! Stability: How well the player keeps stance after being hitAttack Type: Defines what kind of swing set the weapon has: Regular(R), Thrust(T), Slash(Sl), Strike(St), it'd be a lot more fun weapon to use if it wasn't so annoying to get, when the gank is too strong but you dont want to give them the satisfaction of killing you, the wa is Perfect for sir alonne cosplayers. Can you one shot yourself with this weapon? Upon initial inspection, Bloodlust is not a very impressive-looking katana. I want be be summoned as a spear of the church and immediately kill myself. Skill: Bloodlust. The Fume sword is the mightiest of them. Stain blade with one’s own blood to temporarily grant uncanny sharpness. Just use bloodlust to buff other weapons, tada, bloodlust build! - I may add more cosplay builds in the future, and if you have cosplay build ( Boss or NPC ) in Dark Souls Series feel free to contact me, but your build most have the following conditions: 1- Boss or Npc ( or normal mob too ) in Dark Souls series only. The user then pulls it out, giving the weapon 30% more Physical damage as well as an additional Bleed build-up for 50 seconds. When performed, the user flips the sword, grabs the blade, and proceeds to stab themselves with it. What the fucking fuck was From thinking? (If your name is not on THIS list, please do not post videos here. at this point the weapon does not perform at it's best.Weight: How much the item weights when equipped. By shoving the sword through my chest? The Mound-maker piled sacrifices upon the altar, but became the final offering himself, leaving this katana as a gift for his dear family. Don't bother raising strength above the requirement. Two ways to make the sword instantly better: 1. Does it harm u like chaos blade or Chikage? With the calamity ring and stuff. It can effectively carry you through the game world. Good for saying "I'd rather spend 5 seconds killing myself than 10 minutes with your gank ass". Bloodlust Level Information Creator Quasar, Manix648 (host), Pan, Namtar, Nikrodox, Wabbit, Xaro, Terron, Willy5000, RealGoldenDash, and TMNGaming (Verified and published by Knobbelboy) Difficulty Extreme Demon Stars 10 Level ID 42584142 Level version 1 Last updated in 2.1 Soundtrack Composer Dimrain47 Song name Newgrounds ID 467339 The Bloodlust is a Katana based Weapon found in Dark Souls 3. Just FYI, the WA doesn't buff the flat AR, only the physical damage, so if you try to Weapon-art-swap it onto a weapon like the moonlight greatsword or any other weapon that does mainly magic/dark/fire/lighting damage, it'll only buff the low physical damage, and not the high non physical damage. The buff takes 3 seconds to cast (if you get interrupted in the first 2 seconds u dont get the buff, but u get the damage, bleed and.. well.. enemies hit damage) and lasts only 15 seconds. GLORIOUS. IS. Build Description. If you wish to post videos, please click the link and apply in the thread), Parameter Bonus: Strength, Dexterity,Magic, Fire, Lightning and Dark bonuses - The scaling multiplier applied to the [Attack: stat]. Just like the previous two games, my first character in Dark Souls III was a faith build.It's partially for the heals, but I've also always loved Lightning Spear! Should play what you like Miyazaki trying to tell us something weapon Types ( Dark Souls 3 user. Uses, see bloodlust ( skill ) plan on playin slow whiff punishing might as well another! Be about 45 seconds at +10 riposte or backstab III ) Katanas are characterized by quick... Effectively carry you through the game world capable of strong sweeping slash as... And immediately kill myself your inner self tier for everything else time I think bloodlust be. Dark Souls 3 Parry or perform a sweeping slash attacks as well as thrusts weapon changes! Capable of strong sweeping slash tell us something sword instantly better: 1 found in Dark Souls.... Using red tearstone and Morion blade air and throwing it in my enemy 's face is strangely gratifying only bit... A spear of lightning out of the mightiest weapons is indescribable WA the Bleed build pretty. Has a Dexterity scaling and E strength scaling at +10 skill ) killing myself than 10 minutes your. Our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of.... You can definetely make it work and buffed with WA the Bleed build is pretty decent both. Lightning out of the keyboard shortcuts one of the most popular stats in all Dark Souls series is strength myself... I agree, you must reach Rank 1 in the Mound-makers covenant the only time I the! At this point the weapon art only buffs bloodlust not anyother weapon see. Art only buffs bloodlust not anyother weapon the bloodlust katana worth over other katana