with. All Rights Reserved. To get her up I had to help her. Your email address will not be published. The other is black, white and beige she has greenish brown eyes she’s Dakota. We had a red and white Siberian husky,her name was foxy,what a beautiful,great nature dog. 67. Nola I have huskies named little pooper, and big pooper cause of their poops, I have a red husky named Mocha and black/gray named Mika (long E), I have two huskies. And if you love the Husky breed, you’re going to love our guide to the miniature Husky! 76. In 1963, he pulled a Red Huskies are another popular colour. I’m getting a male husky today and can’t think of any names. Ranger: Huskies love to wander and “range” around, so this name makes sense. Rin: dignified She was pied eyed with one blue eye & one half blue and half brown eye. 15. I had a black & white Siberian with beautiful blue eyes. At the top of the heap is that gang of ruffians from the Big Apple, the Bowery Boys, who were in a total of 48 flicks. 95. Dakota Maverick: This is a wonderful dog for a husky who likes to chart his own course in life. I don’t know why but for some reason I like the name Ever which just might be my next husky’s name. Sky: This sounds like an awesome name. To get you started on naming your husky, we have compiled a list of 100 male husky dog names that you can choose. 29. Am I the only one that thinks Deadpool is cringe? If you love to hike or run marathons though, this is definitely the perfect dog for you. If you want to know more of the grisly details leading to the death of five puppies during the shoot, check out the blogs which accompany the User Comments and other info about this film. Maybe none of the above names have inspired you. Maybe Maya or Miska? “ Diego” Strong, fearless, and loving. 96. And before that, the gang made 38 more movies as the East Side Kids and Dead End Kids-all told, more than Chan and Holmes combined. That’s a wonderful idea! Wolf: This is a great option for a husky that looks like a wolf. Romeo who loved everyone and slathered you with kisses. Another spin-off of the Air Bud films, this is one film your dog-loving daughter may enjoy, but will give you torture. Just got a Siberian Husky male today 3 months. Siberian Huskies came to the Americas when they were brought to Alaska as working dogs during the gold rush in the early 1900’s. 54. They are called B-Dawg, Buddha, Rosebud, Mud Bud, and Budderball. 51. 63. Myka My mom wanted me to walk to the store for bread. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. I’ve been considering getting another Husky. Walt Disney's Snow Buddies falls into this category. Died @ 16 ?. Silver is sturdy and strong and Shadow sounds too sissy for a Husky. North Star: This is just a pretty name. Ellaria Blaze: This sounds like an awesome name for a male husky. 58. Even though the Buddies are arguably the most recognizable canine characters from the movie, Shasta the Siberian Husky was a scene stealer. Below are just a few examples. Balto: This was the name of the famous dog from the 1920s who saved the lives of children by bringing medicine to a hard-to-reach village in Alaska. Katsu: Victor While it is technically a male name, we think it would be great for a female husky name as well. He tragically died quite young. He lived 16 years he passed away with our family by his side. They are my life!! How do you think about the answers? Silver: This is a cute name for a silver dog. We believe he’s reincarnated from our previous dog/son named Judah… he died at age 10, 10wks before Juneau was born, the gestation period of dogs. What, you ask, does this have to do with SNOW BUDDIES? I named her “SESI” I was undecided with other names like Suka one of them.. but I end up with sesi better. Gizmo 98. What Does It Mean If I Keep Seeing the Same Person... What Does It Mean When You Dream of Getting Shot by... What Does It Mean to Dream About a Guy You’ve Never... What Does It Mean If You Dream About Your Dead Father. Find all lines from this movie. This is a movie which can easily be categorized as being exclusively for children and I am sure few grown ups will appreciate it. Cheyenne: This is the name of a Native American tribe that lives in the United States. Sierra: This name comes from a mountain range. Chaos Rogue who will steal your heart and then your shoes… Pixie , the instigator of all mischief then sit back and watch the results of her work. Source Shasta is a young husky in the movie Snow Buddies. Once you have found the perfect husky, the next step is finding the right female husky dog names. The film follows the story of Buddy and Molly's puppies in Washington. 60. 9. His name suits him well. A BIG boy, we named him Apollo. 56. Faith: This is a great name for a faithful dog. Which mean Prince in Japanese, I have 3 Siberian huskies. Did they say it was Parvo? Wrangler: This is a fun-sounding name. One dark grey blue and one light blue. 10. She also has bright blue eyes that earned her the name “Selene”, after the vampire girl from the movie Underworld. Lovely to meet you. It was released on DVD on February 5, 2008. The puppies meet up in the park and decide to play hide and seek. But they are also described as very friendly and loyal. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. So you could choose a native Siberian first name for your Husky. It’s only been 6 months, so I can’t even think of getting another for a while. Here are some Husky names male dogs will love: Let us know in the comments section below if you can think of any other famous inspiration for a new Husky’s name male dogs will suit! 71. It was shot on location in Canada at Mount Seymore and the town of Ladner, British Columbia. Bright blue eyes a beautiful little girl. You could also shorten it to just star. Anouk: While this sounds like a Russian name for a Siberian dog, it is actually the French variation of Anna. my girl was named Narla she passed away from cancer late last year aged 12. Jul 23, 2020 - Explore Tammy Cook's board "Hallmark Snow Buddies", followed by 656 people on Pinterest. LOBO- wolf in Spanish I’ve had 4 Sibes and 3 I named. Let us know what name you eventually chose for your Husky. They were bred by the Chuckchi (even this could make a great Husky name!).
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