Barney has received numerous awards including the Aperto prize at the 1993 Venice Biennale; the Hugo Boss Award in 1996; the 2007 Kaiser Ring Award in Goslar, Germany; and the San Francisco International Film Festival’s Persistence of Vision Award in 2011. 1967, San Francisco, lives and works in New York) has combined traditional casting methods and new digital technologies with unprecedented techniques to create artworks of formal and material complexity, and narrative density. The hunters, in particular, seem to have no abode - they live in trees in these mountains, seemingly hundreds of miles from any source of electricity - and electric light - except what you bring yourself.The modern (solar panels, wildlife cameras), classic (high-powered rifles, electroplating) and ancient - the hills which are thousands if not millions of years old, share an uneasy but necessary symbiance.If you have strong feelings against hunting or the glorification of firearms, these issues will probably prevent you for enjoying this film.The credits indicate that the hunting scenes were simulated, but everything else is real. — Glenn Kenny, The New York Times "Staggering beautiful. All proceeds from the creative kits and associated programs go towards UCCA Foundation’s efforts spreading art education to children that may otherwise lack access. Structured as a series of six hunts that unfold over seven days and nights, Redoubt loosely adapts the myth of Diana, goddess of the hunt, and Actaeon, a hunter who accidentally trespasses on her and is punished. Children can learn about the exhibition through the creative kits “Exploring Electro-Art” and “Genius Curator: Designing Space,” or participate in group workshops at UCCA and join a children’s art and education festival, to be held in December 2019. (2019). I love the new, more open Mr. Barney of Redoubt. This catalogue is a comprehensive representation of the project, using hundreds of stills and documentary photographs to track the film’s narrative. While one satyr chases its tail in the front seat, another attempts to make a ... See full summary ». Each sculpture is a literal vestige of Idaho, with the remains of the tree being subsumed into the artwork. Has a graceful fluidity, enhanced by an aurally mesmerizing score by Jonathan Bepler, Barney’s long-time collaborator… recalls the laconic, enigmatic dreaminess of Terrence Malick.”, "The most beautiful film Barney has made. ", “Matthew Barney’s Redoubt is as much an experience as a film. The exhibition includes an eponymous two-hour film that traces the story of a wolf hunt in Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountain range, intertwining the theme of the hunt with those of mythology and artistic creation. “Redoubt” seems unlikely to shock or offend anyone other than animal rights activists, who will see wolves picked off distant cliffs by Diana’s sure aim — and even they should be mollified by the end-credits claim that “Hunting scenes … were staged using special effects. Shot on ultra-crisp, high-definition digital cameras — an art-film riff on “The Revenant,” patiently paced, but hardly tedious — the film makes expert use of drone photography, which feels like such a passing fad in other directors’ hands (high-dollar selfie sticks for filthy-rich tourists). The 21 Must-Buy Stocking Stuffer Ideas For All the Men in Your Life. If anything, it fetishizes the act, framing wildlife through the crosshairs of Diana’s scope and celebrating the lengths to which she goes to achieve the perfect shot, like the modern equivalent of those cave paintings in which stick figures lob spears at a woolly mammoth. The characters communicate a mythological narrative through dance, letting movement replace language as they pursue each other and their prey. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Each of the hunts brings Diana and the Engraver closer — a meeting that seems unlikely to go well, judging by Jonathan Bepler’s foreboding electronic score — until at last she turns her rifle on him, shooting the copper plate on which he’s working, and he vanishes. For even more, visit our Family Entertainment Guide. All hunting scenes in Redoubt were staged using special effects. Barney and editor Katharine McQuerrey (who has assisted the Coen brothers on many of their films) give nature the bulk of their attention, treating its human characters as trespassers into this snowy “virgin” territory. Retrouvez Matthew Barney: Redoubt