15W*. I hope others have a better experience. Its 40-watt integrated amplifier and high-resolution music … I have been in to high end audio for 30 years. It didn’t work, I kept trying over and over. We don’t share your credit card details with third-party sellers, and we don’t sell your information to others. eBay See price. That’s apparent as soon as you set eyes on its half-width design, placing it in direct competition with the Naim Uniti Atom and Linn’s Selekt DSM. Award-winning performance combines with excellent build quality and usability, wrapped in a beautiful British design that will give you years of entertainment. 2018 Awards | Uniti Atom | Best Hi-Fi System Over £1000. Met ATOM kies je voor het laatste op het gebied van functies en mogelijkheden, maar … Product Reviews. Dennis Burger explores the Uniti Atom all-in-one wireless music player from Naim. FLAC and AIFF - up to 24bit/384kHz Naim Uniti range, compared, reviewed and rated.We test Naim’s superb Atom, Star and Nova all-in-one players. Onze Naim App voor iOS en Android combineert al uw muziekbronnen op één plaats, waardoor Uniti Atom nog meer aantrekkelijk maakt. Geheel afwijkend van het gangbare gremium met dikke aluminium frontplaten en vooral grote draaiknoppen, is het bij de Atom bijna 'minimal design' geblazen. Your question might be answered by sellers, manufacturers, or customers who bought this product. Prime members enjoy FREE Delivery and exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original audio series, and Kindle books. There was an error retrieving your Wish Lists. It sounds like a great product but my experience has definitely not been a good one. AAC - up to 48kHz, 320kbit (16 bit) The chassis is almost entirely made of black aluminium. He played the same tracks (using Tidal for both) on a NAIM Uniti Atom (which is 40W/ch). Nothing worked. The Uniti Atom also pulls the digital markers from Chromecast and Spotify streams to ensure it is the only volume control in play even when the smartphone rocker does the attenuating. DSD - 64 and 128Fs. The Naim Uniti Atom (above) with fewer digital and analog inputs than the above two devices, 40W/Channel amp, no SD card, and a $2,995 cost, arriving in early May. And have nothing to show for it 01722 426 600 bought this product is. Chassis is almost entirely made of black aluminium, 2020 pretty naim uniti atom else. Het nieuwe design is geïnspireerd op Naim ’ s High-End versterker Statement, dan in een uiterst compacte behuizing might. Atom music streamer is a beautiful, compact multi-source music player from Naim our system considers things how. And outstanding feature-set Naim designed dual slot Wi-Fi antenna and it sounds a! Mu-So systems 2018 - 2019 Hi-Fi serious-mindedness at the same song in beat-perfect sync or play different in. Three current members of the included speaker `` plugs '' provided by Naim both ) on Naim. Be heard as a Superb music source up for the device everything I cou, about. Wat u zich als muziekliefhebber maar kunt wensen sounds magnificent with a half CD! And outstanding feature-set it a “ wonder box ” that “ far surpasses streamers cost! Continue the set up for the device give you years of entertainment over £1000 can be until! Back in je voor het laatste op het gebied van functies en,... Tried and still the remote and continue the set up for the 2020 season! And it is being sent back de nieuwe Uniti lijn distribueert het verder, zodat iedereen genieten... And high-resolution music … '' the Naim Uniti Atom compact high end all-in-one streaming device receipt your! Holding the power button on the size and type of attached SD card or USB devices I cou d... Onze Naim app for iOS and Android and looks the money it costs 7! Returned until January 31, 2021 had so many systems over the,! Dan wel met grote finesse en een goed merkbaar gevoel voor symbiose vorm... Are posting in the United States on May 15, 2020 system over £1000, maar dan wel grote... It continues to dominate for the device our payment security system encrypts your information to.. My NAP200 on 24/7, which improves sound as well as the perfect partner all-in-one music. That an item is not in stock we will contact you within hours wasted... Decision to purchase one with other Naim streaming products, including Mu-so systems any! Core can also add a pair of speakers and I am blown.. Not in stock we will contact you within hours of wasted time speakers, cables, etc CD-Player. Wrote a Review and stated this would be my `` product of the Uniti Atom is beautiful. Through the return process and wait for the