“It was a little bit different. Sons of Anarchy : 10 ans après le début de la série, que sont devenus les acteurs ? Tellement heureux de revenir jouer avec mes amis ! Jeremy Jordan is wrapping up his three-episode return arc on Supergirl with this Sunday’s 100th episode, but he’s already looking forward to his next trip back. Si vous continuez à utiliser ce dernier, nous considérerons que vous acceptez l'utilisation des cookies. Winn decided to adopt his father’s old villain moniker and turn it into something positive. Showtime prépare un reboot de la série Dexter avec toujours Michael C. Hall dans le rôle-titre. 20 juillet 2019 20 juillet 2019 Xanda Aucun commentaire Supergirl , The CW Alors que son personnage a été totalement absent de la saison 4 de Supergirl , Jeremy Jordan reviendra dans la cinquième saison de … It’s hard to schedule these things because I have a lot of concerts and I have Broadway and off-Broadway gigs. “But at that point it was a couple episodes behind us and everyone was free to have a blast. San Diego Comic Con 2019 : The Boys est renouvelée pour une saison 2, The CW commande plus d’épisodes de Batwoman et de Nancy Drew qui recrute Miles Gaston Villanueva, The Originals: l’avis de la rédac’ sur la saison 5, Supergirl saison 3 : Odette Annable castée, Floriana Lima rétrogradée en personnage récurrent, En savoir plus sur comment les données de vos commentaires sont utilisées. It’s like a love letter to our fans for always supporting us and being really positive throughout the years. Comic Con : Invités, dates, programme... Tout sur l'événement pop culture. We had a blast and were laughing the whole time. “There’s a lovely scene between Melissa and I where we have one of our old school heart-to-hearts and talk, that’s always just really lovely to get to film,” he says. The clip show of sorts follows Kara (Melissa Benoist) as she gets to troubleshoot all the different points in time where she had the opportunity to tell Lena (Katie McGrath) her secret and see all the alternate outcomes to figure out if she made the right call keeping her double identity from her former BFF. So happy to come back and play with my friendsssssss!! Entertainment Weekly is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. Supergirl airs Sundays at 8 p.m. on The CW. “It’s just the fact that Winn has always been part of the DNA of the show and when he returns for these couple episodes it really just felt natural and normal,” he tells EW. “The second I stepped on the set it was like I had never left and we just had a blast. “The Winn that I’m playing in the 100th episode is a weird hybrid of old Winn mixed with if the old Winn had stuck around and become a version of a new Winn that we see,” he says. “Just getting to reunite with Winn. Jeremy Jordan is 'more than happy to come back' to. We get to revisit some of these great moments we’ve had over the course of the series and make some fun new memories. “It was actually Jesse Rath who pitched Winn eventually taking up the Toyman call sign which I thought was super smart and really fun full circle thing,” Jordan says. Prévenez-moi de tous les nouveaux commentaires par e-mail. Shameless (US) : la 11ème et dernière saison débarque en décembre ! Alors que son personnage a été totalement absent de la saison 4 de Supergirl, Jeremy Jordan reviendra dans la cinquième saison de la série pour reprendre son rôle de Winn. ». Publié il y a 1420 jours Publié le 1 août 2016 12:30:22 Just kidding,” he says with another laugh. Jeremy Jordan de retour dans la saison 5 de Supergirl ! Emily in Paris : l’avis de la rédac’ sur la saison 1 ! Spartacus : 10 ans après le début de la série, que sont devenus les acteurs . Comic Con 2015 : Omar Sy fait le show pour CéKeDuBonheur face à Sofia Essaïdi, Hunger Games : Jennifer Lawrence radieuse et irrésistible pour le Comic Con, Jessica Biel et Kate Beckinsale : Duo de charme au Comic Con, Twilight : Mort d'une fan à l'aube du Comic Con. It’s getting glimpses here and there of what could have been. Angelina Jolie, absolument magnifique, a mis le Comic Con à ses pieds ! 30 essential albums from the last 30 years, the two-part “Back From the Future” story line. Supergirl saison 2 : Melissa Benoist (Kara), Jeremy Jordan (Winn) et le casting en folie dans le bêtisier ! I hated it! But Jordan isn’t done guest-starring on Supergirl just yet — he’s excited for another chance to return to The CW series in the future. After leaving The CW’s superhero drama back in season 3 to join the Legion of Super-Heroes in the future, Jordan’s Winn reappeared in the two-part “Back From the Future” story line this season to reconnect and reunite with his super friends and defeat his evil doppelgänger. “‘Hey, it’s cool, I’ve always been the computer lad. Jeremy Jordan à la soirée 'Supergirl' du Comic Con 2017 au Hilton Bayfront à San Diego, le 22 juillet 2017, Jeremy Jordan (Smash) en deuil : son neveu de 14 ans s'est suicidé, Jeremy Jordan à la 33e soirée annuelle Paleyfest - Supergirl au Dolby à Hollywood, le 13 mars 2016, Jeremy Jordan à New York le 14 octobre 2014.
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