The Norse Expeditions to America … Comancheros (1780s-1874) – An ethnically mixed group of New Mexican traders who made their living by trading with the Comanche, Kiowa, and other Plains tribes in the late 18th and 19th centuries mostly in northeastern New Mexico and West Texas. Zebulon Montgomery Pike (1779-1813) – A soldier and explorer for whom Pikes Peak in Colorado is named, Pike mapped much of the southern portion of the Louisiana Purchase. James Aird (1757-1819) – A Scottish fur trader, Aird spent nearly 40 years among the Dakota Sioux in what is now Iowa and Minnesota becoming a prominent fur trader at Mackinac, Michigan, and Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. During the Mexican-American War, he became an Army scout, which he continued until after the hostilities were over. The men then built Fort William (later Fort Laramie) at the mouth of the Yellowstone River to compete with the American Fur Company. The operation was not only an active trading post but soon became a popular stopping point on the Oregon Trail. However, the group arrived back at the post on May 11th, after having been attacked by Indians, whole stole their provisions as well as the dispatches. Francois Auguste Chardon (1795-1848) – A fur trader, Chardon fought in the Battle of New Orleans, the final major battle of the War of 1812. He went to work for the American Fur Company, though he was said to have hated Indians, a strange attitude given his occupation. He died in November 1880 and is buried at the Dayton National Cemetery in Ohio. (Last Privacy Policy Update July 2020), Byways & Historic Trails – Great Drives in America, Soldiers and Officers in American History, John Simpson Smith, aka: Uncle John Blackfoot Smith, Arrow Rock, Missouri & The Santa Fe Trade, Montserrat, Missouri – Coal Camp to Ghost Town, Jolly Cholly Funland, North Attleborough, Massachusetts. Simon Plamondon (1800-1900) – A frontiersman and adventurer, Plamondon was born on the St. Lawrence River in Canada in 1900. Josiah Gregg (1806-1850) – Trader, explorer, and writer, he is best known for his book, Commerce on the Prairies, which described his adventures along the Santa Fe Trail. Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, Sieur de La Verendrye(1685-1749) – A French Canadian military officer, fur trader and explorer, in the 1730’s he and his four sons opened up the area west of Lake Superior and thus began the process that added Western Canada to the original New France in the Saint Lawrence basin. He became United States Superintendent of Indian Affairs in St. Louis, Missouri in 1841, and held the position at intervals until 1852. Vasquez retired back in his home state of Missouri and died in Westport on September 5, 1868. Here are five of the greatest frontier explorers. Clarke was later killed by Piegan Indians. He led his own expedition in 1767 and later discovered a trail through the Cumberland Gap, the route by which others would access the West. There, he became a prominent pioneer and businessman. Soon, however, three more trading posts were established in the region and the competition became fierce. Due to history class, the common thought is that Christopher Columbus discovered America. Vasco da Gama, Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, Jacques Cartier and Samuel de Chaplain are some of the legendary explorers that the world takes pride in. Lucien B. Maxwell – (1818-1875) – The owner of the largest land grant in American History, a friend of Kit Carson, and a frontier scout and guide, Maxwell, who has been called the “Emporer of the Old West,” died in poverty in New Mexico. The historic monument is named for him. Kenneth McKenzie (1797-1861) – One of the ablest traders that ever worked for the American Fur Company. John David Albert (1810-1899) – John David Albert was a mountain man who made his way west from Pennsylvania and was friends with other important frontiersmen of the time including Jim Baker and Charles Autobees.
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