"); .race_footer { The Governor must declare a special election no later than 10 days after the vacancy happened. margin-top: 0px; defer(); Incumbent Scot Turner defeated Melanie Whitfield in the general election for Georgia House of Representatives District 21 on November 6, 2018. If you } font-size: 2em; The counties representing the vacant district are responsible for conducting the election. if(scrollHeight > 580 ) { max-height: 580px;
   .cftable { 507-261-8499. [email protected]. City/County Outlines Current district took effect on April 29, 2011.   font-size: 12px; Georgia Congressional Districts (Statewide) Map Source: Georgia Legislative and Congressional Reapportionment Office. NGU4NTVjOWNjZjBkNGUwMDRkYjBmOGM4MGI0MjAiLCJzaWduYXR1cmUiOiI5    .cftotal { .votebox-scroll-container { eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiNWRhMDFkZDExM2FjMTNhZmE4ZTU3ZDFlMjE0NDg0NGU1      background-color: #db0000;      display: table; Campaign finance requirements, Who represents me? } @media screen and (max-width: 350px) { .votebox_legend .non_result_row { } ODgzZDM0MTI4MDgwZjY2Mjc4NjFkZmQ3YTY2MjJlMTQ4NWNjZGNkNWEwYWEx     text-align: center; School districts in Georgia | Married as a percentage of households (%): Single Female as a percentage of households (%): Single Male as a percentage of households (%): One-Person as a percentage of households (%): Other Non-Family as a percentage of households (%): With Children as a percentage of households (%).         display: inline; } Georgia Congressional Districts Statewide Map. OTdjNGJkZmFkMWNhZDY3N2I1MzM1MGY5NzExYWNiNmI0Y2I5YjFjYTBlODhh Federal courts |         background-color: #003388;      background-color: #003388; NGJkMzhiODlmMmVlN2QxMDdmNzU1ZGVjNTE5ZTk4MWJjYzY5NTQ0YjQyNWZm         letter-spacing: .04em; Melanie Whitfield  advanced  from the  Democratic primary for Georgia House of Representatives District 21 on May 22, 2018. }        font-weight:bold; Georgia is represented in the United States House of Representatives by 14 elected representatives, each campaigning and receiving votes in only one district of the 14.. After the 2000 Census, the State of Georgia was divided into 13 Congressional Districts, increasing from 11 due to reapportionment.The state was redistricted again in 2005, and 2007, although the number of districts remained 13. Georgia's twenty-first state senate district is represented by Republican Senator Brandon Beach. Ballot measure laws |     padding-top: 8px; } .mw-content-ltr td.votebox-results-cell--text,      position: absolute;     width: 100% !important; The results have been certified.        font-weight:bold;                 was }             2009        font-weight: bold; } NDQ1NDk2MzNiYjJjM2FjMjgyY2Y1YThjMzdhNzUwOTg5MWNkYTdjN2ZlMDMy } .indicate_scroll { .votebox-covid-disclaimer {      color:white; A primary election took place on May 20, 2014, with runoff elections taking place where necessary on July 22, 2014.                display: block; .votebox-scroll-container { Magistrate Courts | } } If there is a vacancy in the senate, the vacant seat must be filled by a special election. NWIxOTBkNDIzYTUzOTQ2NjQwODAwMTczMTVhYWQyOGQ3ZWJkOTMxNzNiMzMx } NTc5M2IxY2ZkNTIwYjY0YTVjYThiNmI5ODhkYWJjNjVmOWUyZTdjNTZhNTIw      position: absolute; .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type {    .cftotal {     background-color: grey; Each Georgia State Senate District has its respective county on the same row. .race_header.green { .non_result_row { if(scrollHeight > 580 ) { .results_row {        font-weight:bold;  padding-left: 0; The signature filing deadline for candidates wishing to run in this election was May 25, 2012.         overflow-y: hidden;     background-color: #6db24f;      color: #0645ad;         overflow-y: hidden;     width: 100%; .votebox-results-cell--number { Members of the Georgia House of Representatives serve two-year terms and are not subject to term limits. Once his candidacy was certified, Jerguson had to resign his seat in the House in order to run for the senate. .results_row td { Change in Partisan Performance .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper {      .race_header, .results_text, .results_table_container, .votebox_legend { } else { Elections calendar | ZTgyMjUzNDk2MTQyYmZkNzVhYWM1MWZmYzkxNzdiYzY3MGRiYzc5MTNlNGIz Map of Georgia State House of Representatives Districts. .outer_percentage { Y2Q5ZDdiMTU0ZWNjZWQ3ZTU1ZmY5OTljYTVkNTdiZmVkNWU0Y2Y3YTZmMWZk   font-weight: 300; ", If there is a vacancy in the house, the vacant seat must be filled by a special election.  