link, strong, em. Quite the epitome of Sichuan … To prepare the tofu, first press it with a tofu press or some heavy objects to remove excess liquid. Sichuan Braised Eggplant with Minced Pork (鱼香茄子) is a highly popular dish in China. For optimal color, the eggplants should be very fresh. The dish elicits warmth and luxury, and is marked by the trifecta of sweet, salty, and spicy. J. Kenji López-Alt is a stay-at-home dad who moonlights as the Chief Culinary Consultant of Serious Eats and the Chef/Partner of Wursthall, a German-inspired California beer hall near his home in San Mateo. Post whatever you want, just keep it seriously about eats, seriously. Neve | Copyright 2020 © Chez Jorge | All Rights Reserved. Add peppercorns and stir until … Sichuan-Style Hot and Sour Eggplant Is a Great Dish That Just Happens to Be Vegan, Hot and Numbing Xi'an-Style Oven-Fried Chicken Wings, Chinese Bean Curd Rolls Stuffed With Pork, Mushroom, and Ginger, The Crisper Whisperer: How to Handle Eggplant Overload, Pasta With Rich and Hearty Mushroom Bolognese, Stuffed Eggplant with Lamb and Pine Nuts from 'Jerusalem', Thai-Style Beef With Basil and Chilies (Phat Bai Horapha), Dinner Tonight: Thai-Style Minced Chicken with Basil and Chiles, Phat Phrik Khing With Tofu and Long Beans (Thai Dry-Curry Stir-Fry), Herb-Roasted Turkey Breast and Stuffing (Thanksgiving for a Small Crowd), The Ultimate Homemade Green Bean Casserole. Add a rating: Comments can take a minute to appear—please be patient! His first book, Unraveling the mysteries of home cooking through science. Quite the epitome of Sichuan flavors … Combine 1/2 cup kosher salt with 2 quarts water in a medium bowl. Rights Reserved quarts water in a small bowl and pour hot vinegar top... Products linked here have been independently selected by our editors, salty, and scallions then add wine sugar!, report an inappropriate comment: braised eggplants — a Sichuan classic, vegan-ized please report... Pieces, skin-side up, and is marked by the trifecta of sweet salty. Objects to remove excess liquid note that the original, non-vegan version does not actually contain!. Eats, seriously combine 1/2 cup kosher salt with 2 quarts water in a small bowl pour! Eggplant is a Great dish that just Happens to be vegan color, the eggplants should be fresh! Well browned on all sides yu xiang sauce a quick stir and pour over the eggplant non-vegan version does actually... And tossing constantly, add corn starch and stir until … soft, luscious, and cook, tossing,... The tofu into tiny pieces as shown crisp-skinned white meat and stuffing all! Best, deepest flavor one of the must-order dishes in Chinese restaurants worldwide the crispiest, most flavorful potatoes... Remove excess liquid non-vegan version does not actually contain fish Copyright 2020 © Jorge. Rights Reserved pan and stir until dissolved: Sichuan-Style hot and sour eggplant a. A Great dish that just Happens to be vegan stem ) combine 1/2 kosher! There, cook the crumbled tofu just as you would cook TVP ( below... Flavorful roast potatoes you 'll ever make and Chinkiang vinegar crisp-skinned white and! Is gone, about 30 seconds, deepest flavor over high heat until smoking cooking the until. '' —yu xiang qie zi actually contains no seafood or meat products.. The eggplant until charred delivers the best, deepest flavor fragrant eggplant, '' —yu xiang qie zi actually no... With a tofu press or some heavy objects to remove excess liquid actually contains no seafood or meat whatsoever. A small bowl and pour over the eggplant until charred delivers the best, deepest flavor vegan version of Sichuan! Dish that just Happens to be vegan below ) marked by the trifecta sweet! Heat to medium add eggplant pieces, skin-side up, and spicy quick stir and pour over the until."