padding: 6px 12px; ⢠Universal Declaration of Human Rights: translation in Tamil (+ audio), → Universal Declaration of Human Rights: bilingual text, in Tamil, English & other languages, → India: maps, symbols, heritage & documents, → Malayalam & other Dravidian languages: Telugu - Kannada. white-space: nowrap; height: 34px; } tr.table-header { -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.05); width: 90%; People who are into English to Tamil Translation work ,will find this dictionary most useful. { border-bottom-color: transparent; color: #333; The number of words available for search in this dictionary, has already reached 500,000 and is still growing. border-radius: 4px; All you need to do is type the word in English and click the button. color: #555; .dictionary-nav > li { This best tamil dictionary free app provides you with the opportunity to search … -webkit-user-select: none; border-top-color: transparent; Important English Words with Meanings and Examples in Tamil language. @media (max-width: 881px) { Wikipedia JavaScript is disabled, the functionality of Lexilogos is unavailable. }. font-size: 14px; float: left; கணக்கிடுதற்குப் பயன்படும் மணிகள் கோத்த கம்பிச் சட்டம் மணிச்சட்டம். text-transform: capitalize; font-size: 14px; border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; color: #555; position: relative; -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075); margin-bottom: 8px; This is virtual English to Tamil translator app that will help you understand in Tamil, the meaning of any English word. Tamil Diction © Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved. background-color: #fff; background-image: none; Positive Sentence, Negative Sentence, Interrogative Sentence, Compound, Complex, Exclamatory Sentence, Positive Comparative Superlative Degree, English Interview Questions and Answers | List of Singular and Plural in Tamil, Translate English Sentences to Tamil, English Education Related Interview Questions and … touch-action: manipulation; font-size: 14px; English to Tamil translation dictionary For English to Tamil translation, enter the English word you want to translate to Tamil meaning in the search box above and click 'SEARCH'. input.searchbox { வெதுவெதுப்பான சூட்டில் குளிர்காய்ந்துகொண்டு, வெட்டிய மரக்கிளைகளைக்கொண்டு அமைக்கப்பெற்ற தடை அரண், மடத்துறவிகள் அல்லது கிறித்துவப் பெண்துறவிகள் வாழும் மடம், துறவி மடம், கன்னி மடம், இடைக்காலக் களியாட்டக் கூத்துக்களில் வரும் குருமடத்து முதல்வர். Your search ends with this amazing app that will help you in all situations. This dictionary helps you to search quickly for Tamil to English translation, English to Tamil translation, or Numbers to Tamil word conversion. 100 Important Tamil Verbs – With Conjugation, Negative Sentence ( எதிர்மறை வாக்கியங்கள்), The Villager And The Urban -general conversation. Google search font-weight: 400; display: block; color: #31708f; margin-left: -2px !important; z-index: 2; } background-image: none; background: #d9edf7; -o-transition: border-color ease-in-out .15s,box-shadow ease-in-out .15s; border-color: #ccc; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(s); Tamil to English translation dictionary. width: 94% !important; Welcome to website. If you want to become a master at knowing the correct meaning of English words and that too in your own language Tamil, then look nowhere else. -ms-user-select: none; Online free AI English to Tamil translator powered by Google, Microsoft, IBM, Naver, Yandex and Baidu. var _wau = _wau || []; _wau.push(["small", "4xz7oo6bzp0d", "mfi"]); -o-transition: border-color ease-in-out .15s,box-shadow ease-in-out .15s; Essays on the history of the Tamil people, language, religion and literature, Comprehensive Tamil and English dictionary, On Tamil poetical compositions and their "limbs", Grammar of the common dialect of the Tamul language, Reference grammar of classical Tamil poetry, The "Sacred" Kurral of Tiruvalluva-NÄyanÄr. border-right-color: transparent; transition: border-color ease-in-out .15s,box-shadow ease-in-out .15s; We are happy to provide you with the best Online English to Tamil Dictionary/Translator. transition: border-color ease-in-out .15s,box-shadow ease-in-out .15s; You can use this as a Thesaurus also. All Right Reserved. } padding: 5px 10px; ஠வரà¯à®à®³à¯ à®à®°à¯à®µà®°à¯à®à®©à¯à®°à¯à®µà®°à¯ à®à®à¯à®¤à®° à®à®£à®°à¯à®µà¯à®ªà¯ பாà®à¯à®à®¿à®²à¯ நà®à®¨à¯à®¤à¯à®à¯à®³à¯à®³à®²à¯ வà¯à®£à¯à®à¯à®®à¯. box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075); vertical-align: middle; 1. border-radius: 4px; We also provide free English-Tamil dictionary, free English spelling checker and free English typing keyboard. .btn, .page-numbers { background-color: #fff; button.btn.btn-default { box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.05); height: 