There is a professional hair product line called Malibu 2000, they have a treatment you leave on your hair for like 20 minutes and it removes the minerals left on your hair from hard water. Make soft water for baths with a mixture of water and baking soda. There are many water softening systems on the market , f you’re looking for a salt-based water softener as a permanent solution to protect your hair… You need to add 3 cups of vinegar to 9 cups of water. In order to minimize the damage caused due to hard water, you should add some vinegar to hard water before taking a head bath. This is because natural hair loss takes place when the roots fall off but with hard water, the hair breaks in the middle. Use this mixture as a rinse at the end of your bath to help soap and shampoo residue rinse cleanly away from your skin and hair. Also, if you have a problem with dandruff or itchiness, washing your hair with soft water will relieve and soothe any irritations. You can add vinegar according to the water required for washing your hair… Add about 1/4 cup to a full tub for a bath, and make a concentrated bottled mixture of three tablespoons soda to four cups water. Once I discovered the damaging effects of hard water, I … Hard water hair loss happens differently than the usual hair loss. (10/05/2008) By Deelios. This, in turn, leads to moisture loss from the hair … Continuous attachment of hard water minerals on hair leads to crystallization. Shampoo For Hard Water. For those of you who colour your hair, you may notice that the colour fades quickly, another effect of washing with hard water. I have just moved to an area with hard water, and my hair … Shampoo For Hard Water.
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