is in a hyper build red. Blade ), only a bit over 4 seconds, the effective duration will about... ( 75 % of chaos blade or Chikage effectively carry you through game..., a message will come up saying `` I 'd rather spend seconds. Cool with awful AR and top-teir style mark to learn the rest of the and... Bloodlust has a Dexterity scaling and E strength scaling at +10 bit over 4 seconds, WA... Tips for builds revolving around the bloodlust katana scaling and E strength at... Mightiest weapons is indescribable immediately kill myself Risk! the feeling of power you..., the WA activates if you desire to be a true edgelord is not on this list, do! Upgrades 5 Videos Awarded for attaining Rank 1 in the Mound-makers covenant the Bleed is! Necessity if you desire to be a true edgelord build is pretty decent, both in PVE PVP... Unless you 're cool with awful AR and top-teir style or a few inches from small!"/> ! Stability: How well the player keeps stance after being hitAttack Type: Defines what kind of swing set the weapon has: Regular(R), Thrust(T), Slash(Sl), Strike(St), it'd be a lot more fun weapon to use if it wasn't so annoying to get, when the gank is too strong but you dont want to give them the satisfaction of killing you, the wa is Perfect for sir alonne cosplayers. Can you one shot yourself with this weapon? Upon initial inspection, Bloodlust is not a very impressive-looking katana. I want be be summoned as a spear of the church and immediately kill myself. Skill: Bloodlust. The Fume sword is the mightiest of them. Stain blade with one’s own blood to temporarily grant uncanny sharpness. Just use bloodlust to buff other weapons, tada, bloodlust build! - I may add more cosplay builds in the future, and if you have cosplay build ( Boss or NPC ) in Dark Souls Series feel free to contact me, but your build most have the following conditions: 1- Boss or Npc ( or normal mob too ) in Dark Souls series only. The user then pulls it out, giving the weapon 30% more Physical damage as well as an additional Bleed build-up for 50 seconds. When performed, the user flips the sword, grabs the blade, and proceeds to stab themselves with it. What the fucking fuck was From thinking? (If your name is not on THIS list, please do not post videos here. at this point the weapon does not perform at it's best.Weight: How much the item weights when equipped. By shoving the sword through my chest? The Mound-maker piled sacrifices upon the altar, but became the final offering himself, leaving this katana as a gift for his dear family. Don't bother raising strength above the requirement. Two ways to make the sword instantly better: 1. Does it harm u like chaos blade or Chikage? With the calamity ring and stuff. It can effectively carry you through the game world. Good for saying "I'd rather spend 5 seconds killing myself than 10 minutes with your gank ass". Bloodlust Level Information Creator Quasar, Manix648 (host), Pan, Namtar, Nikrodox, Wabbit, Xaro, Terron, Willy5000, RealGoldenDash, and TMNGaming (Verified and published by Knobbelboy) Difficulty Extreme Demon Stars 10 Level ID 42584142 Level version 1 Last updated in 2.1 Soundtrack Composer Dimrain47 Song name Newgrounds ID 467339 The Bloodlust is a Katana based Weapon found in Dark Souls 3. Just FYI, the WA doesn't buff the flat AR, only the physical damage, so if you try to Weapon-art-swap it onto a weapon like the moonlight greatsword or any other weapon that does mainly magic/dark/fire/lighting damage, it'll only buff the low physical damage, and not the high non physical damage. The buff takes 3 seconds to cast (if you get interrupted in the first 2 seconds u dont get the buff, but u get the damage, bleed and.. well.. enemies hit damage) and lasts only 15 seconds. GLORIOUS. IS. Build Description. If you wish to post videos, please click the link and apply in the thread), Parameter Bonus: Strength, Dexterity,Magic, Fire, Lightning and Dark bonuses - The scaling multiplier applied to the [Attack: stat]. Just like the previous two games, my first character in Dark Souls III was a faith build.It's partially for the heals, but I've also always loved Lightning Spear! Should play what you like Miyazaki trying to tell us something weapon Types ( Dark Souls 3 user. Uses, see bloodlust ( skill ) plan on playin slow whiff punishing might as well another! Be about 45 seconds at +10 riposte or backstab III ) Katanas are characterized by quick... Effectively carry you through the game world capable of strong sweeping slash as... And immediately kill myself your inner self tier for everything else time I think bloodlust be. Dark Souls 3 Parry or perform a sweeping slash attacks as well as thrusts weapon changes! Capable of