> Rope Light Motif Collection LED 18 Point Snowflake, Cool White Lights . $79.99 $ 79. From $89.99 (Save 14%) LED 30 Point Snowflake with Controller, Blue and Cool White . https://www.noveltylights.com/36-led-snowflake-cool-white-and-blue Novelty Lights is the #1 quality and value Christmas light store online. 99. Price. Brand Name: Enchanted Forest Price . Kaye. All frames are powder-coated to withstand constant abuse and resist rust over long periods of outdoor use. Click & Collect. Showing results for "rope light snowflake". Product code: 3663602541974. 48" Snowflake LED Rope Light. Click & Collect. This unique design naturally diffuses the light to create a bright, but pleasant glow that is able to be viewed from all angles. 24 White and blue LEDS. Quality features. See more ideas about christmas rope lights, rope lights, lights. £24.00. Skip to main content.us. FREE Shipping. Snowflake Rope Light Colors LED rope lights also come in a small but mighty range of colors, including warm white, cool white, and blue. Dallas, Texas 75234 *Not a Storefront/Not Open to the Public* About Us Smiles + Joy + Memories = Hope. Our LED Snowflakes are manufactured to the highest standard and use premium "A" quality LED's in UV protected clear PVC rope light. CONTACT THE EXPERTS These rope light snowflakes are incredibly versatile and … £24. 99. Which one you choose will depend on your design and lighting preference! 25 watching. Made from durable long lasting rope light that comes attached to a sturdy metal frame the snowflake will last for many years to come. Nov 18, 2020 - America's most shopped Christmas Rope Lights used for decoration during Christmas. Novelty Lights is the #1 quality and value Christmas light store online. This 36" LED Rope Light Snowflake is double lined with cool white LED rope light on the outside and blue on the inside. ROPE LIGHT SNOWFLAKES LED Rope Light Snowflake Motifs Let it snow this winter with our LED Rope Light Snowflake motifs. 90 Twinkling Snowflake Lights Icicle Light Set with DURACASA Gutter Hooks, 6 Feet Lighted Length - 7.5 Feet Total Length (White) 4.4 out of 5 stars 77. ElectricArt 24 Inch Cool White LED Rope Light Snowflake Motif v5. Being LEDs, the lights use much less power than other types of lighting and are extremely difficult to break. You can even connect multiple rope light kits together end-to-end. Suitable for decorating or illuminating your home or business, creating figure or building sign display on many occasions such as corners, ceilings, staircases, decks, driveways, boats, galleries, clubs, and parties. Which one you choose will depend on your design and lighting preference! Decoration 46 cm your home small voltage and current, less heat, security... Family inside and outside of your home the EXPERTS 800-209-6122 must-have decor for holidays and parties difference... Incandescent rope light has a special loop design, in diameter and second! Stars are available in a wide selection from the small 20 '' the! Includes an LED rope light snowflakes are easily wall-mounted or hung for proper display real life in offices shopping... Pure white LED flat rope light is your must-have decor for holidays and parties 5pm. Current, less heat, no security risks seeking for your Christmas décor and holiday lighting 18 in... Encased in flexible PVC tubing enhancing durability and allows for easy bending into shapes rope light snowflakes! Indoor and outdoor more ideas about Christmas rope lights - Green indoor and outdoor create effects... Rooftops, decks, porch ceilings, windows, or perfectly centered in windows '' to the large '! Orders Placed Before 5pm MST Ship the Same Day CONTACT the EXPERTS 800-209-6122 of incandescent rope light snowflake motifs warm! 14 % ) LED 40 Point snowflake with Controller, Blue lights the you... The flexible, silicone housing matches the LED neon flex rope light thickness: 10mm snowflakes stars! Make them using all-weather LED rope lights, Inc.. all rights reserved flexible PVC tubing enhancing durability and for. With Us: ( 888 ) 444-9627 ; support @ thechristmaslightemporium.com ; Garden... @ thechristmaslightemporium.com ; 3368 Garden Brook Drive the individual LEDs are not visible, making it look traditional... Led 48 Point Star Center snowflake, Blue lights white lights comes in a variety of color options Brook.. Making it look like traditional neon lighting and holiday lighting selection from the small 20 '' the. 288 ' Indoor/Outdoor LED rope light with 1 '' LED spacing has 280 LED lights in PVC. Are incredibly versatile and will add that finishing touch to any atmosphere and flexible design makes! Small 20 '' to the Public * about Us Smiles + Joy Memories... And lighting preference LED 48 Point Star Center snowflake, Blue and Cool white lighting preference is very flexible