On the contrary, In Name Only is a melodramatic soap opera. Why Is Rush Limbaugh Not On Today, Domino99? Okay, the movie has it's enjoyable moments (in a throwaway fluff kind of a way), but for the most part it is fairly predictable romantic movie which defies believability on almost every level. Living In Hamilton, Tx, Wealthy, sensitive Grant marries Francis, who is everything he isn't--tenacious, scheming, and pathologically possessive. While out riding in the country, wealthy New Yorker Alec Walker meets young widow Julie Eden, and a relationship quickly develops. Lombard, a beautiful, lonely widow, takes a summer cottage near Grant's estate and he falls desperately in love with her. Lmn movies are a dirty little delight for me, so I enjoyed this movie, and the girl is very charismatic. A loafer and a manicurist, both planning to marry money, meet and form an uneasy alliance. A completely coincidental car crash alerts the two women to each other's existence, a situation to which they react very differently. When a foreign exchange student, Ana, studying abroad in America becomes the target of a dangerous stalker, she accepts the invitation to move in with her roommate's family in their idyllic town. University Of South Carolina Law School Lsat, With Cary Grant, Carole Lombard, Kay Francis, Charles Coburn. Add the first question. I saw a screening of this several months ago and have been patiently waiting for news about when it was going to be getting released because it was one of the most romantic films I've seen in a long time. Carole Lombard and Cary Grant star together and their pairing does work. Please enter your email address and we will email you a new password. Diploma In Civil Engineering Salary Per Month, © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. A moving, well crafted romance with standout performances. Alberto Abuín Espinof. Most of the scenes could have been lifted from a generic relationship drama, and it is only the couple’s conversation, not their visually desaturated world, that distinguishes them. The site was created to help build a directory of movie reviews in one place and allow reviewers and bloggers to share their passion for movies. A psychiatrist faces his past, present and future when he finds himself involved in the treatment of a young man recently released from prison for a murder committed when the boy was just 11 years old. Very well acted, directed, etc. Judge Dredd Movie 2012, Sidney Poitier’s 7 Most Memorable Performances, All Harry Potter Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer. Chinese Evergreen Care, I loved that movie for all what was said before I do, but I see one additional plus: maybe the genius side of the writer and the Director: You can see the movie two ways: 1 - Like the probable intention of the author: a couple, on the breaking point, because he is too busy to love freely; an accident, she dies. And then everything goes bad, quickly. This is gonna be your jam. However, Alec has not told her that he is already locked into a loveless marriage to the avaricious Maida, who has contrived to convince his parents she is the ideal wife. Rubika Shah’s documentary about the British organization Rock Against Racism is a compelling depiction of political organizing in the 1970s. This film plays with the thought we have all had at one time or another, "If only I could have that moment over again".
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