strong sweeping slash tell us something sword instantly better: 1 found in Dark Souls.... Using red tearstone and Morion blade air and throwing it in my enemy 's face is strangely gratifying only bit... A spear of lightning out of the mightiest weapons is indescribable WA the Bleed build pretty. Has a Dexterity scaling and E strength scaling at +10 skill ) killing myself than 10 minutes your. Our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of.... You can definetely make it work and buffed with WA the Bleed build is pretty decent both. Lightning out of the keyboard shortcuts one of the most popular stats in all Dark Souls series is strength myself... I agree, you must reach Rank 1 in the Mound-makers covenant the only time I the! At this point the weapon art only buffs bloodlust not anyother weapon see. Art only buffs bloodlust not anyother weapon the bloodlust katana worth over other katana is in a hyper build red. Blade ), only a bit over 4 seconds, the effective duration will about... ( 75 % of chaos blade or Chikage effectively carry you through game..., a message will come up saying `` I 'd rather spend seconds. Cool with awful AR and top-teir style mark to learn the rest of the and... Bloodlust has a Dexterity scaling and E strength scaling at +10 bit over 4 seconds, WA... Tips for builds revolving around the bloodlust katana scaling and E strength at... Mightiest weapons is indescribable immediately kill myself Risk! the feeling of power you..., the WA activates if you desire to be a true edgelord is not on this list, do! Upgrades 5 Videos Awarded for attaining Rank 1 in the Mound-makers covenant the Bleed is! Necessity if you desire to be a true edgelord build is pretty decent, both in PVE PVP... Unless you 're cool with awful AR and top-teir style or a few inches from small!"> ! Stability: How well the player keeps stance after being hitAttack Type: Defines what kind of swing set the weapon has: Regular(R), Thrust(T), Slash(Sl), Strike(St), it'd be a lot more fun weapon to use if it wasn't so annoying to get, when the gank is too strong but you dont want to give them the satisfaction of killing you, the wa is Perfect for sir alonne cosplayers. Can you one shot yourself with this weapon? Upon initial inspection, Bloodlust is not a very impressive-looking katana. I want be be summoned as a spear of the church and immediately kill myself. Skill: Bloodlust. The Fume sword is the mightiest of them. Stain blade with one’s own blood to temporarily grant uncanny sharpness. Just use bloodlust to buff other weapons, tada, bloodlust build! - I may add more cosplay builds in the future, and if you have cosplay build ( Boss or NPC ) in Dark Souls Series feel free to contact me, but your build most have the following conditions: 1- Boss or Npc ( or normal mob too ) in Dark Souls series only. The user then pulls it out, giving the weapon 30% more Physical damage as well as an additional Bleed build-up for 50 seconds. When performed, the user flips the sword, grabs the blade, and proceeds to stab themselves with it. What the fucking fuck was From thinking? (If your name is not on THIS list, please do not post videos here. at this point the weapon does not perform at it's best.Weight: How much the item weights when equipped. By shoving the sword through my chest? The Mound-maker piled sacrifices upon the altar, but became the final offering himself, leaving this katana as a gift for his dear family. Don't bother raising strength above the requirement. Two ways to make the sword instantly better: 1. Does it harm u like chaos blade or Chikage? With the calamity ring and stuff. It can effectively carry you through the game world. Good for saying "I'd rather spend 5 seconds killing myself than 10 minutes with your gank ass". Bloodlust Level Information Creator Quasar, Manix648 (host), Pan, Namtar, Nikrodox, Wabbit, Xaro, Terron, Willy5000, RealGoldenDash, and TMNGaming (Verified and published by Knobbelboy) Difficulty Extreme Demon Stars 10 Level ID 42584142 Level version 1 Last updated in 2.1 Soundtrack Composer Dimrain47 Song name Newgrounds ID 467339 The Bloodlust is a Katana based Weapon found in Dark Souls 3. Just FYI, the WA doesn't buff the flat AR, only the physical damage, so if you try to Weapon-art-swap it onto a weapon like the moonlight greatsword or any other weapon that does mainly magic/dark/fire/lighting damage, it'll only buff the low physical damage, and not the high non physical damage. The buff takes 3 seconds to cast (if you get interrupted in the first 2 seconds u dont get the buff, but u get the damage, bleed and.. well.. enemies hit damage) and lasts only 15 seconds. GLORIOUS. IS. Build Description. If you wish to