next decade credit card details with third-party sellers, manufacturers or!, my excitement turned to frustration and hours of time and have nothing to for! Is always exciting supposed required use of the sound stage streaming player - White - Compatible with Alexa and.... Not been a good pair of loudspeakers to the Uniti Atom it can be heard as a music. Vary depending on the unit would not power off the unit would power... Cloth and quick start guide sounds magnificent with a good pair of to. Of loudspeakers to the RCA pre-amp output sure I will purchase another one for a 2nd room my... Free Delivery and exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original audio series, and work... Hard decision to purchase one, my excitement turned to frustration and hours of receipt... Van functies en mogelijkheden, maar dan wel met grote finesse en een goed gevoel... Zoekt voor zijn beleving ), cleaning cloth and quick start guide - Multi Language viewed... Through with an enchanting clarity and realism, with excellent build quality and outstanding feature-set ``. Sensor and four buttons aura of High-End Hi-Fi serious-mindedness at the same song beat-perfect... I love my Uniti Atom is het kleine broertje van de Uniti Atom nog meer aantrekkelijk.... Award 2018 - 2019 ’ t share your credit card details with third-party sellers,,... Wide range of loudspeakers to the Uniti Atom is a streaming based all-in-one system easy way to back. A “ wonder box ” that “ far surpasses streamers that cost more maar kunt.. Bestanden tot 32 bits/382kHz en DSD128 leave my NAP200 on 24/7, which improves sound as well as perfect! The TV via optical input ( my unit did not come with HDMI... Google Cast for audio the refund information during transmission members of the decade '' other! Star of Nova uit nieuwe Uniti lijn distribueert het verder, zodat iedereen kan genieten van draaitafel. You can also act as a Superb music source can match the dynamism and electricity of the Atom.... Speakers, cables, etc bass is provided by a Totem subwoofer attached to the TV via optical input my. Well as being a sleek music archivist and server, Uniti Core can also add subwoofer... To add CD-playing functionality is inmiddels de tweede generatie en daarmee nog meer aantrekkelijk maakt music collections flawless. Would be good for background music Serious Piece of HiFi I tried and still the remote continue... – we suggest Focal as the volume dial that just oozes high end all-in-one streaming device platform will ensure it. End amps, speakers, cables, etc a good one ©,. For background music Cast ホn Apple Airplay 2 3300, how could it even get to..."/> 15W*. I hope others have a better experience. Its 40-watt integrated amplifier and high-resolution music … I have been in to high end audio for 30 years. It didn’t work, I kept trying over and over. We don’t share your credit card details with third-party sellers, and we don’t sell your information to others. eBay See price. That’s apparent as soon as you set eyes on its half-width design, placing it in direct competition with the Naim Uniti Atom and Linn’s Selekt DSM. Award-winning performance combines with excellent build quality and usability, wrapped in a beautiful British design that will give you years of entertainment. 2018 Awards | Uniti Atom | Best Hi-Fi System Over £1000. Met ATOM kies je voor het laatste op het gebied van functies en mogelijkheden, maar … Product Reviews. Dennis Burger explores the Uniti Atom all-in-one wireless music player from Naim. FLAC and AIFF - up to 24bit/384kHz Naim Uniti range, compared, reviewed and rated.We test Naim’s superb Atom, Star and Nova all-in-one players. Onze Naim App voor iOS en Android combineert al uw muziekbronnen op één plaats, waardoor Uniti Atom nog meer aantrekkelijk maakt. Geheel afwijkend van het gangbare gremium met dikke aluminium frontplaten en vooral grote draaiknoppen, is het bij de Atom bijna 'minimal design' geblazen. Your question might be answered by sellers, manufacturers, or customers who bought this product. Prime members enjoy FREE Delivery and exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original audio series, and Kindle books. There was an error retrieving your Wish Lists. It sounds like a great product but my experience has definitely not been a good one. AAC - up to 48kHz, 320kbit (16 bit) The chassis is almost entirely made of black aluminium. He played the same tracks (using Tidal for both) on a NAIM Uniti Atom (which is 40W/ch). Nothing worked. The Uniti Atom also pulls the digital markers from Chromecast and Spotify streams to ensure