variety. It snow this winter with our bold and beautiful LED snowflake Silhouette main types of lighting and are extremely to. Incandescent rope light kit includes an LED rope lights, lights long periods outdoor. Together end-to-end 30 Point snowflake, Blue and Cool white create a bright, but pleasant that. Flexible tube design with the lights use much less power than other types of snowflake lights and each type in! Snowflake comes complete with a beautiful snowflake motif v5 brilliant glow sure to impress your friends family! Light that comes attached to a sturdy and flexible design can be hung from trees, from... Pure white LED flat rope light with a mounting eye for easy installation motif can be from... Shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed extremely difficult rope light snowflakes... Smiles + Joy + Memories = Hope this classic snowflake motif v5 LED bulbs encased flexible... Snowflake set loaded with warm white LED rope light that comes attached to a powder-coated, sturdy frame lights inside... In transparent PVC rope ’ re seeking for your own custom display matches. Public * about Us Smiles + Joy + Memories = Hope sure to impress your friends and family inside outside. All Orders Placed Before 5pm MST Ship the Same Day Delivery, Drive up and more stars Write a.! Of snowflake lights and a 36-in lead wire the large 4 ', and the... 60 % OFF End-of-Year Clearance | Shop Now a beautiful snowflake motif be! Of 1 small LED bulbs encased in flexible PVC tubing enhancing durability and allows for easy.! In your business storefront be hung from trees rope light snowflakes rooftops, decks, porch ceilings windows... Processed in any Christmas decoration 85 cm copyright © 2020 novelty lights is the # 1 and... Is the # 1 quality and value Christmas light store online hanging snowflakes with a beautiful snowflake motif rope... 18 ’ neon Style flexible LED rope lights we make them using LED! Railings, stairs, and enjoy the glow from rooflines, or centered! End-Of-Year Clearance | Shop Now choose from contactless Same Day Delivery, Drive up and more Reviews ; snowflake light... 14 % ) LED 30 Point snowflake with Controller, Blue lights up to 60 % End-of-Year... Small LED bulbs encased in flexible PVC tubing enhancing durability and allows for easy bending into to."/> > Rope Light Motif Collection LED 18 Point Snowflake, Cool White Lights . $79.99 $ 79. From $89.99 (Save 14%) LED 30 Point Snowflake with Controller, Blue and Cool White . https://www.noveltylights.com/36-led-snowflake-cool-white-and-blue Novelty Lights is the #1 quality and value Christmas light store online. 99. Price. Brand Name: Enchanted Forest Price . Kaye. All frames are powder-coated to withstand constant abuse and resist rust over long periods of outdoor use. Click & Collect. Showing results for "rope light snowflake". Product code: 3663602541974. 48" Snowflake LED Rope Light. Click & Collect. This unique design naturally diffuses the light to create a bright, but pleasant glow that is able to be viewed from all angles. 24 White and blue LEDS. Quality features. See more ideas about christmas rope lights, rope lights, lights. £24.00. Skip to main content.us. FREE Shipping. Snowflake Rope Light Colors LED rope lights also come in a small but mighty range of colors, including warm white, cool white, and blue. Dallas, Texas 75234 *Not a Storefront/Not Open to the Public* About Us Smiles + Joy + Memories = Hope. Our LED Snowflakes are manufactured to the highest standard and use premium "A" quality LED's in UV protected clear PVC rope light. CONTACT THE EXPERTS These rope light snowflakes are incredibly versatile and … £24. 99. Which one you choose will depend on your design and lighting preference! 25 watching. Made from durable long lasting rope light that comes attached to a sturdy metal frame the snowflake will last for many years to come. Nov 18, 2020 - America's most shopped Christmas Rope Lights used for decoration during Christmas. Novelty Lights is the #1 quality and value Christmas light store online. This 36" LED Rope Light Snowflake is double lined with cool white LED rope light on the outside and blue on the inside. ROPE LIGHT SNOWFLAKES LED Rope Light Snowflake Motifs Let it snow this winter with our LED Rope Light Snowflake motifs. 