Masquerade! Grinning yellows, spinning redsMasquerade! The two performers you see are two substitutes from Hamburg and they are only miming to Drafi's singing. Grinning yellows, spinning redsMasquerade! Flash of mauveSplash of puceFool and kingGhoul and gooseGreen and blackQueen and priestTrace of rougeFace of beast, FacesTake your turn, take a rideOn the merry-go-roundIn an inhuman race, Eye of goldThigh of blueTrue is falseWho is who?Curl of lipSwirl of gownAce of heartsFace of clown, FacesDrink it in, drink it upTill you've drownedIn the lightIn the sound. Seething shadows, breathing liesMasquerade! Look around, there's another mask behind you! Every face a different shade!Masquerade! Ver todas as músicas de Phantom Of The Opera. Desejo receber notificações de destaques e novidades. Tem certeza que deseja excluir esta playlist? Run and hide, but a face will still pursue you! \r\rWith HUGE thanks to Drafi Deutscher expert 'Gebegern'. Down Once More / Track Down This Murderer. And we can breathe at last!No more notes! Masquerade!Seething shadowsBreathing liesMasquerade!You can foolAny friend whoEver knew you! Música começa com letras © 2003 - 2020, 2.9 milhões de letras de músicas Feito com amor em Belo Horizonte. What a joy!What a change!What a blessed release!And what a masquerade!Think of it! What a night! Burning glances, turning headsMasquerade! Tem certeza que deseja sair sem salvar suas alterações? No more ghosts!Here's a health! Masquerade!Every face a different shadeMasquerade!Look around There's anotherMask behind you! There has been many discussions about who are performing behind the masks. Masquerade! You can fool any friend who ever knew you!Masquerade! Drafi Deutscher has written many songs for other artists - among them Boney M's 'Belfast'. Masquerade! Take your fill, let the spectacle astound you, Música começa com letras © 2003 - 2020, 2.9 milhões de letras de músicas Feito com amor em Belo Horizonte. Phantom Of The Opera - Masquerade (Letra e música para ouvir) - Masquerade / Paper faces on parade / Masquerade / Hide your face / So the world will / Never find you / Masquerade … Ver todas as músicas de Fantasma da Ópera. And all our fears are in the past!Six months of relief!, of delight!Of elysian peace! Flash of mauve, splash of puceFool and king, ghoul and gooseGreen and black, queen and priestTrace and rouge, face of beast, faces, Take your turn, take a ride on the merry-go-roundIn an inhuman race, Eye of gold, thigh of blueTrue is false, who is whoCrul of lip, swirl of gownAce of hearts, face of clown, faces. Flash of mauve, splash of puce Fool and king, ghoul and goose Green and black, queen and priest Trace and rouge, face of beast, faces Every face a different shadeMasquerade! Look around, there's another mask behind you! Drink it in, drink it up, till you've drownedIn the light, in the soundBut who can name the face? Hide your face, so the world will never find you! Leering satyrs, peering eyesMasquerade! Masquerade! Masquerade! Masquerade!Grinning yellowsSpinning redsMasquerade!Take your fill Let the spectacleAstound you! Masquerade - Guardian Angel (Danish TV) - ((STEREO)) - YouTube Every face a different shade Masquerade! Desejo receber notificações de destaques e novidades. Masquerade!Paper faces on paradeMasquerade!Hide your faceSo the world willNever find you! Tem certeza que deseja sair sem salvar suas alterações? \r\rWhy Drafi chose to let two substitutes perform his Guardian Angel song is unknown, but in the 80's it was quite common to let other persons mime to your songs (just think of Boney M and Milli Vanilli). Stop and stare at the sea of smiles around you!Masquerade! Masquerade!Burning glancesTurning headsMasquerade!Stop and stareAt the sea of smilesAround you! Look around, there's another mask behind you! Masquerade! Hide your face, so the world will never find you!Masquerade! Burning glances turning headsMasquerade! Makes you proud!All the crème de la crème!Watching us watching them! Tem certeza que deseja excluir esta playlist? Hide your face, so the world will never find you!Masquerade! \r\rThe composer of the song is Drafi Deutscher, who's also singing both voices (the low and high voices). What a crowd!Makes you glad! Some people think it's Drafi and Stefan Körber, but the truth is, that it's NOT Drafi Deutscher. Masquerade!Leering satyrsPeering eyesMasquerade!Run and hide But a face willStill pursue you! Stop and stare at the sea of smiles around you! Paper faces on paradeMasquerade! Here's a toast: To a prosperous year!To the new chandelier!And may its splendour never fade!Six months! A secret engagement!Look - your future bride!Just think of it!But why is it secret?What have we to hide?Please, let's not fightChristine, you're free!Wait till the time is rightWhen will that be?It's an engagement, not a crime!Christine, what are you afraid of? Paper faces on parade!Masquerade! German Masquerade was on Danish TV show Eldorado in 1984, and performed the smash hit 'Guardian Angel'. \r\rDrafi was also the \"head\" behind the group Mixed Emotions. Take your fill, let the spectacle astound you!Masquerade! Composição: Andrew Lloyd Weber / Charles Hart. Paper faces on parade Masquerade! Let's not argue, let's not argue, please pretendI can only hope I'll (you) will understand in time. Masquerade!
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