interzone submissions

(That makes it Britain's longest-running SF magazine by a good margin.) I am the TTA rep on a magazines panel at Novacon. Too soon to say. There are many factors to juggle in deciding what to submit, and where. Available. Don't know Meadowhawk. It is strongly recommended that you study the magazine. and his romantic noir urban fantasy novella “The Demons of Wall Street” were both just recently published. Opinions expressed on this web site are not necessarily those of SFWA. There's no need to spend too long on a cover letter, just introduce yourself and tell us of any relevant credits you have. In this table, I’m setting the cost of Response Time at $0.50/day. But that was not the miracle. Interzone is always open to unsolicited submissions of new science fiction and fantasy stories up to a maximum of 10,000 words. These sites not only enable market discovery, finding new magazines, anthologies, and contests, but also provide valuable data that can be used to prioritize your submissions. If you receive a rejection from Interzone please don’t then submit that story to … But what about magazines that do allow simultaneous submissions? Hi, 30% off everything Black Static from November 29th to December 2nd. Website | Support! Could you perheps include the link for the website? It is strongly recommended that you study the magazine. Interzone . Hello! We are always open to submissions of new new science fiction and fantasy short stories. Yes, I was the last person to see him. Interzone is always open to unsolicited submissions of new science fiction and fantasy stories up to a maximum of 10,000 words. TTA Press. Fiction. Crimewave is open to submissions of up to 10,000 words. More than 30 of his short stories have appeared in magazines such as Nature, PodCastle, New Haven Review, and Galaxy’s Edge. Your attached story should be in standard MS format (double spaced, good margins, contact details, approximate word count and page numbers). Aha, you say, but the Tetris part of Submission Tetris comes from the fact you have to manage submissions over time with magazines that aren’t necessarily open just now. 1,300 words . Prestige is of course a personal assessment; yours may vary. Fascinating post, and a lot more math than how I approach submissions, that’s for sure! Let’s say I’m considering submitting a 2,000-word near-future science-fiction story to Clarkesworld, Analog, Interzone, and Terraform. Many (but not all) of the leading story markets prohibit simultaneous submissions. Interzone is always open to unsolicited submissions of new science fiction and fantasy stories up to a maximum of 10,000 words. I told her end of day on the 31st. Technically this is 1 – the product of all the rejection probabilities, but you may prefer just to spitball it with an estimate. In decision analysis, it’s useful to reduce all factors to monetary values. Don't send us simultaneous submissions or anything that's already been published in the English language. The third time I saw a fox by Cécile Cristofari. Pronouns: he/him. Description. If you submit by e mail to Jetse then you can see more at. Terraform doesn’t return rejections, so after 30 days I count them as a no if they haven’t responded. Similarly, the dollar value I attribute to Prestige is a wholly personal assessment. Thank you for quantifying.-Lynn Hesse. These sites not only enable market discovery, finding new magazines, anthologies, and contests, but also provide valuable data that can be used to prioritize your submissions. Being familiar with what we publish will obviously greatly improve your chances of acceptance. This isn’t because money is the be-all and end-all, but because that way you can compare them numerically. Interzone New Science Fiction & Fantasy INTERZONE ISSUE 288 OUT NOW! Interzone was founded in 1982 by David Pringle, John Clute, Alan Dorey, Malcolm Edwards, Colin Greenland, Graham Jones, Roz … If you receive a rejection from Interzone please don’t then submit that story to another of our magazines, as we will already have considered that option. Follow her at and on Twitter at @BethCato. The ideal time to get the back issues you've missed, take out the subscription you've been promising yourself, or renew/extend your current subscription. We are always open to submissions of new stories of up to a maximum of 10,000 words. 0 min | 11.08 mean avg | 2 median | 183 max days, 8 pending responses (1 min | 83 mean avg | 55 median | 318 max days waiting). View Your 4,800 words. Call for Magazine submissions accepting Fantasy, Science Fiction pieces. “Submission Tetris” is the game of matching your available stories with magazine and anthology slush calls. JavaScript is disabled. There's no need to spend too long on a cover letter, just introduce yourself and tell us of any relevant credits you have. The Parada had been lost for almost 200 years before they recovered the ship, drifting in interstellar darkness, and brought her home again. When did this happen? This statistical information is an aggregation of submission data provided by our members. Thanks, Andy. So for this submission (and probably in general) I should submit to Clarkesworld first, Interzone second, Terraform third, and Analog fourth. Duotrope's listing for Interzone. It is strongly recommended that you study the magazine. Story Acceptances. google_ad_client = "pub-2563074962102742"; Back issues are now available in the Shop (click the link in … As a rough estimate, you can treat them all as one aggregated market, averaging most of their values, but taking the maximum of their Response Times and coming up with some combined factor for acceptance rate. Interzone was founded in 1982 by David Pringle, John Clute, Alan Dorey, Malcolm Edwards, Colin Greenland, Graham Jones, Roz Kaveney and Simon Ounsley. The Contributors' Guidelines are otherwise unchanged, and they can be found in the usual place (see the link on the left). From this chart, I delete the rows that don’t have value to me or that are the same for all the magazines, and assign dollars based on my personal assessment of their value or cost. The following elements (among others) may play into your decision: Everyone’s weighting of these factors varies, and they’re not all independent, either. Back Issues. Your story should be in standard MS format (double spaced, good margins, contact details, approximate word count and page numbers). . Both cover most of the same markets, but the former is a free service that doesn’t suffer much in comparison to the latter, which requires a paid subscription. Thanx megatons for the info and insight. to me of a submission based on these factors is going to be: allow simultaneous submissions? google_ad_width = 120; Your own rating of the various factors associated with acceptance or rejection are almost certainly going to differ from mine and will be no less legitimate. View Your Technically this is 1 – the product of all the rejection probabilities, but you may prefer just to spitball it with an estimate. The magazine is always open to submissions of short stories, non-fiction and artwork -- we're interested in any and all ideas in fact. Black Static is always open to unsolicited submissions of new dark/horror stories up to a maximum of 10,000 words. You must log in or register to reply here. google_ad_slot = "8829189304"; Markets and Market Lists The two leading short fiction market and submission … The Way of His Kind by James Sallis.

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