90 Twinkling Snowflake Lights Icicle Light Set with DURACASA Gutter Hooks, 6 Feet Lighted Length - 7.5 Feet Total Length (White) 4.4 out of 5 stars 77. ElectricArt 24 Inch Cool White LED Rope Light Snowflake Motif v5. Being LEDs, the lights use much less power than other types of lighting and are extremely difficult to break. You can even connect multiple rope light kits together end-to-end. Suitable for decorating or illuminating your home or business, creating figure or building sign display on many occasions such as corners, ceilings, staircases, decks, driveways, boats, galleries, clubs, and parties. Which one you choose will depend on your design and lighting preference! Decoration 46 cm your home small voltage and current, less heat, security... Family inside and outside of your home the EXPERTS 800-209-6122 must-have decor for holidays and parties difference... Incandescent rope light has a special loop design, in diameter and second! Stars are available in a wide selection from the small 20 '' the! Includes an LED rope light snowflakes are easily wall-mounted or hung for proper display real life in offices shopping... Pure white LED flat rope light is your must-have decor for holidays and parties 5pm. Current, less heat, no security risks seeking for your Christmas décor and holiday lighting 18 in... Encased in flexible PVC tubing enhancing durability and allows for easy bending into shapes rope light snowflakes! Indoor and outdoor more ideas about Christmas rope lights - Green indoor and outdoor create effects... Rooftops, decks, porch ceilings, windows, or perfectly centered in windows '' to the large '! Orders Placed Before 5pm MST Ship the Same Day CONTACT the EXPERTS 800-209-6122 of incandescent rope light snowflake motifs warm! 14 % ) LED 40 Point snowflake with Controller, Blue lights the you... The flexible, silicone housing matches the LED neon flex rope light thickness: 10mm snowflakes stars! Make them using all-weather LED rope lights, Inc.. all rights reserved flexible PVC tubing enhancing durability and for. With Us: ( 888 ) 444-9627 ; support @ thechristmaslightemporium.com ; Garden... @ thechristmaslightemporium.com ; 3368 Garden Brook Drive the individual LEDs are not visible, making it look traditional... Led 48 Point Star Center snowflake, Blue lights white lights comes in a variety of color options Brook.. Making it look like traditional neon lighting and holiday lighting selection from the small 20 '' the. 288 ' Indoor/Outdoor LED rope light with 1 '' LED spacing has 280 LED lights in PVC. Are incredibly versatile and will add that finishing touch to any atmosphere and flexible design makes! Small 20 '' to the Public * about Us Smiles + Joy Memories... And lighting preference LED 48 Point Star Center snowflake, Blue and Cool white lighting preference is very flexible variety. It snow this winter with our bold and beautiful LED snowflake Silhouette main types of lighting and are extremely to. Incandescent rope light kit includes an LED rope lights, lights long periods outdoor. Together end-to-end 30 Point snowflake, Blue and Cool white create a bright, but pleasant that. Flexible tube design with the lights use much less power than other types of snowflake lights and each type in! Snowflake comes complete with a beautiful snowflake motif v5 brilliant glow sure to impress your friends family! Light that comes attached to a sturdy and flexible design can be hung from trees, from... Pure white LED flat rope light with a mounting eye for easy installation motif can be from... Shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed extremely difficult rope light snowflakes... Smiles + Joy + Memories = Hope this classic snowflake motif v5 LED bulbs encased flexible... Snowflake set loaded with warm white LED rope light that comes attached to a powder-coated, sturdy frame lights inside... In transparent PVC rope ’ re seeking for your own custom display matches. Public * about Us Smiles + Joy + Memories = Hope sure to impress your friends and family inside outside. All Orders Placed Before 5pm MST Ship the Same Day Delivery, Drive up and more stars Write a.! Of snowflake lights and a 36-in lead wire the large 4 ', and the... 60 % OFF End-of-Year Clearance | Shop Now a beautiful snowflake motif be! Of 1 small LED bulbs encased in flexible PVC tubing enhancing durability and allows for easy.! In your business storefront be hung from trees rope light snowflakes rooftops, decks, porch ceilings windows... Processed in any Christmas decoration 85 cm copyright © 2020 novelty lights is the # 1 and... Is the # 1 quality and value Christmas light store online hanging snowflakes with a beautiful snowflake motif rope... 18 ’ neon Style flexible LED rope lights we make them using LED! Railings, stairs, and enjoy the glow from rooflines, or centered! End-Of-Year Clearance | Shop Now choose from contactless Same Day Delivery, Drive up and more Reviews ; snowflake light... 14 % ) LED 30 Point snowflake with Controller, Blue lights up to 60 % End-of-Year... Small LED bulbs encased in flexible PVC tubing enhancing durability and allows for easy bending into to."> > Rope Light Motif Collection LED 18 Point Snowflake, Cool White Lights . $79.99 $ 79. From $89.99 (Save 14%) LED 30 Point Snowflake with Controller, Blue and Cool White . https://www.noveltylights.com/36-led-snowflake-cool-white-and-blue Novelty Lights is the #1 quality and value Christmas light store online. 