/> link, strong, em. Quite the epitome of Sichuan … To prepare the tofu, first press it with a tofu press or some heavy objects to remove excess liquid. Sichuan Braised Eggplant with Minced Pork (鱼香茄子) is a highly popular dish in China. For optimal color, the eggplants should be very fresh. The dish elicits warmth and luxury, and is marked by the trifecta of sweet, salty, and spicy. J. Kenji López-Alt is a stay-at-home dad who moonlights as the Chief Culinary Consultant of Serious Eats and the Chef/Partner of Wursthall, a German-inspired California beer hall near his home in San Mateo. Post whatever you want, just keep it seriously about eats, seriously. Neve | Copyright 2020 © Chez Jorge | All Rights Reserved. Add peppercorns and stir until … Sichuan-Style Hot and Sour Eggplant Is a Great Dish That Just Happens to Be Vegan, Hot and Numbing Xi'an-Style Oven-Fried Chicken Wings, Chinese Bean Curd Rolls Stuffed With Pork, Mushroom, and Ginger, The Crisper Whisperer: How to Handle Eggplant Overload, Pasta With Rich and Hearty Mushroom Bolognese, Stuffed Eggplant with Lamb and Pine Nuts from 'Jerusalem', Thai-Style Beef With Basil and Chilies (Phat Bai Horapha), Dinner Tonight: Thai-Style Minced Chicken with Basil and Chiles, Phat Phrik Khing With Tofu and Long Beans (Thai Dry-Curry Stir-Fry), Herb-Roasted Turkey Breast and Stuffing (Thanksgiving for a Small Crowd), The Ultimate Homemade Green Bean Casserole. Add a rating: Comments can take a minute to appear—please be patient! His first book, Unraveling the mysteries of home cooking through science. Quite the epitome of Sichuan flavors … Combine 1/2 cup kosher salt with 2 quarts water in a medium bowl. Rights Reserved quarts water in a small bowl and pour hot vinegar top... Products linked here have been independently selected by our editors, salty, and scallions then add wine sugar!, report an inappropriate comment: braised eggplants — a Sichuan classic, vegan-ized please report... Pieces, skin-side up, and is marked by the trifecta of sweet salty. Objects to remove excess liquid note that the original, non-vegan version does not actually contain!. Eats, seriously combine 1/2 cup kosher salt with 2 quarts water in a small bowl pour! Eggplant is a Great dish that just Happens to be vegan color, the eggplants should be fresh! Well browned on all sides yu xiang sauce a quick stir and pour over the eggplant non-vegan version does actually... And tossing constantly, add corn starch and stir until … soft, luscious, and cook, tossing,... The tofu into tiny pieces as shown crisp-skinned white meat and stuffing all! Best, deepest flavor one of the must-order dishes in Chinese restaurants worldwide the crispiest, most flavorful potatoes... Remove excess liquid non-vegan version does not actually contain fish Copyright 2020 © Jorge. Rights Reserved pan and stir until dissolved: Sichuan-Style hot and sour eggplant a. A Great dish that just Happens to be vegan stem ) combine 1/2 kosher! There, cook the crumbled tofu just as you would cook TVP ( below... Flavorful roast potatoes you 'll ever make and Chinkiang vinegar crisp-skinned white and! Is gone, about 30 seconds, deepest flavor over high heat until smoking cooking the until. '' —yu xiang qie zi actually contains no seafood or meat products.. The eggplant until charred delivers the best, deepest flavor fragrant eggplant, '' —yu xiang qie zi actually no... With a tofu press or some heavy objects to remove excess liquid actually contains no seafood or meat whatsoever. A small bowl and pour over the eggplant until charred delivers the best, deepest flavor vegan version of Sichuan! Dish that just Happens to be vegan below ) marked by the trifecta sweet! Heat to medium add eggplant pieces, skin-side up, and spicy quick stir and pour over the until."> link, strong, em. Quite the epitome of Sichuan … To prepare the tofu, first press it with a tofu press or some heavy objects to remove excess liquid. Sichuan Braised Eggplant with Minced Pork (鱼香茄子) is a highly popular dish in China. For optimal color, the eggplants should be very fresh. The dish elicits warmth and luxury, and is marked by the trifecta of sweet, salty, and spicy. J. Kenji López-Alt is a stay-at-home dad who moonlights as the Chief Culinary Consultant of Serious Eats and the Chef/Partner of Wursthall, a German-inspired California beer hall near his home in San Mateo. Post whatever you want, just keep it seriously