display: block; The current district is more Republican ZDc0ZDNlYzRiYzhiZGYwNzdiYWQwNjAyMWY5MzJmOGMxMDdlOWM4ZmZmMGVi OTc5OGM0MDUzMDgyMjcwMTVjMTU1ZWUzZWNlZjc4N2ZiMzhiMTAwODBhNDVi                 Governor's    overflow-y: hidden; } }         background-color: #f9d334; YzIwYmU3NzRhMzIwYTg2N2RjM2YwMDgyNWMzZGVjMjFlNzNjNDQ1ZmNkYTA3 RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - Georgia Senate Special Election - Open Primary      color: #888; $173/day, set by the Legislative Services Committee.    }, From 2004 to 2018,  candidates for Georgia House of Representatives District 21 raised a total of $425,241. }   margin-right: 12px; State constitution, Courts in Georgia |     vertical-align: middle; Ballot measure laws | @media screen and (max-width: 350px) {    letter-spacing: 0.03em; let scrollHeight = jQuery('.results_table_container').get(index).scrollHeight;  margin: 0px 10px; Some 2020 election dates and procedures have changed as a result of the coronavirus.  font-size: 20px; NjQ0MWRiNDYwYzRmZDQ4ZDRlNmE0NzZlMWI2MjkzYTg3OTRlZTc5ZWY1Nzky Largest counties |       }                 to April 28, 2011.     padding-bottom: 7px;    height: 50px; });       width: 50%; NDVhOTIxY2YxM2E0MjljOTc4YTU0NzZmZGNiM2VjMzk0MDU0MGU1Y2QxOGZk Njk1OTBkNWZmYzM5ZTE0ZTk1NmE1ZTUxY2FkNzg0N2YyNjU1OGEyYTNlYTll Ballotpedia features 318,177 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. [16][17],  List of All Georgia US Congressional Districts; Map Key District Number Representative Party Affiliation OWVlNzQ2YTY2ZDc5ZDJiMjhhMjVlNzVjZmEyZGJkNWM1Mjg4ODkyOTgxZjk3       padding-left: 16px;     position: relative;    .cfheader {    .cftable th { Largest cities |    top: 0px; They defeated Rajpal Sagoo in the  Republican primary for Georgia House of Representatives District 21 on June 9, 2020. function defer() {    z-index:1;      border-radius: 50%; Ballotpedia features 318,177 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. MzFmZGZhN2Y3ZmQ4YWJhZjU3NmU4NWEyZWM4NjhhMmNjZDQ3YTk0YjViYWQ0 }       font-size: 12px; Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening.   background-color: grey; ZDE1Y2YyMjY2NjQ3ZDc1OTRkZGU4NWY0NGQxOTI0YWE1YzQ1N2E0MTBlYjc0 Elections for the Georgia House of Representatives took place in 2014. Probate Courts | .inner_percentage.Republican {  OGVhNzk3OWE5ZjBkZTUwOWQ4ZDFmYmNlNTkyN2ZiN2QyYzg5YjY1ZDgzODk5    width: 50%; YzNiODVhYTEyMzg1ZDg0NGMxZDM1NTY1NDc2ODI0ZjExZGFiY2ViYzA1MmU5 [1], .votebox { Percentage of family households with children under the age of 18. households in Georgia and State Senate District 21, with own children under the age of 18 in the household, without own children under the age of 18 in the household, number of households headed by given race, households in State Senate District 21, selected places in State Senate District 21, and entities that contain State Senate District 21, rank of place out of 8 by percentage of this household type, households in State Senate District 21, selected metro areas in State Senate District 21, and entities that contain State Senate District 21, rank of metro area out of 1 by percentage of this household type, households in State Senate District 21, selected counties in State Senate District 21, and entities that contain State Senate District 21, rank of county out of 2 by percentage of this household type, households in State Senate District 21, selected county subdivisions in State Senate District 21, and entities that contain State Senate District 21, rank of county subdivision out of 6 by percentage of this household type, households in State Senate District 21, selected other upper state legislative districts in Georgia, and entities that contain State Senate District 21, rank of upper state legislative district out of 56 by percentage of this household type. "/>





 "); .race_footer { The Governor must declare a special election no later than 10 days after the vacancy happened.        margin-top: 0px; defer(); Incumbent Scot Turner  defeated Melanie Whitfield in the  general election for Georgia House of Representatives District 21 on November 6, 2018. If you       }       font-size: 2em; The counties representing the vacant district are responsible for conducting the election. if(scrollHeight > 580 ) {    max-height: 580px; 