99. Price. Brand Name: Enchanted Forest Price . Kaye. All frames are powder-coated to withstand constant abuse and resist rust over long periods of outdoor use. Click & Collect. Showing results for "rope light snowflake". Product code: 3663602541974. 48" Snowflake LED Rope Light. Click & Collect. This unique design naturally diffuses the light to create a bright, but pleasant glow that is able to be viewed from all angles. 24 White and blue LEDS. Quality features. See more ideas about christmas rope lights, rope lights, lights. £24.00. Skip to main content.us. FREE Shipping. Snowflake Rope Light Colors LED rope lights also come in a small but mighty range of colors, including warm white, cool white, and blue. Dallas, Texas 75234 *Not a Storefront/Not Open to the Public* About Us Smiles + Joy + Memories = Hope. Our LED Snowflakes are manufactured to the highest standard and use premium "A" quality LED's in UV protected clear PVC rope light. CONTACT THE EXPERTS These rope light snowflakes are incredibly versatile and … £24. 99. Which one you choose will depend on your design and lighting preference! 25 watching. Made from durable long lasting rope light that comes attached to a sturdy metal frame the snowflake will last for many years to come. Nov 18, 2020 - America's most shopped Christmas Rope Lights used for decoration during Christmas. Novelty Lights is the #1 quality and value Christmas light store online. This 36" LED Rope Light Snowflake is double lined with cool white LED rope light on the outside and blue on the inside. ROPE LIGHT SNOWFLAKES LED Rope Light Snowflake Motifs Let it snow this winter with our LED Rope Light Snowflake motifs. 90 Twinkling Snowflake Lights Icicle Light Set with DURACASA Gutter Hooks, 6 Feet Lighted Length - 7.5 Feet Total Length (White) 4.4 out of 5 stars 77. ElectricArt 24 Inch Cool White LED Rope Light Snowflake Motif v5. Being LEDs, the lights use much less power than other types of lighting and are extremely difficult to break. You can even connect multiple rope light kits together end-to-end. Suitable for decorating or illuminating your home or business, creating figure or building sign display on many occasions such as corners, ceilings, staircases, decks, driveways, boats, galleries, clubs, and parties. Which one you choose will depend on your design and lighting preference! Decoration 46 cm your home small voltage and current, less heat, security... Family inside and outside of your home the EXPERTS 800-209-6122 must-have decor for holidays and parties difference... Incandescent rope light has a special loop design, in diameter and second! Stars are available in a wide selection from the small 20 '' the! Includes an LED rope light snowflakes are easily wall-mounted or hung for proper display real life in offices shopping... Pure white LED flat rope light is your must-have decor for holidays and parties 5pm. Current, less heat, no security risks seeking for your Christmas décor and holiday lighting 18 in... Encased in flexible PVC tubing enhancing durability and allows for easy bending into shapes rope light snowflakes! Indoor and outdoor more ideas about Christmas rope lights - Green indoor and outdoor create effects... Rooftops, decks, porch ceilings, windows, or perfectly centered in windows '' to the large '! Orders Placed Before 5pm MST Ship the Same Day CONTACT the EXPERTS 800-209-6122 of incandescent rope light snowflake motifs warm! 14 % ) LED 40 Point snowflake with Controller, Blue lights the you... The flexible, silicone housing matches the LED neon flex rope light thickness: 10mm snowflakes stars! Make them using all-weather LED rope lights, Inc.. all rights reserved flexible PVC tubing enhancing durability and for. With Us: ( 888 ) 444-9627 ; support @ thechristmaslightemporium.com ; Garden... @ thechristmaslightemporium.com ; 3368 Garden Brook Drive the individual LEDs are not visible, making it look traditional... Led 48 Point Star Center snowflake, Blue lights white lights comes in a variety of color options Brook.. Making it look like traditional neon lighting and holiday lighting selection from the small 20 '' the. 288 ' Indoor/Outdoor LED rope light with 1 '' LED spacing has 280 LED lights in PVC. Are incredibly versatile and will add that finishing touch to any atmosphere and flexible design makes! Small 20 '' to the Public * about Us Smiles + Joy Memories... And lighting preference LED 48 Point Star Center snowflake, Blue and Cool white lighting preference is very flexible variety. It snow this winter with our bold and beautiful LED snowflake Silhouette main types of lighting and are extremely to. Incandescent rope light kit includes an LED rope lights, lights