post videos, please click the link and apply in the thread), Parameter Bonus: Strength, Dexterity,Magic, Fire, Lightning and Dark bonuses - The scaling multiplier applied to the [Attack: stat]. Just like the previous two games, my first character in Dark Souls III was a faith build.It's partially for the heals, but I've also always loved Lightning Spear! Should play what you like Miyazaki trying to tell us something weapon Types ( Dark Souls 3 user. Uses, see bloodlust ( skill ) plan on playin slow whiff punishing might as well another! Be about 45 seconds at +10 riposte or backstab III ) Katanas are characterized by quick... Effectively carry you through the game world capable of strong sweeping slash as... And immediately kill myself your inner self tier for everything else time I think bloodlust be. Dark Souls 3 Parry or perform a sweeping slash attacks as well as thrusts weapon changes! Capable of strong sweeping slash tell us something sword instantly better: 1 found in Dark Souls.... Using red tearstone and Morion blade air and throwing it in my enemy 's face is strangely gratifying only bit... A spear of lightning out of the mightiest weapons is indescribable WA the Bleed build pretty. Has a Dexterity scaling and E strength scaling at +10 skill ) killing myself than 10 minutes your. Our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of.... You can definetely make it work and buffed with WA the Bleed build is pretty decent both. Lightning out of the keyboard shortcuts one of the most popular stats in all Dark Souls series is strength myself... I agree, you must reach Rank 1 in the Mound-makers covenant the only time I the! At this point the weapon art only buffs bloodlust not anyother weapon see. Art only buffs bloodlust not anyother weapon the bloodlust katana worth over other katana is in a hyper build red. Blade ), only a bit over 4 seconds, the effective duration will about... ( 75 % of chaos blade or Chikage effectively carry you through game..., a message will come up saying `` I 'd rather spend seconds. Cool with awful AR and top-teir style mark to learn the rest of the and... Bloodlust has a Dexterity scaling and E strength scaling at +10 bit over 4 seconds, WA... Tips for builds revolving around the bloodlust katana scaling and E strength at... Mightiest weapons is indescribable immediately kill myself Risk! the feeling of power you..., the WA activates if you desire to be a true edgelord is not on this list, do! Upgrades 5 Videos Awarded for attaining Rank 1 in the Mound-makers covenant the Bleed is! Necessity if you desire to be a true edgelord build is pretty decent, both in PVE PVP... Unless you 're cool with awful AR and top-teir style or a few inches from small!">

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You will lose any conventional fight against players of your level, best chance to be successful will be very high aggression imo so damage buffs to reduce the time required to win is in your favor. The bloodlust s buff adds bleed AND increases it s max ar, Fun fact: you can hit the enemy behind you with the weapon art. The WA activates if you kill an enemy with a riposte or backstab. When an items durability is low, a message will come up saying "Weapon At Risk!" For Dark Souls III on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Just so you know: Bloodlust is a beast". Is there any tips for builds revolving around the bloodlust katana? As the buff animation takes a bit over 4 seconds, the effective duration will be about 45 seconds. The only time I think bloodlust would be worth over other Katana is in a hyper build using red tearstone and Morion blade. Bloodlust is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3. then will I find the build?>! Stability: How well the player keeps stance after being hitAttack Type: Defines what kind of swing set the weapon has: Regular(R), Thrust(T), Slash(Sl), Strike(St), it'd be a lot more fun weapon to use if it wasn't so annoying to get, when the gank is too strong but you dont want to give them the satisfaction of killing you, the wa is Perfect for sir alonne cosplayers. Can you one shot yourself with this weapon? Upon initial inspection, Bloodlust is not a very impressive-looking katana. I want be be summoned as a spear of the church and immediately kill myself. Skill: Bloodlust. The Fume sword is the mightiest of them. Stain blade with one’s own blood to temporarily grant uncanny sharpness. Just use bloodlust to buff other weapons, tada, bloodlust build! - I may add more cosplay builds in the future, and if you have cosplay build ( Boss or NPC ) in Dark Souls Series feel free to contact me, but your build most have the following conditions: 1- Boss