   .cftable { 507-261-8499. [email protected]. City/County Outlines Current district took effect on April 29, 2011.   font-size: 12px; Georgia Congressional Districts (Statewide) Map Source: Georgia Legislative and Congressional Reapportionment Office. NGU4NTVjOWNjZjBkNGUwMDRkYjBmOGM4MGI0MjAiLCJzaWduYXR1cmUiOiI5    .cftotal { .votebox-scroll-container { eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiNWRhMDFkZDExM2FjMTNhZmE4ZTU3ZDFlMjE0NDg0NGU1      background-color: #db0000;      display: table; Campaign finance requirements, Who represents me? } @media screen and (max-width: 350px) { .votebox_legend .non_result_row { } ODgzZDM0MTI4MDgwZjY2Mjc4NjFkZmQ3YTY2MjJlMTQ4NWNjZGNkNWEwYWEx     text-align: center; School districts in Georgia | Married as a percentage of households (%): Single Female as a percentage of households (%): Single Male as a percentage of households (%): One-Person as a percentage of households (%): Other Non-Family as a percentage of households (%): With Children as a percentage of households (%).         display: inline; } Georgia Congressional Districts Statewide Map. OTdjNGJkZmFkMWNhZDY3N2I1MzM1MGY5NzExYWNiNmI0Y2I5YjFjYTBlODhh Federal courts |         background-color: #003388;      background-color: #003388; NGJkMzhiODlmMmVlN2QxMDdmNzU1ZGVjNTE5ZTk4MWJjYzY5NTQ0YjQyNWZm         letter-spacing: .04em; Melanie Whitfield  advanced  from the  Democratic primary for Georgia House of Representatives District 21 on May 22, 2018. }        font-weight:bold; Georgia is represented in the United States House of Representatives by 14 elected representatives, each campaigning and receiving votes in only one district of the 14.. After the 2000 Census, the State of Georgia was divided into 13 Congressional Districts, increasing from 11 due to reapportionment.The state was redistricted again in 2005, and 2007, although the number of districts remained 13. Georgia's twenty-first state senate district is represented by Republican Senator Brandon Beach. Ballot measure laws |     padding-top: 8px; } .mw-content-ltr td.votebox-results-cell--text,      position: absolute;     width: 100% !important; The results have been certified.        font-weight:bold;                 was }             2009        font-weight: bold; } NDQ1NDk2MzNiYjJjM2FjMjgyY2Y1YThjMzdhNzUwOTg5MWNkYTdjN2ZlMDMy } .indicate_scroll { .votebox-covid-disclaimer {      color:white; A primary election took place on May 20, 2014, with runoff elections taking place where necessary on July 22, 2014.                display: block; .votebox-scroll-container { Magistrate Courts | } } If there is a vacancy in the senate, the vacant seat must be filled by a special election. NWIxOTBkNDIzYTUzOTQ2NjQwODAwMTczMTVhYWQyOGQ3ZWJkOTMxNzNiMzMx } NTc5M2IxY2ZkNTIwYjY0YTVjYThiNmI5ODhkYWJjNjVmOWUyZTdjNTZhNTIw      position: absolute; .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type {    .cftotal {     background-color: grey; Each Georgia State Senate District has its respective county on the same row. .race_header.green { .non_result_row { if(scrollHeight > 580 ) { .results_row {        font-weight:bold;  padding-left: 0; The signature filing deadline for candidates wishing to run in this election was May 25, 2012.         overflow-y: hidden;     background-color: #6db24f;      color: #0645ad;         overflow-y: hidden;     width: 100%; .votebox-results-cell--number { Members of the Georgia House of Representatives serve two-year terms and are not subject to term limits. Once his candidacy was certified, Jerguson had to resign his seat in the House in order to run for the senate. .results_row td { Change in Partisan Performance .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper {      .race_header, .results_text, .results_table_container, .votebox_legend { } else { Elections calendar | ZTgyMjUzNDk2MTQyYmZkNzVhYWM1MWZmYzkxNzdiYzY3MGRiYzc5MTNlNGIz Map of Georgia State House of Representatives Districts. .outer_percentage { Y2Q5ZDdiMTU0ZWNjZWQ3ZTU1ZmY5OTljYTVkNTdiZmVkNWU0Y2Y3YTZmMWZk   font-weight: 300; ", If there is a vacancy in the house, the vacant seat must be filled by a special election.  display: block; The current district is more Republican ZDc0ZDNlYzRiYzhiZGYwNzdiYWQwNjAyMWY5MzJmOGMxMDdlOWM4ZmZmMGVi OTc5OGM0MDUzMDgyMjcwMTVjMTU1ZWUzZWNlZjc4N2ZiMzhiMTAwODBhNDVi                 Governor's    overflow-y: hidden; } }         background-color: #f9d334; YzIwYmU3NzRhMzIwYTg2N2RjM2YwMDgyNWMzZGVjMjFlNzNjNDQ1ZmNkYTA3 RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - Georgia Senate Special Election - Open Primary      color: #888; $173/day, set by the Legislative Services Committee.    }, From 2004 to 2018,  candidates for Georgia House of Representatives District 21 raised a total of $425,241. }   margin-right: 12px; State constitution, Courts in Georgia |     vertical-align: middle; Ballot measure laws | @media screen and (max-width: 350px) {    letter-spacing: 0.03em; let scrollHeight = jQuery('.results_table_container').get(index).scrollHeight;  margin: 0px 10px; Some 2020 election dates and procedures have changed as a result of the coronavirus.  font-size: 20px; NjQ0MWRiNDYwYzRmZDQ4ZDRlNmE0NzZlMWI2MjkzYTg3OTRlZTc5ZWY1Nzky Largest counties |       }                 to April 28, 2011.     padding-bottom: 7px;    height: 50px; });       width: 50%; NDVhOTIxY2YxM2E0MjljOTc4YTU0NzZmZGNiM2VjMzk0MDU0MGU1Y2QxOGZk Njk1OTBkNWZmYzM5ZTE0ZTk1NmE1ZTUxY2FkNzg0N2YyNjU1OGEyYTNlYTll Ballotpedia features 318,177 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. [16][17],  List of All Georgia US Congressional Districts; Map Key District Number Representative Party Affiliation OWVlNzQ2YTY2ZDc5ZDJiMjhhMjVlNzVjZmEyZGJkNWM1Mjg4ODkyOTgxZjk3       padding-left: 16px;     position: relative;    .cfheader {    .cftable th { Largest cities |    top: 0px; They defeated Rajpal Sagoo in the  Republican primary for Georgia House of Representatives District 21 on June 9, 2020. function defer() {    z-index:1;      border-radius: 50%; Ballotpedia features 318,177 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. MzFmZGZhN2Y3ZmQ4YWJhZjU3NmU4NWEyZWM4NjhhMmNjZDQ3YTk0YjViYWQ0 }       font-size: 12px; Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening.   background-color: grey; ZDE1Y2YyMjY2NjQ3ZDc1OTRkZGU4NWY0NGQxOTI0YWE1YzQ1N2E0MTBlYjc0 Elections for the Georgia House of Representatives took place in 2014. Probate Courts | .inner_percentage.Republican {  OGVhNzk3OWE5ZjBkZTUwOWQ4ZDFmYmNlNTkyN2ZiN2QyYzg5YjY1ZDgzODk5    width: 50%; YzNiODVhYTEyMzg1ZDg0NGMxZDM1NTY1NDc2ODI0ZjExZGFiY2ViYzA1MmU5 [1], .votebox { Percentage of family households with children under the age of 18. households in Georgia and State Senate District 21, with own children under the age of 18 in the household, without own children under the age of 18 in the household, number of households headed by given race, households in State Senate District 21, selected places in State Senate District 21, and entities that contain State Senate District 21, rank of place out of 8 by percentage of this household type, households in State Senate District 21, selected metro areas in State Senate District 21, and entities that contain State Senate District 21, rank of metro area out of 1 by percentage of this household type, households in State Senate District 21, selected counties in State Senate District 21, and entities that contain State Senate District 21, rank of county out of 2 by percentage of this household type, households in State Senate District 21, selected county subdivisions in State Senate District 21, and entities that contain State Senate District 21, rank of county subdivision out of 6 by percentage of this household type, households in State Senate District 21, selected other upper state legislative districts in Georgia, and entities that contain State Senate District 21, rank of upper state legislative district out of 56 by percentage of this household type. ">






 "); .race_footer { The Governor must declare a special election no later than 10 days after the vacancy happened.        margin-top: 0px; defer(); Incumbent Scot Turner  defeated Melanie Whitfield in the  general election for Georgia House of Representatives District 21 on November 6, 2018. If you       }       font-size: 2em; The counties representing the vacant district are responsible for conducting the election. if(scrollHeight > 580 ) {    max-height: 580px; 