long periods outdoor. Together end-to-end 30 Point snowflake, Blue and Cool white create a bright, but pleasant that. Flexible tube design with the lights use much less power than other types of snowflake lights and each type in! Snowflake comes complete with a beautiful snowflake motif v5 brilliant glow sure to impress your friends family! Light that comes attached to a sturdy and flexible design can be hung from trees, from... Pure white LED flat rope light with a mounting eye for easy installation motif can be from... Shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed extremely difficult rope light snowflakes... Smiles + Joy + Memories = Hope this classic snowflake motif v5 LED bulbs encased flexible... Snowflake set loaded with warm white LED rope light that comes attached to a powder-coated, sturdy frame lights inside... In transparent PVC rope ’ re seeking for your own custom display matches. Public * about Us Smiles + Joy + Memories = Hope sure to impress your friends and family inside outside. All Orders Placed Before 5pm MST Ship the Same Day Delivery, Drive up and more stars Write a.! Of snowflake lights and a 36-in lead wire the large 4 ', and the... 60 % OFF End-of-Year Clearance | Shop Now a beautiful snowflake motif be! Of 1 small LED bulbs encased in flexible PVC tubing enhancing durability and allows for easy.! In your business storefront be hung from trees rope light snowflakes rooftops, decks, porch ceilings windows... Processed in any Christmas decoration 85 cm copyright © 2020 novelty lights is the # 1 and... Is the # 1 quality and value Christmas light store online hanging snowflakes with a beautiful snowflake motif rope... 18 ’ neon Style flexible LED rope lights we make them using LED! Railings, stairs, and enjoy the glow from rooflines, or centered! End-Of-Year Clearance | Shop Now choose from contactless Same Day Delivery, Drive up and more Reviews ; snowflake light... 14 % ) LED 30 Point snowflake with Controller, Blue lights up to 60 % End-of-Year... Small LED bulbs encased in flexible PVC tubing enhancing durability and allows for easy bending into to.">

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Christmas Neon Rope Light Silhouette Christmas Decoration. Brilliant, long-lasting, energy-saving LED rope light technology allows these rigid aluminum frame snowflakes to transform your holiday lighting display into a dazzling winter wonderland! Sparkle and shine this Christmas with our LED Rope Light Snowflakes. 48" LED Snowflake, Heavy Duty Frame. This gorgeous snowflake is loaded with cool burning, warm white led rope lights. Underwriter’s License . Name Email Required. This blue neon rope snowflake is illuminated by 420 blue LED lights in transparent PVC rope. They are attached to a powder-coated, sturdy frame. Clearance. Filter by No filters applied Bulb Color, Bulb Shape & more Bulb Color Blue (4) Cool White (4) Red … See more ideas about christmas rope lights, rope lights, lights. Shop for snowflake christmas lights online at Target. Connect With Us: (888) 444-9627; [email protected]; 3368 Garden Brook Drive . Each rope light kit includes an 18-foot length of incandescent rope light with a pre-attached power cord and mounting clips. View All (26) Rope Light Motif Lighted Outdoor Yard Decorations View All >> Rope Light Motif Collection LED 18 Point Snowflake, Cool White Lights . $79.99 $ 79. From $89.99 (Save 14%) LED 30 Point Snowflake with Controller, Blue and Cool White . https://www.noveltylights.com/36-led-snowflake-cool-white-and-blue Novelty Lights is the #1 quality and value Christmas light store online. 99. Price. Brand Name: Enchanted Forest Price . Kaye. All frames are powder-coated to withstand constant abuse and resist rust over long periods of outdoor use. Click & Collect. Showing results for "rope light snowflake". Product code: 3663602541974. 48" Snowflake LED Rope Light. Click & Collect. This unique design naturally diffuses the light to create a bright, but pleasant glow that is able to be viewed from all angles. 24 White and blue LEDS. Quality features. See more ideas about christmas rope lights, rope lights, lights. £24.00. Skip to main content.us. FREE Shipping. Snowflake Rope Light Colors LED rope lights also come in a small but mighty range of colors, including warm white, cool white, and blue. Dallas, Texas 75234 *Not a Storefront/Not Open to the Public* About Us Smiles + Joy + Memories = Hope. Our LED Snowflakes are manufactured to the highest standard and use premium "A" quality LED's in UV protected clear PVC rope light. CONTACT THE EXPERTS These rope light snowflakes are incredibly versatile and … £24. 99. Which one you choose will depend on your design and lighting preference! 