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Dumbfounded means “to make speechless with amazement; astonish.” It began as a portmanteau of dumb and confound, arising in the 1650s. Renowned for his snail porridge, he said he was " speechless " at the award. The Oxford English Dictionary suggests the word may have started out as onomatopoeic, expressing the sense of "throwing down roughly and untidily.". Malcolm Turner Cheshire ' I was speechless, just squeaking ! We traipsed up the stairs to the living room, a parade of zombies, each as stunned and speechless as the others. Is There A Better Word Than “Quit” When Leaving A Commitment? It comes from the Latin meaning nōn plūs, meaning "no more, no further." Neither have we, but we imagine you'd be pretty tongue-tied if it happened to you. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Thanks, Thesaurus! Speechlessness, however, comes in varying, nuanced forms. speechless totaly lost for words BE WARNED... ... ... ... As the sum total of the wisdom propounded in the mystery of Agni, the searcher after truth is exhorted to meditate on that Self, made up of intelligence, endowed with a body of spirit, a form of light, and of an ethereal nature; holding sway over all the regions and pervading this All, being itself speechless and devoid of mental states; and by so doing he shall gain the assurance that "even as a grain of rice, or the smallest granule of millet, so is the golden Purusha in my heart; even as a smokeless light, it is greater than the sky, greater than the ether, greater than the earth, greater than all existing things; - that Self of the Spirit is my Self; on passing away from hence, I shall obtain that Self. Speechless, Katie watched her approach. 80. The three stood looking at each other, speechless, until Jackson broke the silence in his best Hispanic accent, "Lucy… you got some splainin' to do. 12 Words To Say Instead Of “Starting Over”, These Are Some Of The Best Words To Describe Scorpios. For what seemed like an eternity, they squirmed in their chairs, He was struggling to read a funny e-mail, but it rendered him, More than anything, a self-inflicted wound of this magnitude just leaves you. “Panic Attack” vs. “Anxiety Attack”: Which One Have You Had? Stunned, he was speechless for a long moment. If you are 13 years old when were you born? Renowned for his snail porridge, he said he was " speechless " at the award. I did n't even expect to be a runner-up, so I was just speechless when I won first prize. How do you use speechless in a sentence? Nonetheless, faith likes to grab a hold of these mind-boggling images as an expression of that speechless awe. Your feathers have been ruffled, so to speak. His enthusiasm for the moves and his vivid recreation of a good tango, leave our journalist speechless. Dusty was prepared for the worst, but Darian's story left him speechless. He fell down in the market-place, and foamed at mouth, and was, Arrian and Plutarch claimed that Alexander was, Then there was Betty who was constantly in a fit when she invariably became, Quiet beauty spots of Minnewater Park with its lake and river and the ancient Beguinage with a tranquil convent garden, will leave you, A tube that was inserted to enable her breathing rendered her, Smitten to the heart by a sudden and overwhelming remorse, Hetty was, Morning sunlight gleamed through a glassed-in wall, and Shandor stopped at the door, almost, As for Captain shad, he could only stare, struck, The best tick I have is none too good for Mr. Gardiner, was Mrs. delts reply, which left the young man, The keen night air had seemed for the moment fairly to congest her lungs and render her, While Miss Milner, without uttering one word, sunk, The self-devoted victim was in an arm chair, hanging over on one side, his right cheek and ear torn almost off, and, What it was that entertained him during some of his. How to use speechless in a sentence. speechless with astonishment (and no small amount of delight ). The unlikely hero’s selfless acts of valor left the onlookers speechless. Morning sunlight gleamed through a glassed-in wall, and Shandor stopped at the door, almost speechless. Sometimes we're caught unprepared, and even though you have thousands of words at your disposal, none of them seem quite right. You could, though, describe them as incredibly lucky. They're completely taken aback. 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