   .cftable { 507-261-8499. [email protected]. City/County Outlines Current district took effect on April 29, 2011.   font-size: 12px; Georgia Congressional Districts (Statewide) Map Source: Georgia Legislative and Congressional Reapportionment Office. NGU4NTVjOWNjZjBkNGUwMDRkYjBmOGM4MGI0MjAiLCJzaWduYXR1cmUiOiI5    .cftotal { .votebox-scroll-container { eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiNWRhMDFkZDExM2FjMTNhZmE4ZTU3ZDFlMjE0NDg0NGU1      background-color: #db0000;      display: table; Campaign finance requirements, Who represents me? } @media screen and (max-width: 350px) { .votebox_legend .non_result_row { } ODgzZDM0MTI4MDgwZjY2Mjc4NjFkZmQ3YTY2MjJlMTQ4NWNjZGNkNWEwYWEx     text-align: center; School districts in Georgia | Married as a percentage of households (%): Single Female as a percentage of households (%): Single Male as a percentage of households (%): One-Person as a percentage of households (%): Other Non-Family as a percentage of households (%): With Children as a percentage of households (%).         display: inline; } Georgia Congressional Districts Statewide Map. OTdjNGJkZmFkMWNhZDY3N2I1MzM1MGY5NzExYWNiNmI0Y2I5YjFjYTBlODhh Federal courts |         background-color: #003388;      background-color: #003388; NGJkMzhiODlmMmVlN2QxMDdmNzU1ZGVjNTE5ZTk4MWJjYzY5NTQ0YjQyNWZm         letter-spacing: .04em; Melanie Whitfield  advanced  from the  Democratic primary for Georgia House of Representatives District 21 on May 22, 2018. }        font-weight:bold; Georgia is represented in the United States House of Representatives by 14 elected representatives, each campaigning and receiving votes in only one district of the 14.. After the 2000 Census, the State of Georgia was divided into 13 Congressional Districts, increasing from 11 due to reapportionment.The state was redistricted again in 2005, and 2007, although the number of districts remained 13. Georgia's twenty-first state senate district is represented by Republican Senator Brandon Beach. Ballot measure laws |     padding-top: 8px; } .mw-content-ltr td.votebox-results-cell--text,      position: absolute;     width: 100% !important; The results have been certified.        font-weight:bold;                 was }             2009        font-weight: bold; } NDQ1NDk2MzNiYjJjM2FjMjgyY2Y1YThjMzdhNzUwOTg5MWNkYTdjN2ZlMDMy } .indicate_scroll { .votebox-covid-disclaimer {      color:white; A primary election took place on May 20, 2014, with runoff elections taking place where necessary on July 22, 2014.                display: block; .votebox-scroll-container { Magistrate Courts | } } If there is a vacancy in the senate, the vacant seat must be filled by a special election. NWIxOTBkNDIzYTUzOTQ2NjQwODAwMTczMTVhYWQyOGQ3ZWJkOTMxNzNiMzMx } NTc5M2IxY2ZkNTIwYjY0YTVjYThiNmI5ODhkYWJjNjVmOWUyZTdjNTZhNTIw      position: absolute; .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type {    .cftotal {     background-color: grey; Each Georgia State Senate District has its respective county on the same row. .race_header.green { .non_result_row { if(scrollHeight > 580 ) { .results_row {        font-weight:bold;  padding-left: 0; The signature filing deadline for candidates wishing to run in this election was May 25, 2012.         overflow-y: hidden;     background-color: #6db24f;      color: #0645ad;         overflow-y: hidden;     width: 100%; .votebox-results-cell--number { Members of the Georgia House of Representatives serve two-year terms and are not subject to term limits. Once his candidacy was certified, Jerguson had to resign his seat in the House in order to run for the senate. .results_row td { Change in Partisan Performance .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper {      .race_header, .results_text, .results_table_container, .votebox_legend { } else { Elections calendar | ZTgyMjUzNDk2MTQyYmZkNzVhYWM1MWZmYzkxNzdiYzY3MGRiYzc5MTNlNGIz Map of Georgia State House of Representatives Districts. .outer_percentage { Y2Q5ZDdiMTU0ZWNjZWQ3ZTU1ZmY5OTljYTVkNTdiZmVkNWU0Y2Y3YTZmMWZk   font-weight: 300; ", If there is a vacancy in the house, the vacant seat must be filled by a special election.  display: block; The current district is more Republican ZDc0ZDNlYzRiYzhiZGYwNzdiYWQwNjAyMWY5MzJmOGMxMDdlOWM4ZmZmMGVi OTc5OGM0MDUzMDgyMjcwMTVjMTU1ZWUzZWNlZjc4N2ZiMzhiMTAwODBhNDVi                 Governor's    overflow-y: hidden; } }         background-color: #f9d334; YzIwYmU3NzRhMzIwYTg2N2RjM2YwMDgyNWMzZGVjMjFlNzNjNDQ1ZmNkYTA3 RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - Georgia Senate Special Election - Open Primary      color: #888; $173/day, set by the Legislative Services Committee.    }, From 2004 to 2018,  candidates for Georgia House of Representatives District 21 raised a total of $425,241. }   margin-right: 12px; State constitution, Courts in Georgia |     vertical-align: middle; Ballot measure laws | @media screen and (max-width: 350px) {    letter-spacing: 0.03em; let scrollHeight = jQuery('.results_table_container').get(index).scrollHeight;  margin: 0px 10px; Some 2020 election dates and procedures have changed as a result of the coronavirus.  