Votes: 0, You called me at four thirty-four....I hate four thirty-four. Don't insult my intelligence by spelling it out for me that much. Why me with dementia?' It takes away your bite and makes you feel like a harmless old golden Labrador. Votes: 0, I really hate the people in power. It is madness. Votes: 0, Don't hate me forever, Arty," whispered Holly. How Mama and Daddy know me sixteen years and hate me, how a stranger meet me and love me. Don't get me wrong. It nauseates me. Tell me what you know. And I don't gain a thing. It never really interests me. Experience for me doesn't work. I think the only way to make the GOP hate me more is if I sent them a video of me rolling around on a pile of welfare checks. Any game could be my last, and any at bat could be my last. Votes: 0, There's nothing I hate more than nothing. I suspect the in me: that I hate any job on earth, as a job and a hindrance and a semi-suicide. I knew that I could hate him all I wanted for the way he was hurting me, but I couldn't ever stop loving him, absolutely, for what he was. Votes: 0, I'm so picky. Don't even mention them to me. Love me or hate me, both are in my favour. Just spell my name right. But believe me, I don't think they sit there abstractly hating freedom. I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. J. D. Salinger. " But the fool ran off to protect me. Let them hate me, so long as they fear me! I remember that my mother once told me that the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. My mother was my biggest role model. The world can like me, hate me or fall apart around me and at least I wake up with my kids and I'm happy. How Mama and Daddy know me sixteen years and hate me, how a stranger meet me and love me. I Love you for the same reason you hated me!!! I must learn to love the fool in me - the one who feels too much, talks too much, takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses often, lacks self-control, loves and hates, hurts and gets hurt, promises and breaks promises, laughs and cries. Votes: 0, Don't try and make me feel better, Alex. Votes: 0, To me, rock music was never meant to be safe. He said I was being ridiculous - everyone hasn't met me yet. Depression makes me hate the world, but it gives me a million things to think. Even if its people hate me, I will still love it. They hate me. Votes: 2, I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. Votes: 0, I hate nothing more than sugary photographs with tricks, poses and effects. You either hate me for it or respect me for it. Don't hate me. I don't even wear shoes with heels because I hate making a noise when I walk and people looking at me. Re-create me. My friends either dislike me or hate me. I don't recognize hate, I don't recognize bitterness, I don't recognize jealousy, I don't recognize greed. I hate weddings,' she says. Votes: 0, Grandparents get older and they can't do things for themselves anymore. At least I'm not pretending to be someone I'm not. People can hate or love my books but they can never accuse me of not trying. - Wendy Love me, then, or hate me, as you will," I said at last, "you have my full and free forgiveness: ask now for God's, and be at peace. To me, rock music was never meant to be safe. Votes: 0, My parents would always tell me that I should not hate the white man, but that it was my duty as a Christian to love him. Votes: 0, I always hate explaining away songs, because for me they mean something, and for other people, they'll mean something absolutely different. "I think you're the most beautiful girl the world has ever known..." "You hate me, don't you? In any society, fanatics who hate don't hate only me - they hate you, too. Who are the mods on here and how can you become one How do I delete my Get Revising account? I hate people telling me what to do, so I'll do the complete opposite. Why do they call me misanthrope? I hate rarely, though when I hate. There's no loyalty. No one notices me now. I find waiting unbearable because it makes me passive and negates me. Votes: 0, I hate studio. It just feels great. Votes: 0, I hate Dr Phil. Some people feel like I'm some kind of hero. Votes: 0, You only beat me if you get me to hate. Everyone told me I was going to hate it, but it was great. Why do you hate me? Votes: 2, You will think me cruel, very selfish, but love is always selfish; the more ardent the more selfish. Votes: 0, So many people want me to hate him and destroy him, but I don't want to. Votes: 0, I try hard and aim big. But I'm hooked on research, and I really, really enjoy it. God wanted Adam to pay alimony to Eve, not Steve. Whether you like me, or hate me, this is me. I guess creepy comes natural to me - I hate to say that. Votes: 0, I hate handing over money to people for doing what I could just as easily do myself, it makes me nervous. Votes: 0, I said, God, the press and people, they just really hate me and I'm really trying. French people hate me when I say that, but I do think it's true. Okay, okay. Votes: 0, I hate being forced to do things. And who likes lip gloss and who wears high heels for herself but not for men. Votes: 0, People either hate me or dislike me - but I realized that people aren't against you, they are for themselves. When relationships fail, when you cannot perform up to everyone’s expectations or people start treating you bad for whatever reasons, you start hating yourself. I hate that you do this to me. Let me ask you, when it comes to Obamacare, do you hate Obamacare more than you love your country? If you hate me, I'll always be in your mind. I hate being nothing." Rochelle Rock: CHRIS! Yet in order not to hate people, I must avoid their company. I hate a man who always says yes to me. Children are the last thing I want. I don't try to walk on eggshells. God loves us; the devil hates us. Votes: 0, I hate and I love, and who can tell me why? I felt silly and giggly - I hate feeling like that. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. Votes: 0, You can hate me, but why knock my hustle? Here I am with a seriously hunky guy and I'm covered in demon pee. 1. People love to hate. I hate inspiration. Give me, indulgent gods with mind serene, And guiltless heart, to range the sylvan scene, No splendid poverty, no smiling care, No well-bred hate, or servile grandeur, there. You hate me because I am the embodiment of all your doubts. I'm gonna struggle with that. He showed me three. If there is anything the nonconformist hates worse than a conformist, it's another nonconformist who doesn't conform to the prevailing standard of nonconformity. Love me or hate me I promise that it will never make or break me...<3, I am who I am, love me If you can, hate me if you want. Votes: 0, I hate to lose but having the belt doesn't define who I am. The one who hates is the one who hurts. Let them hate me, provided they respect my conduct. I want people to remember that Pakistan is my country. I've got some sense. Yes, but you make me want to write it. What it means to me is this movement where nothing ever really fused. 'I hate it. I'm not friends with them anymore. We love each other. Votes: 0, You know why you hate me so much, Jeffery? I love that sound,' he mumbled into her hair. To be honest, I'm not much of a drinker. Votes: 0, I hate the word juicy in describing anything: lips, plots, oranges. If they hated me, they will hate you. Votes: 0, I still hate [the Eagles]". Please forgive me. Votes: 0, People love to hate. Votes: 0, I just hate people who are lazy. That would be terrible. When I say 'no' I like a man who also says 'no.'. Votes: 0, The amazing thing is that I'm sane. I hate being the heartbreaker. The world can like me, hate me or fall apart around me and at least I wake up with my kids and I'm happy. Votes: 0, I'm controversial. Votes: 0, I hate to go out on a limb after only one viewing, but Nashville strikes me as Altman's best film, and the most exciting dramatic musical since Blue Angel. My children don't hate me. For that reason I am a true Russian. Votes: 0, And I love the hate mail I get, the unsigned, misspelled letters I get telling me to go back to Russia or wherever. I like it when they hate me right from the beginning. It's hardly surprising that people grew to hate me. I get really mean, mean, mean, mean comments on Twitter, and it just comes with the territory. It's like a rattlesnake in your pocket. If people don't like you, that's their bad taste. I hate Dr Phil. But especially novels. The truth is I hate cocktail parties when the only person I know is my supposed date, and he abandons me the minute we come in the door. I hate when people ask me to: "Massage the data". I'm eating, I'm eating, I'm eating and then I just... sit. They would have ended up on the equivalent of the Oprah show talking about me; because something in my life would have had to suffer and it would've probably been them. Give me ten. Votes: 0, I hate all the old pictures of me before 2010 - and they are always the first ones to come up. I don't care what their fans think. Votes: 0, I hate being tickled. Votes: 0, Boys frustrate me. And every time I do, I offend someone, somewhere. I hate flossing, I wish I just had one long curvy tooth. But I love what it brings out. Votes: 2, Let them hate me, so long as they fear me! I don't care if you hate me or love me, as long as I make you think. I'd rather people love me or hate me than have no opinion of me. If you hate me it is because I have morals. People hate me, because I just sit. Votes: 0, I took it back: he didn't just hate himself down deep. No, I won't abandon hate. It's for children and families. Writers would hate me saying this, and I love words, but I have to say that cinema exists, on one level, for the power of the big image and what that image does. I'm claustrophobic so for me to be in an elevator or small spaces is probably the worst thing on earth. everyone hates me... :o) (quote) User Name: Remember Me? Votes: 0, The girls I've dated hate me a little because I can't remember anything about first dates or when we kissed. I hate taking myself seriously. It's hardly surprising that people grew to hate me. BrainyQuote has been providing inspirational quotes since 2001 to our worldwide community. I've been used to hearing on a daily basis that "people hate me". I hate who steals my solitude, without really offer me in exchange company. Votes: 0, I mean, I hate to gloat, but I'm extremely satisfied with my position in life and the way things have worked out for me. I don't really like the autumn. Especially the ones who hate me. Votes: 0, Hate me for who I am, I don't care. Votes: 0, You know I hate watching myself on TV, I know a lot of actors say that, but it's true for me. Votes: 2, I'm a black, gay woman. People are fascinating. Votes: 0, Half the hoes hate, half them love me. Votes: 0, I hate it when people come up to me when I'm eating. so believe me when i say, fear her when she looks into a fire and smiles. I never say "get like me". People hate me because I am a multifaceted, talented, wealthy, internationally famous genius. Everyone would hate me. Votes: 0, i love you,even you hate me Votes: 0, I hate when people call me 'The Boz'. So I'd rather have the entire crowd hate me than to have 90% hate me. 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