A bus compressor can really add some magic, but if the wrong settings are dialed in, it can really ruin your drums & you can lose your punch & energy. Couple that with the overall mix bus compressor and it's usually enough. attack/release compressions settings for drum compression. All of my drum compression happens individually on a drum by drum basis. Let’s look at 4 separate ways you can use drum bus compression in a step by step manner. I set the input of this new track to a bus that is available, then rename that bus “drum P” or “smack” or whatever you want so you can know that’s your drum parallel compression track. I set the attack to fast and the thresh hold very low so it smashes the transients. https://ledgernote.com/.../understanding-mix-bus-compression Using a sidechain with a HPF will definitely help if you're going for some overall compression on your drum bus. I use sends to feed the drum tracks I want to this bus. Then I will go to my original drum tracks, Kick, Snare, toms, etc etc.. and from each of these tracks, send a copy of them to that new parallel drum track you created and titled. I never really use it to be honest with you. #12 BLUElightCory, Aug 15, 2009. compressing the perfect drum bus These quick production tips will definitely save you time in the studio and improve your workflow. With that in mind, drum bus compression is no doubt a popular and highly useful form of compression – one that can be used to easily create a cohesive sound amongst the percussive instrumentation in a song. I also create a stereo DRUM FX bus to which I insert a compressor.
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