definition of loyalty in a relationship

1. He is my loving and faithful companion. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. You can get a certain insight into human nature from analysing the words that people look up in dictionaries. The online version of the Collins Dictionary has just been updated again, with another batch of new words and meanings inspired by the events of the summer. When one does what is right by his or her values and morals, and that is also supported by societal norms of good conduct, it usually enhances others as well. Loyalty lets you remember your priorities in … As an author, blogger and podcaster, Stuart has helped couples around the world to experience a unique relationship in which they can feel special and important, confident in knowing they are loved deeply and that their presence matters. Loyalty is the desire to see your partner and your relationship succeed. What it actually means is more elusive. Being loyal means being respectful of your partners’ weaknesses and discretely helping them compensate for those weaknesses. Loyalty is dedication; knowing that you’re devoted solely to each other. Being loyal means siding with your partner, even when you think he or she may be partially at fault. One of the characteristics of a close connected love relationship is the loyalty that the partners feel and show for each other. The point is not one of friendship or loyalty. All couples do. Loyalty is companionship. Last 100 years I’d like to think so; but I’m going to spell out how to define loyalty in a relationship. How great it is to know that you have someone who has your back through it all. 2. Customer loyalty is reflected in the repeated purchases the customer makes of a particular product and his favorable nature towards a product or service. One of the characteristics of a close connected love relationship is the loyalty that the partners feel and show for each other. 3. “I feel so frustrated when he comes home and is too tired to help with the kids homework or dinner.” This is complaining without denigrating the mate. Being loyal means never saying anything that may shame your mate in private or public. “Well, she told someone she was sick, when she didn’t feel like entertaining.” Though this is a small offense, when it is revealed to others, it is shaming and disloyal. Many spouses hold resentments about their mates not being there at crisis points in their lives. If your partner needs you to be present to help her with her volunteer party, your loyalty will aid you in rescheduling your previously planned recreational activity. It does not mean that your parents do not get your attention until all your spouse’s needs are satisfied. Being loyal means accommodating your mate- even when it not a choice activity for you. We’d love to hear from you! When your mate tells you about difficulties at work with a colleague or supervisor, it is imperative that you affirm your mate’s frustrations, empathize with his feelings and refrain from saying: “Your boss just wants you to work harder.” That assumption may be made later, not at a time of emotional difficulty for your mate.

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