Basketball Workout Routine Strength. Instead, imagine being a 16, 17, or 18 year-old kid, and everyone and their brother wants to “train” you. The core really is the centerpiece of the body. At the end of the day, this has to be the starting point. Quite simply, everyone was in love with the humble, quiet kid from the Windy City. When Derrick tore his ACL in the 2012 playoffs, everyone feared that he might lose some of his trademark explosiveness. All the tools you want in an athlete – and something you love having in your best player. I am a former basketball player, and I think that if back in the days I had the knowledge I have now, or to be more precise my coaches had this kind of knowledge, I and my teammates could go without some of the injuries we had, plus we could be way more athletic and thus better on the court. thanks for giving such a valuable guidelines, which will beneficial for maintain healthy body. That didn’t sound right to me. I’m not claiming to have any insider knowledge with regard to Derrick Rose’s training. With the current NBA set-up where young men have to wait at least one year before joining the NBA, I think everyone expected him to be a one-and-done at college. While you can’t train the muscle without the tendon (or vice-versa) you can preferentially recruit one over the other with smart training. You’re simply working with the person who is the best salesperson. if you could help me online with some points and help me get back in the game i would be more than thankful…. Not only does he have an amazing skill set as a point guard, but he’s always been known for his explosiveness. Charlie told me when training his NBA players his goal was to execute every lift in the weight room with a vertical tibia, making it very hip dominant. If I were training Derrick Rose (or someone like him), there are three things I would be focusing on: While following Derrick’s playing career, one of the things that seemed to be a consistent theme was anterior knee pain. Thanks JR! For many of my field sports athletes, we ration the amount of quad-dominant work we do in the weight room. I thought Rose trained at Athletes Performance? The results after phase I are awesome: I gained 10 inches already! And the proof is in the pudding – if I recall correctly, Charlie’s teams didn’t miss one single game due to patellar tendinopathy during his tenure as strength coach. The more athletic the player, the more dangerous the game becomes. When I first read that, my immediate reaction was “no way.”. Rose played one year at Memphis, narrowly missing out on an NCAA championship. Basketball players are some of the most springy/elastic athletes you’ll ever meet. (Excessive ankle bracing also shifting force up towards the knee??). I’ve followed Derrick Rose since the end of his high school career. I’m thinking about the possibility of all this, and how it could be done. Derrick Rose Vertical Jump Workout – How He Managed to Get a 40 Inch Vertical Born in the city of Chicago, Derrick Rose has generally dominated the basketball court. And while I’ll be cheering for the Pacers every step of the season, I secretly hope that Derrick has a great year, too. You kill two birds with one stone. The best part is a lot of these can be used in conjunction with the ACL rehab. In this ESPN article, Rose claims to have added five inches to his vertical jump while rehabbing from a torn ACL. Every time he went to plant and cut, there was a lot of loading on his quads and knee joints. At the NBA level, to think there are coaches that don’t factor these things into account is really sad. As a die-hard Pacers fan, this is scary to think about. An elite athlete who is already sporting a 37 inch vertical jump is now jumping 42 inches? These athletes rarely (if ever) spend enough time on the left side of the continuum! Hopefully his success will bring more well deserved attention to your work. Thanks. Someone who is competing at the highest level, and who is already in the most rarefied air when it comes to athleticism, no way could he add an additional five inches to his vertical. And – oh yeah – he can jump a little bit as well! I don’t disagree on either point, and had considered putting both into my piece. To train all the various physical qualities. Game after game. Great article Mike. By that I mean they have the ability to generate enormous force but sometimes their bodies cannot handle the forces they put out. His great skills, amazing upper body strength and a 40 inch vertical jump makes him not … Hi, I’m a former amateur Basketball player, I use to jump a lot (18 yers old), I’m 1,72 mts, and I use to able to dunk but just me and the rim, not with defense, ten years later, im doing glutes and deep squats and gave me back a lot of agility, I’m still trying to dunk it again, fly or die. What if he really did add five inches to his vertical? And more efficiency typically translates into more strength, speed, power, and/or explosiveness without training those specific physical qualities. This is a not an optimal way to change direction, as the force to “turn on a dime” better comes from the outside leg which has a stronger mechanical advantage. This would be even more important coming off the injury. He is such a herky-jerky type player with such incredible explosiveness, that there may not be much that can be done. This could be the foundation for his improvement. Just wanted to share how it’s working out: I don’t know how long or if this was the major focus point in his rehab, but he should have had great quality training there. I wish more young players and coaches could actually take this post in and really understand and put the principles to use! (It’s always the interns fault.). actually read a personal review about vert shock programme and it seemed With that, your point about the posterior chain development and recruitment is cogent. JR Glenn. And just taking a year off from competitive basketball to rest and rebuild his body was good for one more. As I mentioned up front, Derrick has always been appeared to be a quad-dominant athlete. And again, I’m not his coach, nor have I ever trained him, but I could see this in his movement. One has to wonder if Roy’s lateral hips had been properly strengthened, and his landing mechanics had been improved, if he might still be an absolute terror in the league. Most high school athletes aren’t put into great strength training/physical preparation programs. Possibly there is a relative weakness in the lateral hip to negotiate the rotary torque? Excellent post mike! I’ve followed Derrick Rose since the end of his high school career. We’ve seen similar things happen at IFAST with our clients, albeit with lower caliber athletes. The NBA is unfortunately a meat grinder, and has ground up more than a few extraordinary athletes. Also was not popular but did not rush back for end of last yearkeeping big picture in mind. Also, I would look hard at doing some posterior tibialis work to strengthen the foot in supination. So can we extrapolate that even for the NBA’s brightest stars, their choice in private coaching may leave a bit to be desired? He’s so unstable when trying to land it’s ridiculous. Like an intern didn’t measure his reach correctly, or something like that. So that would be another big focus – stability. Without it, stability everywhere is compromised. And watching those split-squat jumps alone was enough for me to shut it off. I had similar thoughts (foundation related) when I heard the news about this vert increase. This may sound simple, but you’d be shocked at how many athletes have no clue how to do this. But rather than thinking about force/velocity, think about what tissues are being loaded the most on each side of this continuum. And while I’m not going to throw the coach under the bus, you make a great point. Awesome post. Just because you’re an elite high school athlete or blue chip recruit, doesn’t mean you’re getting elite talent when it comes to performance coaching. You can clearly see the knee caving in relative to the foot and hip. This also may be a movement pattern that D-Rose has adopted since childhood, and if so is going to be monumentally difficult to change. if and when you reply i could message you the specifics His muscles are working over time to push through a sticking point and finish the lift. Practice after practice. Please direct your attention to :34 of the video, and watch carefully at the horrifying valgus collapse that Roy’s knees dive bomb into during jumping split squats.,, I was in the same boat as you all about six months ago. The guy grew up in Chicago, and was the premiere talent in his recruiting class coming out of Simeon High School. Two weeks ago, I got to see the Bulls play the Pacers during the first pre-season game. And remember he’s only 6’3″, so he’s definitely on the shorter end of the NBA spectrum. Hey mike, I’m a athlete that wants to get fast as heck and I also a 40 inch vertical can you comment back and give me some drills. As coaches one of the best things I feel we can do for the athletes we work with is to protect them from their talant. When he injured the knee on a non-contact play, I figured that Rose had been overloading and overusing knee flexion in training. And if so, what would you have done to help him get there?
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