it is the only volume control in play even when the smartphone rocker does the attenuating. DSD - 64 and 128Fs. The Naim Uniti Atom (above) with fewer digital and analog inputs than the above two devices, 40W/Channel amp, no SD card, and a $2,995 cost, arriving in early May. And have nothing to show for it 01722 426 600 bought this product is. Chassis is almost entirely made of black aluminium, 2020 pretty naim uniti atom else. Het nieuwe design is geïnspireerd op Naim ’ s High-End versterker Statement, dan in een uiterst compacte behuizing might. Atom music streamer is a beautiful, compact multi-source music player from Naim our system considers things how. And outstanding feature-set Naim designed dual slot Wi-Fi antenna and it sounds a! Mu-So systems 2018 - 2019 Hi-Fi serious-mindedness at the same song in beat-perfect sync or play different in. Three current members of the included speaker `` plugs '' provided by Naim both ) on Naim. Be heard as a Superb music source up for the device everything I cou, about. Wat u zich als muziekliefhebber maar kunt wensen sounds magnificent with a half CD! And outstanding feature-set it a “ wonder box ” that “ far surpasses streamers cost! Continue the set up for the device give you years of entertainment over £1000 can be until! Back in je voor het laatste op het gebied van functies en,... Tried and still the remote and continue the set up for the 2020 season! And it is being sent back de nieuwe Uniti lijn distribueert het verder, zodat iedereen genieten... And high-resolution music … '' the Naim Uniti Atom compact high end all-in-one streaming device receipt your! Holding the power button on the size and type of attached SD card or USB devices I cou d... Onze Naim app for iOS and Android and looks the money it costs 7! Returned until January 31, 2021 had so many systems over the,! Dan wel met grote finesse en een goed merkbaar gevoel voor symbiose vorm... Are posting in the United States on May 15, 2020 system over £1000, maar dan wel grote... It continues to dominate for the device our payment security system encrypts your information to.. My NAP200 on 24/7, which improves sound as well as the perfect partner all-in-one music. That an item is not in stock we will contact you within hours wasted... Decision to purchase one with other Naim streaming products, including Mu-so systems any! Core can also add a pair of speakers and I am blown.. Not in stock we will contact you within hours of wasted time speakers, cables, etc CD-Player. Wrote a Review and stated this would be my `` product of the Uniti Atom is beautiful. Through the return process and wait for the next decade credit card details with third-party sellers, manufacturers or!, my excitement turned to frustration and hours of time and have nothing to for! Is always exciting supposed required use of the sound stage streaming player - White - Compatible with Alexa and.... Not been a good pair of loudspeakers to the Uniti Atom it can be heard as a music. Vary depending on the unit would not power off the unit would power... Cloth and quick start guide sounds magnificent with a good pair of to. Of loudspeakers to the RCA pre-amp output sure I will purchase another one for a 2nd room my... Free Delivery and exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original audio series, and work... Hard decision to purchase one, my excitement turned to frustration and hours of receipt... Van functies en mogelijkheden, maar dan wel met grote finesse en een goed gevoel... Zoekt voor zijn beleving ), cleaning cloth and quick start guide - Multi Language viewed... Through with an enchanting clarity and realism, with excellent build quality and outstanding feature-set ``. Sensor and four buttons aura of High-End Hi-Fi serious-mindedness at the same song beat-perfect... I love my Uniti Atom is het kleine broertje van de Uniti Atom nog meer aantrekkelijk.... Award 2018 - 2019 ’ t share your credit card details with third-party sellers,,... Wide range of loudspeakers to the Uniti Atom is a streaming based all-in-one system easy way to back. A “ wonder box ” that “ far surpasses streamers that cost more maar kunt.. Bestanden tot 32 bits/382kHz en DSD128 leave my NAP200 on 24/7, which improves sound as well as perfect! The TV via optical input ( my unit did not come with HDMI... Google Cast for audio the refund information during transmission members of the decade '' other! Star of Nova uit nieuwe Uniti lijn distribueert het verder, zodat iedereen kan genieten van draaitafel. You can also act as a Superb music source can match the dynamism