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Nearly four years after thousands of people descended upon the streets of Washington, D.C., the day after President Trump’s inauguration, they took to the streets again on Saturday in an attempt to stop him from being reelected to the White House. So, in January she tried to signal her true allegiance to Trump. Greene has created some controversy over reports she has embraced the far-right QAnon conspiracy theory. Senator Kelly Loeffler is worth roughly $500 million. Kelly Loeffler owns the WNBA team the Atlanta Dream which, under her leadership, has donated proceeds of ticket sales to Planned Parenthood. A protester at the Women’s March in Washington, D.C., can be seen on video accosting a pregnant anti-abortion advocate who was playing the sound of her child’s heartbeat over a speaker. Look at Trump," Leachman, who's in manufacturing, told the Washington Examiner outside the Perdue event. Democrat Rev. Loeffler was one of Trump’s special loyal subjects who attended the White House superspreader event to announce Amy Coney Barrett. She knifed Romney for, supposedly, wanting to “appease the left.” All because Romney voted to call witnesses during impeachment. If the money that has poured into South Carolina Democrat Jaime Harrison’s Senate campaign for the purpose of taking out Trump’s golf caddy Lindsey Graham is any indication, Warnock would be exceptionally well funded. For instance, Loeffler recently tweeted a chart showing how she believes she, Collins, and Trump stack up against each other. Just a few months into the job she was conducting herself like a true Republican senator: Endlessly puffing up Trump, catering to alt-right shitposters, and churning out stupid memes. 2740, H.R. If you don’t get how high the stakes are yet, you are definitely the fucking problem. When confronted by the revolt from players, Loeffler gleefully tweeted she had been “canceled” and issued a statement claiming, “This is just more proof that the out of control cancel culture wants to shut out anyone who disagrees with them. With Warnock firmly in front, that leaves Loeffler and Collins, with an average of 23.5% and 21.7% support respectively, to jostle for the runoff's second slot as Georgians decide who will serve the remaining two years of retired Sen. Johnny Isakson's term. Which gives you … racist conspiracy theorists! Between 2008-2016 Kelly Loeffler and her husband donated to pro-choice, anti-gun Democrats but not to Donald Trump. The Atlanta Dream promoted the “Take a Seat, Take a Stand” program on its website which donates a portion to Planned Parenthood for every ticket purchased during the season. The Bulwark is a project of Defending Democracy Together Institute. (She also claims that Collins, who has an A rating from the Susan B. Anthony List is not pro-life. Loeffler, appointed to the U.S. Senate by Georgia Gov. It’s not subtle. The victor has mathematics on their side for the run-off as Warnock's current level of support is less than Loeffler and Collins' combined vote share. Atlanta Journal Constitution: Loeffler jet a Georgia campaign trail asset but also fuel for critics. But with an average of 29.7% support, the senior pastor at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Ebenezer Baptist Church falls well short of the majority threshold needed to avoid a Jan. 5 runoff. A Democratic Georgia Senate candidate said he raised $1 million in less than 24 hours since his opponent, GOP Sen. David Perdue, mocked Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris. Kelly Loeffler donated to anti-gun Democrat Debbie Stabenow who had an “F” rating from the NRA. Shortly after Loeffler was appointed, Collins jumped into the race. Well, there was the giant rift with college educated suburban women that nearly cost Kemp his election. Kelly Loeffler’s WNBA Team partnered with “Everytown for Gun Safety,” a gun-grabbing group funded by liberal New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. And Loeffler's alliance with Gov. Raphael Warnock leads the sprawling 21-candidate field by an average of 6.2 percentage points ahead of the Nov. 3 contest, according to RealClearPolitics. As if. Loeffler considered seeking the Republican nomination in the 2014 United States Senate election in Georgia but ultimately passed on the race because of Intercontinental Exchange's pending acquisition with the New York Stock Exchange. But we just see all of these things wash over in a news cycle as Trump comes up with a new outrage to distract from the old one. Major television networks largely ignored a bombshell report about former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter’s overseas business dealings. But the national party made little effort to stop her before the August runoff, which Greene won.

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