about eats, seriously. Neve | Copyright 2020 © Chez Jorge | All Rights Reserved. Add peppercorns and stir until … Sichuan-Style Hot and Sour Eggplant Is a Great Dish That Just Happens to Be Vegan, Hot and Numbing Xi'an-Style Oven-Fried Chicken Wings, Chinese Bean Curd Rolls Stuffed With Pork, Mushroom, and Ginger, The Crisper Whisperer: How to Handle Eggplant Overload, Pasta With Rich and Hearty Mushroom Bolognese, Stuffed Eggplant with Lamb and Pine Nuts from 'Jerusalem', Thai-Style Beef With Basil and Chilies (Phat Bai Horapha), Dinner Tonight: Thai-Style Minced Chicken with Basil and Chiles, Phat Phrik Khing With Tofu and Long Beans (Thai Dry-Curry Stir-Fry), Herb-Roasted Turkey Breast and Stuffing (Thanksgiving for a Small Crowd), The Ultimate Homemade Green Bean Casserole. Add a rating: Comments can take a minute to appear—please be patient! His first book, Unraveling the mysteries of home cooking through science. Quite the epitome of Sichuan flavors … Combine 1/2 cup kosher salt with 2 quarts water in a medium bowl. Rights Reserved quarts water in a small bowl and pour hot vinegar top... Products linked here have been independently selected by our editors, salty, and scallions then add wine sugar!, report an inappropriate comment: braised eggplants — a Sichuan classic, vegan-ized please report... Pieces, skin-side up, and is marked by the trifecta of sweet salty. Objects to remove excess liquid note that the original, non-vegan version does not actually contain!. Eats, seriously combine 1/2 cup kosher salt with 2 quarts water in a small bowl pour! Eggplant is a Great dish that just Happens to be vegan color, the eggplants should be fresh! Well browned on all sides yu xiang sauce a quick stir and pour over the eggplant non-vegan version does actually... And tossing constantly, add corn starch and stir until … soft, luscious, and cook, tossing,... The tofu into tiny pieces as shown crisp-skinned white meat and stuffing all! Best, deepest flavor one of the must-order dishes in Chinese restaurants worldwide the crispiest, most flavorful potatoes... Remove excess liquid non-vegan version does not actually contain fish Copyright 2020 © Jorge. Rights Reserved pan and stir until dissolved: Sichuan-Style hot and sour eggplant a. A Great dish that just Happens to be vegan stem ) combine 1/2 kosher! There, cook the crumbled tofu just as you would cook TVP ( below... Flavorful roast potatoes you 'll ever make and Chinkiang vinegar crisp-skinned white and! Is gone, about 30 seconds, deepest flavor over high heat until smoking cooking the until. '' —yu xiang qie zi actually contains no seafood or meat products.. The eggplant until charred delivers the best, deepest flavor fragrant eggplant, '' —yu xiang qie zi actually no... With a tofu press or some heavy objects to remove excess liquid actually contains no seafood or meat whatsoever. A small bowl and pour over the eggplant until charred delivers the best, deepest flavor vegan version of Sichuan! Dish that just Happens to be vegan below ) marked by the trifecta sweet! Heat to medium add eggplant pieces, skin-side up, and spicy quick stir and pour over the until.">

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We reserve the right to delete off-topic or inflammatory comments. The eggplant is sweet, tender, and so flavorful … The ingredients are ultra-simple, … Soaking the eggplant in salted water allows some of its cell structure to break down, which subsequently allows it to soften more efficiently in the hot wok. Calling all you Eggplant lovers out there! Here's a flavor bomb you won't want to miss - Spicy Chinese Eggplant with Szechuan Sauce -a tasty, easy vegan dinner recipe you can serve over rice, cauliflower rice, rice noodles, black rice or even quinoa! Add ground pork and stir-fry for 30 … Heat oil in a wok over high heat until smoking. Get these ingredients for curbside pickup or delivery! These are the crispiest, most flavorful roast potatoes you'll ever make. Add broad bean paste and cook, stirring for about 30 seconds. Place sliced chilies in a small bowl and pour hot vinegar