et des millions de livres en stock sur Dressed in rugged mountainwear, he plays a kind of benevolent earth warden who practices electroplating, an alchemical process with which Barney recently became obsessed, wherein etchings made on sheets of copper are dipped in solutions that fix the designs in place. The volume is organized into six chapters mirroring the “hunt” structure of the film. Not this man: The Engraver is no hunter. Intercut with these scenes are glimpses of a Native hoop dancer (Sandra Lamouche), who wraps herself in the giant rings, before fashioning them into virtual wings. It’s the first Barney film audiences won’t have trouble sleeping after — or through. Noté /5. Since then its collections have grown to more than 250,000 objects ranging in date from ancient times to the present. One is a firearms expert; the other two spend the film moving in very odd ways that could be called dance.The setting and story are full of mystery, and although "something" does happen in the final act, it hardly resolves the primary mystery: who are these people and what are they doing here? Ironically, the trouble with “Redoubt” is that it’s not obtuse enough. The exhibition includes the titular two-hour film, five monumental sculptures, more than fifty engravings and electroplated copper plates, and an artist-conceived catalogue, for which UCCA will publish a Chinese edition. Redoubt has a mystical pull." Certificate: Tous Public Following the talk, a workshop presented by Body On & On and Touch Contact Improvisation Festival will underline the role of dance in the exhibition. The exhibition also includes engravings on copper plate that Barney made during the filming of Redoubt, as well as a series of electroplated copper reliefs that feature imagery from the film, such as the landscape of the Sawtooth Mountains or a wolf among the trees. Musical. Matthew Barney: Redoubt was organized by the Yale University Art Gallery, where it was shown from March 1 to June 16, 2019. Did she turn him into a wild animal, as happened in the ancient legend? 2018Electroplated copper plate with vinegar patina onasphaltum ground in copper and charred pine frame41.9 × 48.3 × 4.8 cm with frameCourtesy the artist and Gladstone Gallery, NewYork and Brussels, 2018Film(Still)134'03"Courtesy the artist; Gladstone Gallery, New Yorkand Brussels; Regen Projects, Los Angeles; andSadie Coles HQ, London, 2018Cast and machined brass, and cast andmachined copper312.4 × 628.7 × 288.3 cmCourtesy the artist and Gladstone Gallery,New York and Brussels, 2018Electroplated copper plate with cast copper stand139.7 × 114.3 × 114.3 cmCourtesy the artist and Gladstone Gallery, NewYork and Brussels, 2018Engraving on asphaltum ground in copper andcharred pine frame38.4 × 31.8 × 5.1 cm with frameCourtesy the artist and Gladstone Gallery, NewYork and Brussels, 2018Electroplated copper plate in copper frame35.6 × 27.9 × 4.4 cm with frameCourtesy the artist and Gladstone Gallery, NewYork and Brussels, 2018Lodgepole pine; cast copper, brass, andlead; cast polycaprolactone99.1 × 1084.6 × 266.7 cmCourtesy the artist and Gladstone Gallery,New York and Brussels, Open Today, 10:00 – 19:00 (Final entry: 18:30), 798, No. Trained animals were provided by professional handlers who monitored their health and safety and the conditions on set.” The film spans six allegorical hunts (since the shooter was real, but the kills were staged) in the Sawtooth Mountains of Idaho, where Barney grew up, and features just half a dozen human characters, not counting the anonymous drunks down at the local tavern, where mounted deer and elk heads hang above the bar. Barney’s narrative yearns to be interpreted, but it’s not quite so literal as that. The hunters are played by beautiful women which certainly adds an element that will please most viewers. Exhibition curator Pamela Franks, Class of 1956 Director at the Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, Massachusetts, and former Senior Deputy Director and Seymour H. Knox, Jr., Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art at the Yale University Art Gallery, says, “Barney’s intellectual and aesthetic frames of reference are wide-ranging: classical mythology as well as myths of the American West, modern choreography as well as contemporary Native American hoop dance, environmental science as well as wildlife biology, art history, cosmology, electrochemistry, and alchemy.
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