Certificate: G They quickly launch off, just before the ground begins to break apart.
Sci-Fi. Starship Ikaria XB 1 embarks on a long journey across the universe to search for life on the planets of Alpha Centauri. Harrington added several American-made scenes starring Basil Rathbone and Faith Domergue, which replaced scenes of two of the Russian cast, and dubbed the dialogue to English. The cosmonauts aboard the Sirius (Ilya, Roman and Alyosha) and aboard the Vega (Ivan and Allan, and one woman, Masha) all agree that proceeding with the landing and exploration is better than waiting two months, so Ivan and Allan, with their large robot assistant "John" (now partly dis-assembled for flight), descend in their glider spacecraft from the Vega to Venus, leaving Masha in orbit to monitor communications between the ships and ground crews....but all contact is lost with her after they land in a misty swamp. Login to be first!
A … 100. A lot of unexpected dangers await them on the uncharted planet. During the search in their hovercar over ocean water near a beach, the Sirius crew submerge themselves in the hovercar to escape an attack by a large flying pterosaur-like creature. Despite this the astronauts decide to land on Venus and continue the mission. The music and background sound were good. Rising into space, they suddenly regain radio-contact from Masha, who tells them she finally decided to remain in orbit for them, as she was ordered to. Despite this the astronauts decide to land on Venus and continue the mission. But the Capella is suddenly struck by a large meteorite and completely destroyed, killing all aboard. At the approach to Venus one of the spacecraft was destroyed after clash with a meteor. Be the first one to write a review. Suddenly an avalanche cuts them out from the rest of the world and strange things are going to happen. Yes! Планета Бурь ¨Planeta Bur¨¨Planet of Storms¨ is a 1962 Soviet science fiction film directed by Pavel Klushantsev. However, they find themselves in danger from the voracious monsters they find on it. Planet of Storms (Russian Title: Planeta Bur / Планета бурь) is a 1961 classic Soviet science-fiction movie directed by Pavel Klushantsev based on novel by Aleksandr Kazantsev. Media. A rocket from a distant planet approaching Earth must land on Mars due to a technical defect, thus the inhabitants of the Earth rush to their help. The gigantic, tall Sirius spacecraft gently lands upright and vertically on its four shock-absorber wing struts, but at a different, volcanic-terrain location, and because the atmosphere is poisonous, the men exit the Sirius in their protective spacesuits and helmets....While wandering around some large boulders, Aloysha is suddenly attacked and dragged by a large carnivorous plant creature toward its mouth, but he is quickly rescued by Ilya and Roman. (1962). None of it is bad. A fictional cannon is used to shoot at a huge flying creature. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Was this review helpful to you? During the rush, Alyosha discovers that his strange rock has crumbled apart to reveal a small sculpture....of a beautiful woman's face, proving there is intelligent life on Venus. Availability of videosources Needs clarification of possibility of digitizing in HD. Космическая одиссея Павла Клушанцева, "Rockets from Russia: great Eastern Bloc science-fiction films", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Planeta_Bur&oldid=978469738, Articles containing Russian-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 15 September 2020, at 03:30. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. (1961) Film-document №60951 9 parts, Duration: 1:18:29 to collection Price category G. Full film ; 1; Movie 1 1:18:29. During their trip back to the Sirius, they again see another gigantic brontosaur-like creature, and some other fin-backed dinosaur-like animals. View production, box office, & company info, The Soviet sci-fi film reworked by Francis Ford Coppola, Back to the Future, Past Movies Set Today (2020).
By the way some years later this movie was edited by director Curtis Harrington as "Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet". 7 of 8 people found this review helpful. Directed by Pavel Klushantsev. Cosmonauts land on the planet Venus. I shall not spoil the secret, but it's worth the wait. From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games, http://www.imfdb.org/index.php?title=Planet_of_Storms_(Planeta_Bur)&oldid=1332457. Reviews There are no reviews yet. 13 Favorites . After mourning the loss of their friends, the remaining two ships, the Sirius and the Vega, soon continue on, even though the planned mission required three ships. A joint Soviet-American expedition flies to the planet Venus.
In 2020, after the colonization of the moon, the spaceships Vega, Sirius and Capella are launched from Lunar Station 7. A spaceship from Earth is trapped on the unknown planet. Prof. Ivan Scherba (Yuriy Sarantsev) fires a Makarov PM at monsters.
There are no discussions for Planet of Storms. Corman's 2nd version may have had some limited theatrical release on the drive-in circuits in the American south, but primarily became a "TV movie" through American International Television.
Status Released Original Language Russian. They then walk on the tree, over the ravine, while listening to recorded music John plays. Later, they come across a large deep ravine, so with cords attached to one of the gigantic tall trees near the edge of the ravine, -and to John, -and to an anchoring boulder, John powerfully fells the tree over the ravine by rotating his torso. Planeta Bur (Russian: Планета Бурь) is a 1962 Sovcolor Soviet science-fiction film scripted by Alexander Kazantsev from his novel, and co-scripted and directed by Pavel Klushantsev. The resulting film, re-titled Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet, went directly to television from American International Pictures.
They are intended to eventually replace human beings in space ... See full summary ». Add the first question.
Naming the robot "John" is a bit of a dig at the West (one could just as easily see Westerners naming a robot Ivan or Igor). Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist. Planet of Storms (Russian Title: Planeta Bur / Планета бурь) is a 1961 classic Soviet science-fiction movie directed by Pavel Klushantsev based on novel by Aleksandr Kazantsev.
In 1965, American film producer Roger Corman acquired a copyright to the Soviet film and hired film student Curtis Harrington to prepare it for an American release.
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