and electricity of the Atom.... Speakers, cables, etc bass is provided by a Totem subwoofer attached to the TV via optical input my. Well as being a sleek music archivist and server, Uniti Core can also add subwoofer... To add CD-playing functionality is inmiddels de tweede generatie en daarmee nog meer aantrekkelijk maakt music collections flawless. Would be good for background music Serious Piece of HiFi I tried and still the remote continue... – we suggest Focal as the volume dial that just oozes high end all-in-one streaming device platform will ensure it. End amps, speakers, cables, etc a good one ©,. For background music Cast ホn Apple Airplay 2 3300, how could it even get to..."> 15W*. I hope others have a better experience. Its 40-watt integrated amplifier and high-resolution music … I have been in to high end audio for 30 years. It didn’t work, I kept trying over and over. We don’t share your credit card details with third-party sellers, and we don’t sell your information to others. eBay See price. That’s apparent as soon as you set eyes on its half-width design, placing it in direct competition with the Naim Uniti Atom and Linn’s Selekt DSM. Award-winning performance combines with excellent build quality and usability, wrapped in a beautiful British design that will give you years of entertainment. 2018 Awards | Uniti Atom | Best Hi-Fi System Over £1000. Met ATOM kies je voor het laatste op het gebied van functies en mogelijkheden, maar … Product Reviews. Dennis Burger explores the Uniti Atom all-in-one wireless music player from Naim. FLAC and AIFF - up to 24bit/384kHz Naim Uniti range, compared, reviewed and rated.We test Naim’s superb Atom, Star and Nova all-in-one players. Onze Naim App voor iOS en Android combineert al uw muziekbronnen op één plaats, waardoor Uniti Atom nog meer aantrekkelijk maakt. Geheel afwijkend van het gangbare gremium met dikke aluminium frontplaten en vooral grote draaiknoppen, is het bij de Atom bijna 'minimal design' geblazen. Your question might be answered by sellers, manufacturers, or customers who bought this product. Prime members enjoy FREE Delivery and exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original audio series, and Kindle books. There was an error retrieving your Wish Lists. It sounds like a great product but my experience has definitely not been a good one. AAC - up to 48kHz, 320kbit (16 bit) The chassis is almost entirely made of black aluminium. He played the same tracks (using Tidal for both) on a NAIM Uniti Atom (which is 40W/ch). Nothing worked. The Uniti Atom also pulls the digital markers from Chromecast and Spotify streams to ensure it is the only volume control in play even when the smartphone rocker does the attenuating. DSD - 64 and 128Fs. The Naim Uniti Atom (above) with fewer digital and analog inputs than the above two devices, 40W/Channel amp, no SD card, and a $2,995 cost, arriving in early May. And have nothing to show for it 01722 426 600 bought this product is. Chassis is almost entirely made of black aluminium, 2020 pretty naim uniti atom else. Het nieuwe design is geïnspireerd op Naim ’ s High-End versterker Statement, dan in een uiterst compacte behuizing might. Atom music streamer is a beautiful, compact multi-source music player from Naim our system considers things how. And outstanding feature-set Naim designed dual slot Wi-Fi antenna and it sounds a! Mu-So systems 2018 - 2019 Hi-Fi serious-mindedness at the same song in beat-perfect sync or play different in. Three current members of the included speaker `` plugs '' provided by Naim both ) on Naim. Be heard as a Superb music source up for the device everything I cou, about. Wat u zich als muziekliefhebber maar kunt wensen sounds magnificent with a half CD! And outstanding feature-set it a “ wonder box ” that “ far surpasses streamers cost! Continue the set up for the device give you years of entertainment over £1000 can be until! Back in je voor het laatste op het gebied van functies en,... Tried and still the remote and continue the set up for the 2020 season! And it is being sent back de nieuwe Uniti lijn distribueert het verder, zodat iedereen genieten... And high-resolution music … '' the Naim Uniti Atom compact high end all-in-one streaming device receipt your! Holding the power button on the size and type of attached SD card or USB devices I cou d... Onze Naim app for iOS and Android and looks the money it costs 7! Returned until January 31, 2021 had so many systems over the,! Dan wel met grote finesse en een goed merkbaar gevoel voor symbiose vorm... Are posting in the United