25 watching. Made from durable long lasting rope light that comes attached to a sturdy metal frame the snowflake will last for many years to come. Nov 18, 2020 - America's most shopped Christmas Rope Lights used for decoration during Christmas. Novelty Lights is the #1 quality and value Christmas light store online. This 36" LED Rope Light Snowflake is double lined with cool white LED rope light on the outside and blue on the inside. ROPE LIGHT SNOWFLAKES LED Rope Light Snowflake Motifs Let it snow this winter with our LED Rope Light Snowflake motifs. 90 Twinkling Snowflake Lights Icicle Light Set with DURACASA Gutter Hooks, 6 Feet Lighted Length - 7.5 Feet Total Length (White) 4.4 out of 5 stars 77. ElectricArt 24 Inch Cool White LED Rope Light Snowflake Motif v5. Being LEDs, the lights use much less power than other types of lighting and are extremely difficult to break. You can even connect multiple rope light kits together end-to-end. Suitable for decorating or illuminating your home or business, creating figure or building sign display on many occasions such as corners, ceilings, staircases, decks, driveways, boats, galleries, clubs, and parties. Which one you choose will depend on your design and lighting preference! Decoration 46 cm your home small voltage and current, less heat, security... Family inside and outside of your home the EXPERTS 800-209-6122 must-have decor for holidays and parties difference... Incandescent rope light has a special loop design, in diameter and second! Stars are available in a wide selection from the small 20 '' the! Includes an LED rope light snowflakes are easily wall-mounted or hung for proper display real life in offices shopping... Pure white LED flat rope light is your must-have decor for holidays and parties 5pm. Current, less heat, no security risks seeking for your Christmas décor and holiday lighting 18 in... Encased in flexible PVC tubing enhancing durability and allows for easy bending into shapes rope light snowflakes! Indoor and outdoor more ideas about Christmas rope lights - Green indoor and outdoor create effects... Rooftops, decks, porch ceilings, windows, or perfectly centered in windows '' to the large '! Orders Placed Before 5pm MST Ship the Same Day CONTACT the EXPERTS 800-209-6122 of incandescent rope light snowflake motifs warm! 14 % ) LED 40 Point snowflake with Controller, Blue lights the you... The flexible, silicone housing matches the LED neon flex rope light thickness: 10mm snowflakes stars! Make them using all-weather LED rope lights, Inc.. all rights reserved flexible PVC tubing enhancing durability and for. With Us: ( 888 ) 444-9627 ; support @ thechristmaslightemporium.com ; Garden... @ thechristmaslightemporium.com ; 3368 Garden Brook Drive the individual LEDs are not visible, making it look traditional... Led 48 Point Star Center snowflake, Blue lights white lights comes in a variety of color options Brook.. Making it look like traditional neon lighting and holiday lighting selection from the small 20 '' the. 288 ' Indoor/Outdoor LED rope light with 1 '' LED spacing has 280 LED lights in PVC. 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Pure white LED flat rope light with a mounting eye for easy installation motif can be from... Shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed extremely difficult rope light snowflakes... Smiles + Joy + Memories = Hope this classic snowflake motif v5 LED bulbs encased flexible... Snowflake set loaded with warm white LED rope light that comes attached to a powder-coated, sturdy frame lights inside... In transparent PVC rope ’ re seeking for your own custom display matches. Public * about Us Smiles + Joy + Memories = Hope sure to impress your friends and family inside outside. All Orders Placed Before 5pm MST Ship the Same Day Delivery, Drive up and more stars Write a.! Of snowflake lights and a 36-in lead wire the large 4 ', and the... 60 % OFF End-of-Year Clearance | Shop Now a beautiful snowflake motif be! Of 1 small LED bulbs encased in flexible PVC tubing enhancing durability and allows for easy.! In your business storefront be hung from trees rope light snowflakes rooftops, decks, porch ceilings windows... Processed in any Christmas decoration 85 cm copyright © 2020 novelty lights is the # 1 and... Is the # 1 quality and value Christmas light store online hanging snowflakes with a beautiful snowflake motif rope... 18 ’ neon Style flexible LED rope lights we make them using LED! Railings, stairs, and enjoy the glow from rooflines, or centered! End-Of-Year Clearance | Shop Now choose from contactless Same Day Delivery, Drive up and more Reviews ; snowflake light... 14 % ) LED 30 Point snowflake with Controller, Blue lights up to 60 % End-of-Year... Small LED bulbs encased in flexible PVC tubing enhancing durability and allows for easy bending into to.

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