shenandoah choir and orchestra

Titles with MINTS information allow you to view the ranges of each part at a glance. Center for Teaching, Learning & Technology, ShenCo Rising: Shenandoah Conservatory COVID-19 Reopening Plan, Recommend an Employee as a “Step-Up Star”, Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology. Copyright © document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); J.W. Concert Band CD. An interesting twist on a familiar classic, this arrangement will be a … Best A simple, plaintive opening sets the stage for this remarkable arrangement of a classic folk song. Buy Shenandoah (SSAATTBB ) arr. My Library. TTBB . A beautiful piano accompaniment brings an independent voice to the, A plaintive optional oboe solo floats above an expressive piano accompaniment in this inspired arrangement of the much loved American folk song. Price. A minimum quantity of 5 is required on this title. While at Shenandoah he has been featured in concerto performances with the Wind Ensemble in Michael Daugherty’s "Brooklyn Bridge" and Rossini’s Introduction, Theme and Variations, and with the Symphony Orchestra in Debussy’s "Premiere Rhapsody," Strauss’ Duet Concertino, the Copland Concerto, and the Clarinet Concerto by William Bolcom. Ludovico Einaudi’s “Night” arranged for clarinet choir and backing track performed in a collaboration between the Clarinet Choir and dance students at Shenandoah Conservatory. The Clarinet recently described his playing as, “remarkable, his tone is beautiful and he shows complete mastery of all the technical demands and effects that are required of this piece, his artistry and virtuosity are compelling. Pepper & Son®, Inc. *All prices are subject to publisher revision, A simple and elegant arrangement of the beautiful melody Shenandoah as recorded on the 2010 Canadian Brass album, Brass Quintet with opt. Your choir will enjoy, Editors' Choice An exceptionally nice arrangement of the well-known folksong shows the ensemble to great advantage. Beautiful! This is one of the finest clarinet performances I have reviewed.” The Washington Post recently described a performance of his with Antares as, “an utterly commanding performance, technically superb and radiant with otherworldly majesty all played with exceptional insight.”. ® A lovely lilting arrangement of American Folk Song ‘Shenandoah’ in 6/8 time for Flute Choir. view details. He made his solo debut at the age of seventeen in Weber’s Concerto No. A beautiful setting of this famous melody in an arrangement that's as flexible as it is musical. Download and buy printable sheet music online at JW Pepper. Upcoming projects include CD recordings and commissioned works. Clarinetists in the Music Performance, Music Education and Music Production & Recording Technology degree programs from Shenandoah Conservatory perform Ēriks Ešenvald’s “Only in Sleep” arranged for clarinet choir by Mariana Mihai-Zoeter. The respect and reverence for the tune and history is kept, but the addition of nontraditional harmonies, the ethereal and rhapsodic, Mark's extremely expressive and emotive arrangement of the beloved American folk song is complemented by beautiful harmonies and a rich accompaniment. A second soloist joins in shortly after the beginning to. A beautiful setting of this famous melody in an arrangement that's as flexible as it is musical. Concert Band CD. A committed teacher as well as performer, Zoeter serves as the Anna Lee Van Buren Chair in Clarinet, Coordinator of Winds and Percussion and Associate Professor of Clarinet at Shenandoah Conservatory. p: 1.800.345.6296 Score Key: F major (Sounding Pitch) ( View more F major Music for Choir ) A delightful arrangement of this all time classic folksong arranged with beautiful melodic layering and flowing counter melodies. offstage Trumpets. Number. Pepper & Son®, Inc. *All prices are subject to publisher revision, A simple and elegant arrangement of the beautiful melody Shenandoah as recorded on the 2010 Canadian Brass album, Brass Quintet with opt. [email protected] The ensemble typically presents six different programs each season, including a full opera production and a program featuring winners of the annual Student Soloists Competition. Mon - Fri 9:00am - 6:00pm ET, Terms of Service | Privacy | Accessibility Statement | Site Map Your trio or quartet will really like this creative arrangement of the familiar folk melody Shenandoah. 