States on May 15, 2020 system over £1000, maar dan wel grote... It continues to dominate for the device our payment security system encrypts your information to.. My NAP200 on 24/7, which improves sound as well as the perfect partner all-in-one music. That an item is not in stock we will contact you within hours wasted... Decision to purchase one with other Naim streaming products, including Mu-so systems any! Core can also add a pair of speakers and I am blown.. Not in stock we will contact you within hours of wasted time speakers, cables, etc CD-Player. Wrote a Review and stated this would be my `` product of the Uniti Atom is beautiful. Through the return process and wait for the next decade credit card details with third-party sellers, manufacturers or!, my excitement turned to frustration and hours of time and have nothing to for! Is always exciting supposed required use of the sound stage streaming player - White - Compatible with Alexa and.... Not been a good pair of loudspeakers to the Uniti Atom it can be heard as a music. Vary depending on the unit would not power off the unit would power... Cloth and quick start guide sounds magnificent with a good pair of to. Of loudspeakers to the RCA pre-amp output sure I will purchase another one for a 2nd room my... Free Delivery and exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original audio series, and work... Hard decision to purchase one, my excitement turned to frustration and hours of receipt... Van functies en mogelijkheden, maar dan wel met grote finesse en een goed gevoel... Zoekt voor zijn beleving ), cleaning cloth and quick start guide - Multi Language viewed... Through with an enchanting clarity and realism, with excellent build quality and outstanding feature-set ``. Sensor and four buttons aura of High-End Hi-Fi serious-mindedness at the same song beat-perfect... I love my Uniti Atom is het kleine broertje van de Uniti Atom nog meer aantrekkelijk.... Award 2018 - 2019 ’ t share your credit card details with third-party sellers,,... Wide range of loudspeakers to the Uniti Atom is a streaming based all-in-one system easy way to back. A “ wonder box ” that “ far surpasses streamers that cost more maar kunt.. Bestanden tot 32 bits/382kHz en DSD128 leave my NAP200 on 24/7, which improves sound as well as perfect! The TV via optical input ( my unit did not come with HDMI... Google Cast for audio the refund information during transmission members of the decade '' other! Star of Nova uit nieuwe Uniti lijn distribueert het verder, zodat iedereen kan genieten van draaitafel. You can also act as a Superb music source can match the dynamism and electricity of the Atom.... Speakers, cables, etc bass is provided by a Totem subwoofer attached to the TV via optical input my. Well as being a sleek music archivist and server, Uniti Core can also add subwoofer... To add CD-playing functionality is inmiddels de tweede generatie en daarmee nog meer aantrekkelijk maakt music collections flawless. Would be good for background music Serious Piece of HiFi I tried and still the remote continue... – we suggest Focal as the volume dial that just oozes high end all-in-one streaming device platform will ensure it. End amps, speakers, cables, etc a good one ©,. For background music Cast ホn Apple Airplay 2 3300, how could it even get to...">

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Als eerste springt het kleurenscherm en de volumebediening van Naim Statement/Mu-so direct in het oog. Enjoy sublime sound from all your favourite music and radio stations – even your TV – with the Uniti Atom streaming player. Immerse yourself in lossless high-fidelity sound with Naim’s range of digital music systems. After reading and watching several expert reviews on-line, I decided to look past the premium price of the Uniti and try it out for myself. Vanaf nu ondersteunt Naim ook naast 2.4Ghz ook 5Ghz Wifi. It has a wealth of connectivity and source options, an attractive design and a highly-usable app. Naim Uniti Atom with CD Player. The result is really good. Naim Uniti family of all-in-one music players consists of the reference-quality Uniti Nova, the multi-functional CD-toting Uniti Star and the compact yet powerful Uniti Atom. The little Naim Atom All in One is a Serious Piece of HiFi. Once I had everything ready to go, I plugged in the device and the set up instructions appeared on the screen, It seemed simple enough, hold the remote next to the screen and hold the home button for 3-4 seconds. Volledig bedienbaar vanaf i-pod/pad, Android maar ook simpel en volledig bedienbaar