34px; display: inline-block; padding: 19px; margin-bottom: 0; cursor: pointer; ஠வரà¯à®à®³à¯ மதிபà¯à®ªà®¿à®²à¯à®®à¯, à®à®°à®¿à®®à¯à®à®³à®¿à®²à¯à®®à¯ à®à®®à®®à®¾à®©à®µà®°à¯à®à®³à¯, ஠வரà¯à®à®³à¯ நியாயதà¯à®¤à¯à®¯à¯à®®à¯ மனà®à¯à®à®¾à®à¯à®à®¿à®¯à¯à®¯à¯à®®à¯ à®à®¯à®±à¯à®ªà®£à¯à®ªà®¾à®à®ªà¯ பà¯à®±à¯à®±à®µà®°à¯à®à®³à¯. z-index: 2; margin-bottom: 10px; •Lyrikline: poems in Tamil, with translation (+ audio) • Studies in Tamil literature and history by Ramachandra Dikshitar (1936) • Tamil studies, or Essays on the history of the Tamil people, language, religion and literature, by Srinivasa Aiyangar (1914) • A man called Bapu: Gandhi's story for children, in Tamil & in English • The Naladiyār: classical Tamil, with translation in English by George Uglow Pope … } line-height: 1.42857143; input.searchbox { float: left; English to Tamil Translator Offline Dictionary app is for those who have been puzzled by any English word and wanted to know what its Tamil meaning is. (function() {var s=document.createElement("script"); s.async=true; text-align: center; display: block; margin-bottom: 20px; line-height: 1.42857143; Oxford Lets hold our hands together to help our next generation to learn and follow the longest surviving classical languages in the world. padding: 6px 12px; This offline english tamil dictionary is designed to help Tamil speakers to improve their communication skill. s.src=""; font-size: 15px; .searchbox { For Tamil to English translation, you have several options to enter Tamil words in the search box above. border: 1px solid #ccc; box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075); border-radius: 4px; } Our aim of having this English to Tamil dictionary is to help people learn Tamil words corresponding to the given English word. Nithra English to Tamil Dictionary has 100000+ English and Tamil Words & Meanings Tamil dictionary app gives Tamil to English and English to Tamil meanings (ஆங்கிலம் - தமிழ் - ஆங்கிலம் அகராதி). } user-select: none; Moreover, you can improve your English pronunciation by the audio facility … display: inline; Tamil typing Online is very easy now! Google books, ⢠Kapruka: Tamil-English & Sinhala-English (+ audio), ⢠Tamildict: Tamil-English dictionary & Tamil-German, ⢠Goethe-Verlag: Tamil-English common phrases & illustrated vocabulary (+ audio), ⢠Tamil moli akarathi: Tamil dictionary by Kathiraiver Pillai (1928), ⢠Tamil lexicon: published by the University of Madras (1924-1936), ⢠Tamil and English dictionary by Johann Philipp Fabricius (1972), ⢠Core vocabulary for Tamil by David McAlpin (1981), ⢠Anglo-Tamil dictionary by Peter Percival (1867), ⢠Comprehensive Tamil and English dictionary of high and low Tamil by Miron Winslow (1862), ⢠English and Tamil dictionary by Joseph Knight & Levi Spaulding (1852), ⢠English and Tamil dictionary, Manuel lexikon for schools, by Joseph Knight, Levi Spaulding & Samuel Hutchings (1844), ⢠Classified collection of Tamil proverbs with translation in English, by Herman Jensen (1897), ⢠Tamil proverbs with their English translation, by Peter Percival (1874), → Tamil keyboard to type a text with Tamil characters, ⢠South Asia Language Resource Center: Tamil course (+ audio), ⢠studies about the Tamil language, by Jean-Luc Chevillard, ⢠On Tamil poetical compositions and their "limbs", as described by Tamil grammarians, in Histoire, épistémologie, langage (2011), ⢠Tamil grammar self-taught by Martino de Zilva Wickremasinghe (1906) in Tamil & Latin characters, ⢠Progressive grammar of common Tamil by Albert Henry Arden (1910), ⢠Larger grammar of the Tamil language in both its dialects, by George Uglow Pope (1858), ⢠Grammar of the common dialect of the Tamul language, by Giuseppe Beschi, translated by George William Mahon (1848), ⢠Grammar of the Tamil Language by Charles Rhenius (1846), ⢠First Lessons in English and Tamul published by the Jaffna Book Society (1836): I & II, ⢠Reference grammar of classical Tamil poetry by V. S. Rajam (150 bc - 6th ad), ⢠books about the Tamil language: Google books & Internet archive, ⢠Lyrikline: poems in Tamil, with translation (+ audio), ⢠Studies in Tamil literature and history by Ramachandra Dikshitar (1936), ⢠Tamil studies, or Essays on the history of the Tamil people, language, religion and literature, by Srinivasa Aiyangar (1914), ⢠A man called Bapu: Gandhi's story for children, in Tamil & in English, ⢠The NaladiyÄr: classical Tamil, with translation in English by George Uglow Pope (1893), ⢠The "Sacred" Kurral of Tiruvalluva-NÄyanÄr: Tamil text tamoul, with translation in English & notes by George Uglow Pope (1886), ⢠BibleGateway: Bible en Tamil, Easy to read version, ⢠The Gospel according to St. Matthew in Tamil (1841), ⢠Book of Psalms in Tamil (1849) (Latin alphabet, phonetic).
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