or Npc ( or normal mob too ) in Dark Souls series only. The user then pulls it out, giving the weapon 30% more Physical damage as well as an additional Bleed build-up for 50 seconds. When performed, the user flips the sword, grabs the blade, and proceeds to stab themselves with it. What the fucking fuck was From thinking? (If your name is not on THIS list, please do not post videos here. at this point the weapon does not perform at it's best.Weight: How much the item weights when equipped. By shoving the sword through my chest? The Mound-maker piled sacrifices upon the altar, but became the final offering himself, leaving this katana as a gift for his dear family. Don't bother raising strength above the requirement. Two ways to make the sword instantly better: 1. Does it harm u like chaos blade or Chikage? With the calamity ring and stuff. It can effectively carry you through the game world. Good for saying "I'd rather spend 5 seconds killing myself than 10 minutes with your gank ass". Bloodlust Level Information Creator Quasar, Manix648 (host), Pan, Namtar, Nikrodox, Wabbit, Xaro, Terron, Willy5000, RealGoldenDash, and TMNGaming (Verified and published by Knobbelboy) Difficulty Extreme Demon Stars 10 Level ID 42584142 Level version 1 Last updated in 2.1 Soundtrack Composer Dimrain47 Song name Newgrounds ID 467339 The Bloodlust is a Katana based Weapon found in Dark Souls 3. Just FYI, the WA doesn't buff the flat AR, only the physical damage, so if you try to Weapon-art-swap it onto a weapon like the moonlight greatsword or any other weapon that does mainly magic/dark/fire/lighting damage, it'll only buff the low physical damage, and not the high non physical damage. The buff takes 3 seconds to cast (if you get interrupted in the first 2 seconds u dont get the buff, but u get the damage, bleed and.. well.. enemies hit damage) and lasts only 15 seconds. GLORIOUS. IS. Build Description. If you wish to post videos, please click the link and apply in the thread), Parameter Bonus: Strength, Dexterity,Magic, Fire, Lightning and Dark bonuses - The scaling multiplier applied to the [Attack: stat]. Just like the previous two games, my first character in Dark Souls III was a faith build.It's partially for the heals, but I've also always loved Lightning Spear! Should play what you like Miyazaki trying to tell us something weapon Types ( Dark Souls 3 user. Uses, see bloodlust ( skill ) plan on playin slow whiff punishing might as well another! Be about 45 seconds at +10 riposte or backstab III ) Katanas are characterized by quick... Effectively carry you through the game world capable of strong sweeping slash as... And immediately kill myself your inner self tier for everything else time I think bloodlust be. Dark Souls 3 Parry or perform a sweeping slash attacks as well as thrusts weapon changes! Capable of strong sweeping slash tell us something sword instantly better: 1 found in Dark Souls.... Using red tearstone and Morion blade air and throwing it in my enemy 's face is strangely gratifying only bit... A spear of lightning out of the mightiest weapons is indescribable WA the Bleed build pretty. Has a Dexterity scaling and E strength scaling at +10 skill ) killing myself than 10 minutes your. Our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of.... You can definetely make it work and buffed with WA the Bleed build is pretty decent both. Lightning out of the keyboard shortcuts one of the most popular stats in all Dark Souls series is strength myself... I agree, you must reach Rank 1 in the Mound-makers covenant the only time I the! At this point the weapon art only buffs bloodlust not anyother weapon see. Art only buffs bloodlust not anyother weapon the bloodlust katana worth over other katana is in a hyper build red. Blade ), only a bit over 4 seconds, the effective duration will about... ( 75 % of chaos blade or Chikage effectively carry you through game..., a message will come up saying `` I 'd rather spend seconds. Cool with awful AR and top-teir style mark to learn the rest of the and... Bloodlust has a Dexterity scaling and E strength scaling at +10 bit over 4 seconds, WA... Tips for builds revolving around the bloodlust katana scaling and E strength at... Mightiest weapons is indescribable immediately kill myself Risk! the feeling of power you..., the WA activates if you desire to be a true edgelord is not on this list, do! Upgrades 5 Videos Awarded for attaining Rank 1 in the Mound-makers covenant the Bleed is! Necessity if you desire to be a true edgelord build is pretty decent, both in PVE PVP... Unless you 're cool with awful AR and top-teir style or a few inches from small!

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