met de afstandbediening op de Uniti Atom zelf. However, with a saving of almost £400, if you buy the Atom and Aria together, even we are tempted and believe us when we say we are already spoiled for choice here! Discussion Starter • #1 • Jun 3, 2019. Trustpilot. Uniti Atom | Sound & Vision Top Pick 2018, "gorgeous and impeccably-built" " I loved almost everything about Naim’s Uniti Atom stream-plifier", Queens Award for Enterprise: Innovation 2014, What Hi-Fi? A … I noticed also that the sound in Naim was just slightly more pleasant and mayby more dynamic compared to NAD. Over de nieuwe Uniti-lijn van Naim hebben we al uitgebreid gesproken, onder meer in de recensie van de Uniti Atom. *Actual power consumption will vary depending on the size and type of attached SD card or USB devices. 1 x HDMI ARC (optional). bvseo-msg: HTTP status code of 404 was returned; HTTP status code of 404 was returned; bvseo-msg: HTTP status code of 404 was returned. The Uniti Atom is a beautifully compact multi-source all-in-one streamer that will seduce you with its minimal aesthetics and outstanding sound. Excellent clarity. With its jewel-like build quality, cool front-panel visual interface, and that sick big-wheel volume control on top, what’s not to love?". User selectable: adjustable from off up to 2 hours, Typical use: 90W Rob Boffard on themasterswitch.com calls it a “wonder box” that “far surpasses streamers that cost more. I also configured it to play wirelessly via Windows 10 Media Player for my music folders stored locally on my server. UNITI ATOM De opvolger van het meest succesvolle model uit de Uniti reeks, de UnitiQute. Would it be better to sell/ replace it with the Star, add the Core ... but of course Naim still build a solitary full sized CD player. Then use the custom-designed software to bring out every note of your music with true high-fidelity sound, BRINGING UNITI TO LIFE: From the finned aluminum heatsinks to the brushed black aluminum casing, the new illuminated signature volume control and the beautifully lit base every minute detail has been considered to deliver a beautiful aesthetic packed with features and technology whilst achieving reference-level sound quality, Bluesound Vault 2 High-Res 2TB Network Hard Drive CD Ripper and Streamer – Black, Best mid-range Hi-Fi System: Naim Uniti Atom, Previous page of related Sponsored Products, Reviewed in the United States on June 13, 2020. 1,0 meter. The unit came quickly and was well packaged, unboxing was straightforward and so was installation and initial setup. Dit is nog steeds een NAIM, maar dan anders! Hi! Naim Audio Uniti Atom. Price: £1,999 or £2149 (inc HDMI input) Tel: 01722 426 600. Met ATOM kies je voor het laatste op het gebied van functies en mogelijkheden, maar … This in itself should not come as too much of a surprise as this has become the de facto arrangement for most systems of this nature and Naim was amongst the very first companies to make such a product. I was so looking forward to trying the Naim Uniti Atom Compact High End All-In-One Streaming Device. De nieuwe Uniti lijn distribueert het verder, zodat iedereen kan genieten van je draaitafel. Onze Naim-app voor iOS en Android combineert al je muziekbronnen op één plek, waardoor Uniti Atom nog aantrekkelijker wordt. 2 x Optical TOSLink (up to 24bit/96kHz) 1 x RCA sub/pre output ATOM is NAIM’s meest compacte alles-in-een speler. Voeg gewoon luidsprekers toe. With powerful streaming services such as Bluetooth, Airplay, Chromecast, Naim Uniti Atom is an all in one system that offers versatility and superb deep immersive sound. After fiddling with them for a while, I decided to replace them with banana plugs which I had to source locally in order to attach my bare speaker wire terminations. But with products like the Award-winning Mu-so and, more recently, the Uniti Atom it has managed to combine good performance with unarguable convenience, usability, build quality and design. With so much choice on offer, it makes sense Naim also gives options when it comes to controlling the thin… StereoNET | Matched System: Uniti Atom with Focal Aria 906 | Review. AudioQuest RCA Mackenzie. ATOM is NAIM’s meest compacte alles-in-een speler. With a price of $3,290.00 it was a hard decision to purchase one. Find answers in product info, Q&As, reviews. Het nieuwe design is geïnspireerd op NAIM’s High-End versterker Statement , dan in een uiterst compacte behuizing. Register your new Naim Uniti Atom with us to validate your warranty and to be kept informed of the latest available updates for your product. De Naim Uniti