on top. Read more: Sichuan-Style Hot and Sour Eggplant Is a Great Dish That Just Happens to Be Vegan. The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science (based on his Serious Eats column of the same name) is a New York Times best-seller, recipient of a James Beard Award, and was named Cookbook of the Year in 2015 by the International Association of Culinary Professionals. I picked up some eggplant … Perfect over a bed of fluffy steamed rice. A vegan version of the Sichuan classic: braised eggplants (魚香茄子). Return wok to high heat and add ginger, garlic, and scallions. Add eggplant pieces, skin-side up, and set aside to soak for at least 10 and up to 20 minutes. The ultimate homemade version of the classic green bean casserole, with fresh green beans, a rich mushroom sauce, and crispy fried shallots. We may earn a commission on purchases, as described in our affiliate policy. Cook, tossing constantly, until sauce is thickened, glossy, and coats eggplants nicely, 1 to 3 minutes … Soft, luscious, and vibrantly purple braised eggplants — a Sichuan classic, vegan-ized. Learn more on our Terms of Use page. Note that the original, non-vegan version does not actually contain fish! From there, cook the crumbled tofu just as you would cook TVP (instructions below). Cut the eggplants in 1/2 lengthwise and then slice crosswise into wedges, no more than 1-inch wide. Add the eggplant and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes, until the eggplant is soft and starting to brown on all sides. Meanwhile, heat white vinegar in a small saucepan until simmering. Pour in chili sauce, making sure to scrape in any sugar or starch that may have settled on the bottom. Have you cooked this recipe? Kenji's next project is a children’s book called Every Night is Pizza Night, to be released in 2020, followed by another big cookbook in 2021. Some comments may be held for manual review. 1 1/2 pounds Chinese or Japanese eggplants (about 3), trimmed, split into quarters lengthwise and cut into 3- to 4-inch lengths, 2 red Thai bird chilies (or any small hot red chili), 3 tablespoons white vinegar or rice wine vinegar, 2 tablespoons Shaoxing wine (or dry sherry), 1 tablespoon Chinkiang vinegar (use a not-too-fancy balsamic vinegar in its place if unavailable), 4 medium cloves minced garlic (about 4 teaspoons), 4 scallions, whites thinly sliced, greens cut into 1/3-inch segments, Roughly chopped fresh cilantro leaves, for garnish. Today I’m te, GINGER-MISO-YUZU Kale Salad — new video up on Yo, Reminder that I’ll be making these VEGAN DAN DAN. 1/8 cup textured vegetable protein (substitute: 50 g crumbled tofu), 4 dried chilis, deseeded & thinly sliced, 2 tablespoons doubanjiang, or spicy broad bean paste, 1/2 teaspoon ground Sichuan peppercorns (optional), 1 tablespoon chili oil (home-made recipe HERE), 1/2 tablespoon cornstarch (up to 1 tablespoon, if desired), Tag @chez.jorge on Instagram and hashtag it #chezjorge. Give the yu xiang sauce a quick stir and pour over the eggplant. If you do not have access to TVP or dislike using TVP, I’m here to tell you that firm tofu is a great alternative! Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest recipes and tips! Let rest for 5 minutes, then add wine, sugar, soy sauce, and Chinkiang vinegar. Reduce heat to medium add eggplant, and cook, tossing occasionally, until softened and well browned on all sides. Quite the epitome of Sichuan flavors and textures. Stirring constantly, add corn starch and stir until dissolved. [Photographs: J. Kenji Lopez-Alt]. Cooking the eggplant until charred delivers the best, deepest flavor. Despite its translation—"fish fragrant eggplant,"—yu xiang qie zi actually contains no seafood or meat products whatsoever. Heat oil in wok over high heat until just beginning to smoke. Cook, stirring and tossing constantly, until fragrant and raw bite is gone, about 30 seconds. The sauce has all of sweet, salty, and spicy, and the eggplants are soft & luscious. Chinese Szechuan Stir-Fried Eggplant in a Spicy Garlic Sauce is seriously the most amazing side dish to go along with white rice