Sound Card: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card. Once again you head to head right and dive back into the water, then quickly swim to the next platform on the far right. This may take two or three boosts depending on your accuracy. • [1:18:00] — Chapter 10: The Facility Entrance Run over and drop through the open grate on the floor and into the water below. There's more to Inside than puzzles. Jump on top of the small yellow box ahead and interact with it to pull the cord on top. Stay near the bottom of the rope and swing left and right to gain momentum. The Inside guide contains a full walkthrough for the game. Press A to burst down through the wooden boards at the bottom of the next room. Climb up to the top to reach the floor above, then move right to find a button. Infos & Gameplay-Trailer Playstation Store. If you don’t move immediately to the left and jump in the water, the barrels will crush you. This time hit the button again as you make a beeline for the closing doorway. Our Inside Game walkthrough will guide you through the beginning to ending moments of gameplay including all puzzle solutions with strategy tips for this action-adventure puzzle-platformer game on the Xbox One & PC. Copyright 2020 by Entertainment Media Group AG. It tells about all riddles and obstacles and informs how to find all of the secret locations that unlock achievements required for revealing the hidden ending. Move the sub to the right until you’re directly below the second light fixture, then boost upward to attach the humanoid to the second fixture. Dive underwater in the submarine and boost through the red doorway in the lower right. This causes the box to move up after a short delay. Move through the next opening in the lower right corner of the area then continue to the far right. Move the humanoid down to the top of the submarine, then remove yourself from the fixture and get inside the sub. Die Komplettlösung / Walkthrough zu Mystery Castle ist online. about Head back up the rope and through the newly opened doorway to the right. Climb up the nearby ladder and run to the right to reach another hanging rope. The FarmDeal with dead pigs and take control of humanoids as you push through the farm area. Head through the door and down the stairs to the right. How to Unlock the Secret Ending Find out what you need to do to get the secret ending for Inside! As one of the fastest growing digital video game publications we are driven by innovative ways to offer an attractive interactive gaming experience. Instead, you simply want to press the button and then get back up to the grate as quickly as possible. The goal here is to drag your feet in the water so the child makes a beeline for you. Continue on to the Mines or head back to our Inside walkthrough and guide. Press the button to the left to open the large door, then drop down into the water below and swim back through the cracks in the wall. Inside is a game that is divided up into several sections that catalogue a boy's journey into a dark project, and the game allows you to load up a variety of areas once you have reached them. You can now get back into the sub and head right to go back up into the previous room. The MinesCollect a mob of humanoids so you can make it through the intricate Mines area. Activate the switch on the right, then immediately move to the switch on the left to activate it as well. OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required) Pull the rod out of the orb, then push open the grate to the left to drop into the water below. Maka will be your voice-over commentator showing you around all of the game’s levels within 2 hours. Continue on to the Facility Entrance or head back to our Inside walkthrough and guide. The Forest Avoid cars and humans as you make your way through the opening area of the game. Damit ihr die entsprechenden Passagen leichter im Fließtext unserer Lösung finden könnt, haben wir an jeder Stelle das Wort „Kugel“ fett markiert. Wer die Videos nutzt, wird zeitgleich die meisten Erfolge freispielen. When you open the circular door to the far right, you’ll drop into the water below. Thanks to Playdead & Maka for the walkthrough videos. Get out of the sub and climb up the ladder, then access the light fixture to take control of the humanoid. about Climb up the second rope and continue up the ladder to the left. Hervorgehobene Geheimnisse: Sämtliche geheimen Verstecke von Inside beherbergen eine leuchtende Kugel. When it reaches the top, jump to the wooden beam to the left. , Ladies and gentlemen, here’s my Life Is Strange 2 Walkthrough! In this room there’s another child-like creature swimming in the water. After the return trip, move to the far right edge of the platform and jump back into the water. Kommentare können ohne Einwilligung zu Cookies nicht angezeigt werden. There isn’t a lot of room for error here, so you need to move quickly. Please note that viewers must be at least 18 to watch, so no harm comes to those with innocent eyes. Continue moving right, but keep your light on the child so he doesn’t get too close. Online Multiplayer Update Launches December 3, NBA 2K21 Next-Gen Gameplay Reveal Trailer, Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity ‘Untold Chronicles From 100 Years Past’ Trailer, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered Announced for PS4, Xbox One, Switch and PC. Graphics: NVIDIA GT 630 / 650m, AMD Radeon HD6570 or equivalent Press A to burst down through the wooden … You have enough time to make it to the surface on the far right and climb out of the water before the child catches you. Quickly move to the right and up to the hanging rope near the surface of the water. He loved gaming from the moment he got a Nintendo with Super Mario Bros. on his 8th birthday. Processor: Intel i7 920 @ 2.7 GHz, AMD Phenom II 945 @ 3.0 GHz This guide will show you how to find the game's hidden items, earn its achievements and unlock the alternate, secret ending.
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