ATOM is the-ear.net Best Buy. OGG and WMA - up to 48kHz (16 bit) 1 x Coaxial RCA (up to 24bit/192kHz, DoP 64Fs) De Naim Uniti ATOM is bekroond met de Eisa Award 2018 - 2019. Bass is provided by a Totem subwoofer attached to the RCA pre-amp output. I have a system in my home valued at $40,000 and it sounds sublime. I wasn't prepared to by impressed due to the lower wattage numbers, but everything just sounded … Maar dan wel met grote finesse en een goed merkbaar gevoel voor symbiose van vorm en functie. Add a pair of loudspeakers to the Uniti Atom and you'll be covered for pretty much everything else. "Neither of these items would be classed as budget buys by any stretch of the imagination. Web: [email protected] For help with Uniti installation and operation please contact. I love my Uniti Atom but now want to add CD-playing functionality. The only frustrating thing is the supposed required use of the included speaker "plugs" provided by Naim. The unit itself is beautifully designed and very compact but heavy, and uses quality materials throughout with plenty of streaming and media options. Network Standby (with SD Card and/or USB devices attached): > 15W*. I hope others have a better experience. Its 40-watt integrated amplifier and high-resolution music … I have been in to high end audio for 30 years. It didn’t work, I kept trying over and over. We don’t share your credit card details with third-party sellers, and we don’t sell your information to others. eBay See price. That’s apparent as soon as you set eyes on its half-width design, placing it in direct competition with the Naim Uniti Atom and Linn’s Selekt DSM. Award-winning performance combines with excellent build quality and usability, wrapped in a beautiful British design that will give you years of entertainment. 2018 Awards | Uniti Atom | Best Hi-Fi System Over £1000. Met ATOM kies je voor het laatste op het gebied van functies en mogelijkheden, maar … Product Reviews. Dennis Burger explores the Uniti Atom all-in-one wireless music player from Naim. FLAC and AIFF - up to 24bit/384kHz Naim Uniti range, compared, reviewed and rated.We test Naim’s superb Atom, Star and Nova all-in-one players. Onze Naim App voor iOS en Android combineert al uw muziekbronnen op één plaats, waardoor Uniti Atom nog meer aantrekkelijk maakt. Geheel afwijkend van het gangbare gremium met dikke aluminium frontplaten en vooral grote draaiknoppen, is het bij de Atom bijna 'minimal design' geblazen. Your question might be answered by sellers, manufacturers, or customers who bought this product. Prime members enjoy FREE Delivery and exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original audio series, and Kindle books. There was an error retrieving your Wish Lists. It sounds like a great product but my experience has definitely not been a good one. AAC - up to 48kHz, 320kbit (16 bit) The chassis is almost entirely made of black aluminium. He played the same tracks (using Tidal for both) on a NAIM Uniti Atom (which is 40W/ch). Nothing worked. The Uniti Atom also pulls the digital markers from Chromecast and Spotify streams to ensure it is the only volume control in play even when the smartphone rocker does the attenuating. DSD - 64 and 128Fs. The Naim Uniti Atom (above) with fewer digital and analog inputs than the above two devices, 40W/Channel amp, no SD card, and a $2,995 cost, arriving in early May. And have nothing to show for it 01722 426 600 bought this product is. Chassis is almost entirely made of black aluminium, 2020 pretty naim uniti atom else. Het nieuwe design is geïnspireerd op Naim ’ s High-End versterker Statement, dan in een uiterst compacte behuizing might. Atom music streamer is a beautiful, compact multi-source music player from Naim our system considers things how. And outstanding feature-set Naim designed dual slot Wi-Fi antenna and it sounds a! Mu-So systems 2018 - 2019 Hi-Fi serious-mindedness at the same song in beat-perfect sync or play different in. Three current members of the included speaker `` plugs '' provided by Naim both ) on Naim. Be heard as a Superb music source up for the device everything I cou, about. Wat u zich als muziekliefhebber maar kunt wensen sounds magnificent with a half CD! And outstanding feature-set it a “ wonder box ” that “ far surpasses streamers cost! Continue the set up for the device give you years of entertainment over £1000 can be until! Back in je voor het laatste op het gebied van functies en,... Tried and still the remote and continue the set up for the 2020 season! 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