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LCR MSCP conservation measures that could result in such temporary disturbances will, to the extent practicable, be designed and implemented to avoid or minimize the potential for disturbance. The marsh habitat at QWMA has in the past supported at least 4-6 pairs of the endangered Yuma Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris yumanensis) and appropriate habitat exists for the endangered Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus), although nesting has not been documented. Pairs are monogamous and both sexes assist in incubation and brood-rearing. Conduct monitoring of selenium levels in sediment, water, and/or biota present in LCR MSCP created backwater and marsh land cover types. Jackson, J. Clutch size ranges from 6 to 8 eggs. If monitoring results indicate that management of the LCR MSCP conservation areas increases levels of selenium in created backwaters and marshes or in covered species that use them, the LCR MSCP will undertake research to develop feasible methods to manage the conservation areas in a manner that will eliminate or compensate for the effects of increased selenium levels. This species is closely related to the clapper rail, and until recently was considered a subspecies. This conservation measure applies to those species for which comparable measures are not subsumed under species-specific conservation measures (Section 5.7 in the HCP). CMM2—Replace created habitat affected by wildfire. Selenium is also a concern, even though it occurs naturally within the lower Colorado River Basin. This rail usually lays 7 to 11 eggs in a cup nest of grasses or sedges. To the extent practicable, to avoid and minimize potential impacts on covered bird species, vegetation management activities (e.g., periodic removal of emergent vegetation to maintain canals and drains) associated with implementation of covered activities and the LCR MSCP that could result in disturbance to covered bird species will not be implemented during the breeding season to prevent injury or mortality of eggs and young birds unable to avoid these activities. Yuma clapper rails move into different cover types in winter, showing a preference for denser cover than in summer. After breeding, adults go through a molt, lose their tail and flight feathers, and remain flightless for 3 to 4 weeks. They have been found to eat crayfish, weevils, water beetles, spiders, damselfly nymphs, dragonfly nymphs, shrimp, grasshoppers, insect eggs, ground beetles, plant seeds, fish (including mosquito fish, frogs (adults and tadpoles), leeches, crabs, an introduced freshwater clam, and a variety of plants. The Cienega provides critical habitat for the four species, with estimated abundance of 405 California Black Rails, 7152 Virginia Rails, 8652 Least Bitterns and 8642 Yuma Clapper Rails. AMM5—Avoid impacts of operation, maintenance, and replacement of hydroelectric generation and transmission facilities on covered species in the LCR MSCP planning area. There are up to six subspecies of Ridgway’s rail. Clapper rails are sight feeders, gleaning the surface, making shallow and sometimes deep probes, gleaning below the water surface, moving at times erratically in search of prey, and at other times moving slowly and deliberately. LCR MSCP conducts a variety of research and monitoring activities along the LCR encompassing both MSCP and non-MSCP species. b. Empidonax traillii extimus Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Endangered . Young rails learn foraging strategies from adults but may be fed, in part, by adults until the age of 6 weeks. Yuma clapper rails were declared Endangered in 1967, soon after the ESA was passed. Draft Revised Recovery Plan for the Yuma Clapper Rail: RD(1) 2: Arizona Ecological Services Field Office (602) 242-0210: Yuma Ridgways (clapper) rail: Rallus obsoletus [=longirostris] yumanensis: 3: 1.1.1: Assess rationale for setting recovery goal of 700-1,000 breeding birds in the 1983 recovery plan. This subspecies is the only population not breeding in saltwater … yumanensis) Citation: Seasonal changes in Yuma clapper rail vocalization rate and habitat use. It has a patchy distribution in salt marshes of the Pacific Coast, as well as inland around the salty waters of the Salton Sea. Bird species recorded here which have conservation status include: Federal T/E - Yuma Clapper Rail (presumed to nest); Arizona threatened - Least Bittern (presumed to nest), Great Egret and Snowy Egret (forages here, nests nearby), Osprey (winter), and Belted Kingfisher (winter); Arizona WatchList - Abert's … There is no apparent association with brood mates or parents after fledging. The lack of random flooding events that would shape and rejuvenate wetlands has allowed encroachment by woody vegetation and buildup of large amounts of decadent vegetation. 2001). Survey detections for the United States habitats have fluctuated between 467 and 809 individuals over the last 10 years. Coyotes, raccoons, and raptors such as northern harrier, great horned owl, and Harris’ hawk, have been documented as predators of the Yuma clapper rail. BLM Special Status Animal Species by Field Office FIELD OFFICE SCIENTIFIC NAMECOMMON NAME FEDERAL STATUS STATE STATUS BLM STATUS OTHER STATUS Alturas 24 Species Mammal ... Yuma clapper rail Rallus longirostris yumanensis FE ST SF Reptile Barefoot banded gecko Coleonyx switaki ST BLMS The species’ range now stretches north to the Virgin River and Beaver Dam Wash, near Littlefield, Arizona, and Mesquite, Nevada, the Muddy River near Overton, Nevada, and the Las Vegas Wash near Las Vegas, Nevada, and Ash Meadows NWR northwest of Las Vegas. Rallus longirostris ) Yuma clapper rails term of the LCR MSCP planning area habitat is thought that rail... And 809 individuals over the last 10 years rail, it also lives in freshwater marshes, the. Items off substrate a factor contributing to and integrating with local, state, and fires this... Summer to make up for the United States habitats have fluctuated between 467 and 809 individuals over the of. 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