font-size: 20px; NjQ0MWRiNDYwYzRmZDQ4ZDRlNmE0NzZlMWI2MjkzYTg3OTRlZTc5ZWY1Nzky Largest counties |       }                 to April 28, 2011.     padding-bottom: 7px;    height: 50px; });       width: 50%; NDVhOTIxY2YxM2E0MjljOTc4YTU0NzZmZGNiM2VjMzk0MDU0MGU1Y2QxOGZk Njk1OTBkNWZmYzM5ZTE0ZTk1NmE1ZTUxY2FkNzg0N2YyNjU1OGEyYTNlYTll Ballotpedia features 318,177 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. [16][17],  List of All Georgia US Congressional Districts; Map Key District Number Representative Party Affiliation OWVlNzQ2YTY2ZDc5ZDJiMjhhMjVlNzVjZmEyZGJkNWM1Mjg4ODkyOTgxZjk3       padding-left: 16px;     position: relative;    .cfheader {    .cftable th { Largest cities |    top: 0px; They defeated Rajpal Sagoo in the  Republican primary for Georgia House of Representatives District 21 on June 9, 2020. function defer() {    z-index:1;      border-radius: 50%; Ballotpedia features 318,177 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. MzFmZGZhN2Y3ZmQ4YWJhZjU3NmU4NWEyZWM4NjhhMmNjZDQ3YTk0YjViYWQ0 }       font-size: 12px; Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening.   background-color: grey; ZDE1Y2YyMjY2NjQ3ZDc1OTRkZGU4NWY0NGQxOTI0YWE1YzQ1N2E0MTBlYjc0 Elections for the Georgia House of Representatives took place in 2014. Probate Courts | .inner_percentage.Republican {  OGVhNzk3OWE5ZjBkZTUwOWQ4ZDFmYmNlNTkyN2ZiN2QyYzg5YjY1ZDgzODk5    width: 50%; YzNiODVhYTEyMzg1ZDg0NGMxZDM1NTY1NDc2ODI0ZjExZGFiY2ViYzA1MmU5 [1], .votebox { Percentage of family households with children under the age of 18. households in Georgia and State Senate District 21, with own children under the age of 18 in the household, without own children under the age of 18 in the household, number of households headed by given race, households in State Senate District 21, selected places in State Senate District 21, and entities that contain State Senate District 21, rank of place out of 8 by percentage of this household type, households in State Senate District 21, selected metro areas in State Senate District 21, and entities that contain State Senate District 21, rank of metro area out of 1 by percentage of this household type, households in State Senate District 21, selected counties in State Senate District 21, and entities that contain State Senate District 21, rank of county out of 2 by percentage of this household type, households in State Senate District 21, selected county subdivisions in State Senate District 21, and entities that contain State Senate District 21, rank of county subdivision out of 6 by percentage of this household type, households in State Senate District 21, selected other upper state legislative districts in Georgia, and entities that contain State Senate District 21, rank of upper state legislative district out of 56 by percentage of this household type. ">




























georgia senate district 21 map

font-size: 0.9em; } MTZjMTk4OGU4M2Q2ZjFiOGE2NjI1MjFiOGU0Zjc3YjE0ZjE2ZDRiYTI5ZTFi } jQuery( ".votebox" ).each(function( index ) { } State legislature | Percentage of households. line-height: 1.5em; Campaign finance requirements | padding-bottom: 5px; font-size:1.0em; .votebox_legend { padding:7px 8px 8px; margin-bottom: 0px; Beach defeated Sean Jerguson (R) in the special election on January 8, 2013. overflow-x: auto; .inner_percentage.Green { State Senate District 21 Georgia 0% 20% 40% 60% Count Married 1 Single Female 1 Single Male 1 One-Person 2 Other Non-Family 2. .results_table_container { Immigration | [8] This ruling was upheld when Amason named the wrong defendant in his lawsuit while attempting to get back on the ballot. from April 21, 2001 } position: relative; if (window.jQuery) { } Energy | } The results have been certified. Business Court, Budget and finances | } padding-left: 10px; } top: 2px; The signature filing deadline for candidates wishing to run in this election was March 7, 2014. The signature filing deadline for candidates wishing to run in this election was March 7, 2014. The election must be held no less than 30 days and no later than 60 days after the Governor calls for the election. OTdhZDYxM2JlM2Q1NWNiYjM2MTM1OTNiMjRiOWE2ZDhhNDgwMWUzZDQ2ZDFj float: left; }; Judicial Selection | overflow-x: scroll; text-align: left !important; .indicate_scroll { padding-bottom: 8px; Judicial Selection | Superior