However, you could look at this psychoanalysis from a different perspective. This conflict will remain with Alex as other problems develop that imply the same type of conflict. This moral maturity comes in part 3, chapter 7 – the 21st chapter of the novel. Sartre, J. and Frechtman, B. According to Sartre, we are thrown into existence without a predetermined future and construct our own nature or essence through our free choice and actions. Aside from Alex's failure to face moral conflict, A Clockwork Orange follows the "bildungsroman" framework. Despite his distant relationship with his mother, Meursault seems to need to replace this nurturing female figure immediately but takes it immediately to a sexual level, acting solely on the desires of the Id. Crosby, Donald A (July 1, 1988). Our author also had a distant, relatively cold relationship with his mother (as described in ‘L’ Envers et l’ Endroit’), before leaving home and rushing in to a relationship. Absurdism is a philosophy credited to Camus, a belief that there is an inherent disharmony between an individual’s search for meaning and the actual lack of meaning. Clearly influenced by some outlook of existential philosophy, Burgess discusses throughout ‘A Clockwork Orange’ how forcing man to be good is worse than allowing a man to choose evil; the truest malevolence is forced benevolence. However, its the ending of ‘The Outsider’ that determines it an absurdist novel rather than the existentialist denouement of ‘A Clockwork Orange’. Are you interested in getting a customized paper? At the beginning of the novel the main character, Alex, decides to be an evil boy who goes against the rules of society and creates fear within people. Universities of Missouri Press: 55-75, McLeod, S. (2016). As we can conclude from the novel, Alex lives his life by doing dredful actions day by day. After reading A Colckwork Orange, I have decided that the main internal conflict of this book is, how important is to make a free will decition vs. following what others expect about you. 18 Oct. 2020. Aforementioned, Burgess strays from conventional "bildungsroman" structure in making moral conflict impossible for Alex. Pssst… ‘I fired four more times at the motionless body’, notes Meursault, ‘I don’t know why, but something inside me snapped.’ These further shots served no purpose: the Arab was dead. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. All papers are for research and reference purposes only! This murderous desire experienced by both Alex and Meursault is known in psychoanalytic terms as the Thanatos instinct. If you fit this description, you can use our free essay samples to generate ideas, get inspired and figure out a title or outline for your paper. Want us to write one just for you? Students who find writing to be a difficult task. The three practical ways to deal with such a circumstance are therefore suicide, embracing a meaning framework such as religion or accepting the lack of meaning and living on despite this. Right from the first line of ‘A Clockwork Orange’ we are introduced to the recurring motif and underpinning theme of the novel – ‘What’s it going to be then, eh?’.
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