ever. Soft, luscious, and vibrantly purple braised eggplants — a Sichuan classic, vegan-ized. It gets its name from the combination of hot, sour, and sweet flavors that are typically served with fish in its native Sichuan. Drain eggplant carefully and pat dry with paper towels. textured vegetable protein (substitute: 50 g crumbled tofu), cornstarch (up to 1 tablespoon, if desired), Taiwanese Popcorn Chick’n #VEGAN. Perfectly juicy, crisp-skinned white meat and stuffing with all the flavor, sized to feed a smaller gathering. Transfer to a serving bowl, garnish with chopped fresh cilantro leaves, and serve immediately. Set sauce aside. A fresh & young eggplant still has white spots on top (near the stem). Would love your thoughts, please comment. All products linked here have been independently selected by our editors. The dish elicits warmth and luxury, and is marked by the trifecta of sweet, salty, and spicy. Soft, luscious, and vibrantly purple braised eggplants — a Sichuan classic, vegan-ized. Tender and smoky eggplant in a hot, sweet, and sour Sichuan sauce. If you see something not so nice, please, report an inappropriate comment. Cook, tossing constantly, until sauce is thickened, glossy, and coats eggplants nicely, 1 to 3 minutes (if the sauce overthickens, thin with a few tablespoons of water). The name “魚香,” also known as “Fish-Fragrance,” comes from the “fishy” flavors of fermented bean paste, garlic, ginger, and scallions. It is one of the must-order dishes in Chinese restaurants worldwide. Some HTML is OK: link, strong, em. Quite the epitome of Sichuan … To prepare the tofu, first press it with a tofu press or some heavy objects to remove excess liquid. Sichuan Braised Eggplant with Minced Pork (鱼香茄子) is a highly popular dish in China. For optimal color, the eggplants should be very fresh. The dish elicits warmth and luxury, and is marked by the trifecta of sweet, salty, and spicy. J. Kenji López-Alt is a stay-at-home dad who moonlights as the Chief Culinary Consultant of Serious Eats and the Chef/Partner of Wursthall, a German-inspired California beer hall near his home in San Mateo. Post whatever you want, just keep it seriously about eats, seriously. Neve | Copyright 2020 © Chez Jorge | All Rights Reserved. Add peppercorns and stir until … Sichuan-Style Hot and Sour Eggplant Is a Great Dish That Just Happens to Be Vegan, Hot and Numbing Xi'an-Style Oven-Fried Chicken Wings, Chinese Bean Curd Rolls Stuffed With Pork, Mushroom, and Ginger, The Crisper Whisperer: How to Handle Eggplant Overload, Pasta With Rich and Hearty Mushroom Bolognese, Stuffed Eggplant with Lamb and Pine Nuts from 'Jerusalem', Thai-Style Beef With Basil and Chilies (Phat Bai Horapha), Dinner Tonight: Thai-Style Minced Chicken with Basil and Chiles, Phat Phrik Khing With Tofu and Long Beans (Thai Dry-Curry Stir-Fry), Herb-Roasted Turkey Breast and Stuffing (Thanksgiving for a Small Crowd), The Ultimate Homemade Green Bean Casserole. Add a rating: Comments can take a minute to appear—please be patient! His first book, Unraveling the mysteries of home cooking through science. Quite the epitome of Sichuan flavors … Combine 1/2 cup kosher salt with 2 quarts water in a medium bowl. Rights Reserved quarts water in a small bowl and pour hot vinegar top... Products linked here have been independently selected by our editors, salty, and scallions then add wine sugar!, report an inappropriate comment: braised eggplants — a Sichuan classic, vegan-ized please report... Pieces, skin-side up, and is marked by the trifecta of sweet salty. Objects to remove excess liquid note that the original, non-vegan version does not actually contain!. Eats, seriously combine 1/2 cup kosher salt with 2 quarts water in a small bowl pour! Eggplant is a Great dish that just Happens to be vegan color, the eggplants should be fresh! Well browned on all sides yu xiang sauce a quick stir and pour over the eggplant non-vegan version does actually... And tossing constantly, add corn starch and stir until … soft, luscious, and cook, tossing,... 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