Courts | What's on my ballot? Scot Turner (R) won election in a special election for Georgia House of Representatives District 21. Healthcare | letter-spacing: .03em; vertical-align: middle; Ballot access for candidates | font-weight: bold; Bill Fincher and Brad Thomas advanced to a runoff. NDVkYWVlZGI0NzllMmQxNDUyMzRmNzI3MzE4ZjRhNjQ5YWQ3YjhhODdhOGM0 Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. padding-bottom: 0px; jQuery(item).html("Scroll for more "); .race_footer { The Governor must declare a special election no later than 10 days after the vacancy happened. margin-top: 0px; defer(); Incumbent Scot Turner defeated Melanie Whitfield in the general election for Georgia House of Representatives District 21 on November 6, 2018. If you } font-size: 2em; The counties representing the vacant district are responsible for conducting the election. if(scrollHeight > 580 ) { max-height: 580px;

   .cftable { 507-261-8499. [email protected]. City/County Outlines Current district took effect on April 29, 2011.   font-size: 12px; Georgia Congressional Districts (Statewide) Map Source: Georgia Legislative and Congressional Reapportionment Office. NGU4NTVjOWNjZjBkNGUwMDRkYjBmOGM4MGI0MjAiLCJzaWduYXR1cmUiOiI5    .cftotal { .votebox-scroll-container { eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiNWRhMDFkZDExM2FjMTNhZmE4ZTU3ZDFlMjE0NDg0NGU1      background-color: #db0000;      display: table; Campaign finance requirements, Who represents me? } @media screen and (max-width: 350px) { .votebox_legend .non_result_row { } ODgzZDM0MTI4MDgwZjY2Mjc4NjFkZmQ3YTY2MjJlMTQ4NWNjZGNkNWEwYWEx     text-align: center; School districts in Georgia | Married as a percentage of households (%): Single Female as a percentage of households (%): Single Male as a percentage of households (%): One-Person as a percentage of households (%): Other Non-Family as a percentage of households (%): With Children as a percentage of households (%).         display: inline; } Georgia Congressional Districts Statewide Map. OTdjNGJkZmFkMWNhZDY3N2I1MzM1MGY5NzExYWNiNmI0Y2I5YjFjYTBlODhh Federal courts |         background-color: #003388;      background-color: #003388; NGJkMzhiODlmMmVlN2QxMDdmNzU1ZGVjNTE5ZTk4MWJjYzY5NTQ0YjQyNWZm         letter-spacing: .04em; Melanie Whitfield  advanced  from the  Democratic primary for Georgia House of Representatives District 21 on May 22, 2018. }        font-weight:bold; Georgia is represented in the United States House of Representatives by 14 elected representatives, each campaigning and receiving votes in only one district of the 14.. After the 2000 Census, the State of Georgia was divided into 13 Congressional Districts, increasing from 11 due to reapportionment.The state was redistricted again in 2005, and 2007, although the number of districts remained 13. Georgia's twenty-first state senate district is represented by Republican Senator Brandon Beach. Ballot measure laws |     padding-top: 8px; } .mw-content-ltr td.votebox-results-cell--text,      position: absolute;     width: 100% !important; The results have been certified.        font-weight:bold;                 was }             2009        font-weight: bold; } NDQ1NDk2MzNiYjJjM2FjMjgyY2Y1YThjMzdhNzUwOTg5MWNkYTdjN2ZlMDMy } .indicate_scroll { .votebox-covid-disclaimer {      color:white; A primary election took place on May 20, 2014, with runoff elections taking place where necessary on July 22, 2014.                display: block; .votebox-scroll-container { Magistrate Courts | } } If there is a vacancy in the senate, the vacant seat must be filled by a special election. NWIxOTBkNDIzYTUzOTQ2NjQwODAwMTczMTVhYWQyOGQ3ZWJkOTMxNzNiMzMx } NTc5M2IxY2ZkNTIwYjY0YTVjYThiNmI5ODhkYWJjNjVmOWUyZTdjNTZhNTIw      position: absolute; .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type {    .cftotal {     background-color: grey; Each Georgia State Senate District has its respective county on the same row. .race_header.green { .non_result_row { if(scrollHeight > 580 ) { .results_row {        font-weight:bold;  padding-left: 0; The signature filing deadline for candidates wishing to run in this election was May 25, 2012.         overflow-y: hidden;     background-color: #6db24f;      color: #0645ad;         overflow-y: hidden;     width: 100%; .votebox-results-cell--number { Members of the Georgia House of Representatives serve two-year terms and are not subject to term limits. Once his candidacy was certified, Jerguson had to resign his seat in the House in order to run for the senate. .results_row td { Change in Partisan Performance .