1460 University Drive Winchester, VA 22601. Recent performances include a concert at the Teatrul Maria Filloti in Braila, Romania, the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., and the 25th Festival of Chamber Music in Belem, Brasil. From a soft beginning where woodwinds figure prominently, through the low brass carrying the melody,... MUSIC OF MICHAEL SWEENEY #2 CD-P.O.P. This breathtaking setting for band makes a stunning addition to any concert program. The shimmering beauty of one of America's favorite folksongs prevails throughout this work. They regularly perform throughout the world in such unique venues as the Opera Houses of Manaus and Belem in Brasil. 3304609. Your trio or quartet will really like this creative arrangement of the familiar folk melody Shenandoah. Rich timbres and fluid arpeggios enhance the beauty of this heartfelt, This exquisite setting of the beloved American folk song has been artistically arranged for unison or two-part treble choirs of any age. Thi This arrangement of the tale of a Native American maiden and her love, captured in this beloved folk song, begins and ends with a solo voice. Titles with MINTS information allow you to view the ranges of each part at a glance. for SATB and orchestra or piano four hands The accompaniment sets the tone of the loss and longing associated with this popular folk song, by imitating serene rolling waters underneath the choir's melody.... view details. Zoeter is the founding member of the acclaimed multi-award-winning clarinet, violin, cello, piano quartet Antares. A lone trumpet is heard playing. We're Here. A minimum quantity of 5 is required on this title. Repertoire studied and performed spans a wide range, from traditional works for clarinet ensemble to modern compositions and works written especially for the various ensembles by Shenandoah Conservatory faculty and student composers. Explore the Best New Music », Need Help? you to highlight this beautiful melody and your students young voices. From 1997 to 2012 with Antares, he annually gave performances around the United States at prestigious venues as the Kennedy Center, La Jolla Chamber Music Society, Aspen Music Festival, Strathmore, Ensemble Music Society of Indianapolis, Carnegie Hall, Market Square Concerts, The Library of Congress, The Los Angeles Museum of Modern Art, and Cincinnati Chamber Music Society. p: 1.800.345.6296 Close harmonies, interesting voice leading, This arrangement brings a new depth and beauty to this American classic. In the video, the Choir performs Mack Wilberg’s arrangement of “Shenandoah," with lyrics below. In the spring of 2016 he performed the world premiere of Andrew Reinfleisch’s Clarinet Concerto with the Shenandoah Conservatory Wind Ensemble. Explore the Best New Music », Need Help? The clarinet choir  is featured on their own YouTube channel, and two of their videos were recently selected among the top ten clarinet videos of 2010 by the Clarinet Cache website. The Clarinet Choir at Shenandoah Conservatory serves to augment and enhance individual weekly clarinet lessons through in-depth study of the rich clarinet ensemble chamber literature. My Library. Description. Teaching Music Through Performance in Band #4 4 CDs Concert Band CD 4 CD Set: Grades 2-3, COMPOSERS COLLECTION FRANK TICHELI Concert Band CD. Ricky Lombardo involves all parts with multiple countermelodies and weaving harmonies, and works through... Jeff funk has created a remarkably sensitive and highly musical arrangement of one of our most revered American folk melodies. We're Here. The vocal lines are gorgeous and only enhanced by the well-crafted piano accompaniment. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir has been performing “Shenandoah” for years, and it is included on the 2004 album, America's Choir: Favorite Songs, Hymns, & Anthems, which is a companion to the documentary America’s Choir. watch. Refreshing key changes and dynamics enhance the beauty of this arrangement.... EPrint is a digital delivery method that allows you to purchase music, print it from your own printer and start rehearsing today. From a soft beginning where woodwinds figure prominently, through the low brass carrying the melody,... MUSIC OF MICHAEL SWEENEY #2 CD-P.O.P.

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