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper {      .race_header, .results_text, .results_table_container, .votebox_legend { } else { Elections calendar | ZTgyMjUzNDk2MTQyYmZkNzVhYWM1MWZmYzkxNzdiYzY3MGRiYzc5MTNlNGIz Map of Georgia State House of Representatives Districts. .outer_percentage { Y2Q5ZDdiMTU0ZWNjZWQ3ZTU1ZmY5OTljYTVkNTdiZmVkNWU0Y2Y3YTZmMWZk   font-weight: 300; ", If there is a vacancy in the house, the vacant seat must be filled by a special election.  display: block; The current district is more Republican ZDc0ZDNlYzRiYzhiZGYwNzdiYWQwNjAyMWY5MzJmOGMxMDdlOWM4ZmZmMGVi OTc5OGM0MDUzMDgyMjcwMTVjMTU1ZWUzZWNlZjc4N2ZiMzhiMTAwODBhNDVi                 Governor's    overflow-y: hidden; } }         background-color: #f9d334; YzIwYmU3NzRhMzIwYTg2N2RjM2YwMDgyNWMzZGVjMjFlNzNjNDQ1ZmNkYTA3 RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - Georgia Senate Special Election - Open Primary      color: #888; $173/day, set by the Legislative Services Committee.    }, From 2004 to 2018,  candidates for Georgia House of Representatives District 21 raised a total of $425,241. }   margin-right: 12px; State constitution, Courts in Georgia |     vertical-align: middle; Ballot measure laws | @media screen and (max-width: 350px) {    letter-spacing: 0.03em; let scrollHeight = jQuery('.results_table_container').get(index).scrollHeight;  margin: 0px 10px; Some 2020 election dates and procedures have changed as a result of the coronavirus.  font-size: 20px; NjQ0MWRiNDYwYzRmZDQ4ZDRlNmE0NzZlMWI2MjkzYTg3OTRlZTc5ZWY1Nzky Largest counties |       }                 to April 28, 2011.     padding-bottom: 7px;    height: 50px; });       width: 50%; NDVhOTIxY2YxM2E0MjljOTc4YTU0NzZmZGNiM2VjMzk0MDU0MGU1Y2QxOGZk Njk1OTBkNWZmYzM5ZTE0ZTk1NmE1ZTUxY2FkNzg0N2YyNjU1OGEyYTNlYTll Ballotpedia features 318,177 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. [16][17],  List of All Georgia US Congressional Districts; Map Key District Number Representative Party Affiliation OWVlNzQ2YTY2ZDc5ZDJiMjhhMjVlNzVjZmEyZGJkNWM1Mjg4ODkyOTgxZjk3       padding-left: 16px;     position: relative;    .cfheader {    .cftable th { Largest cities |    top: 0px; They defeated Rajpal Sagoo in the  Republican primary for Georgia House of Representatives District 21 on June 9, 2020. function defer() {    z-index:1;      border-radius: 50%; Ballotpedia features 318,177 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. MzFmZGZhN2Y3ZmQ4YWJhZjU3NmU4NWEyZWM4NjhhMmNjZDQ3YTk0YjViYWQ0 }       font-size: 12px; Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening.   background-color: grey; ZDE1Y2YyMjY2NjQ3ZDc1OTRkZGU4NWY0NGQxOTI0YWE1YzQ1N2E0MTBlYjc0 Elections for the Georgia House of Representatives took place in 2014. Probate Courts | .inner_percentage.Republican {  OGVhNzk3OWE5ZjBkZTUwOWQ4ZDFmYmNlNTkyN2ZiN2QyYzg5YjY1ZDgzODk5    width: 50%; YzNiODVhYTEyMzg1ZDg0NGMxZDM1NTY1NDc2ODI0ZjExZGFiY2ViYzA1MmU5 [1], .votebox { Percentage of family households with children under the age of 18. households in Georgia and State Senate District 21, with own children under the age of 18 in the household, without own children under the age of 18 in the household, number of households headed by given race, households in State Senate District 21, selected places in State Senate District 21, and entities that contain State Senate District 21, rank of place out of 8 by percentage of this household type, households in State Senate District 21, selected metro areas in State Senate District 21, and entities that contain State Senate District 21, rank of metro area out of 1 by percentage of this household type, households in State Senate District 21, selected counties in State Senate District 21, and entities that contain State Senate District 21, rank of county out of 2 by percentage of this household type, households in State Senate District 21, selected county subdivisions in State Senate District 21, and entities that contain State Senate District 21, rank of county subdivision out of 6 by percentage of this household type, households in State Senate District 21, selected other upper state legislative districts in Georgia, and entities that contain State Senate District 21, rank of upper state legislative district out of 56 by percentage of this household type. 

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