clockwork orange opening monologue

Have photos of the production or cast? ", "Just wanted to raise my glass of moloko to Dawson and his fine cast and crew for a terrificly inventive and entertaining staging of "A Clockwork Orange" at the Middlesex College theater. His performance is an absolute tour-de-force. Mr. Dawson and his team artfully captured the rollicking, anti-authoritarian spirit of the Kubrick film most are familiar with, as well as keeping faithful to the message of concern of Burgess's novel. I couldn't connect some of your analysis to A Clockwork Orange as I remembered it so up got out the copy that I read "back in the day" (and which is heavily underlined and annotated -- we didn't just read it in passing) - and I realized that although our copy is "not for sale in the USA" it too was missing that last chapter. Using an explosive combination of musical accompaniment, from the Smiths to Peter Gabriel to Mott the Hoople and, of course, Alex's favorite Ludwig Van, Alex Dawson has given Anthony Burgess' A CLOCKWORK ORANGE a steampunked reinterpretation. ", "Alex Dawson’s production of CLOCKWORK ORANGE at Middlesex County College was striking in several ways. The show wasn't typical of college theater, and as a resident of Middlesex County I am thrilled that I was able to experience this caliber of production in my 'own back yard'. An awesome show. The set design and props were another effective feature of the production. And you're right, the black suits with the knee and elbow pads gave the whole world an edgy elegance. Two actors I especially like was the guy playing the priest and the woman playing the lady scientist. ", "The genius of the novel surges in Dawson's sensory adaptation. The set and the music actually made the wait for the show to start fascinating. For translation and transcendent theatrical experience, get to the the show this weekend! Alex, the hormonally-raging and ravaging teen tornado has been reconsidered by Dawson as "Mack the Knife meets Ferris Bueller with the coke binge elocution of Robin William's cartoon genie." A Clockwork Orange's story is fantastic to begin with, but it flowed extremely well on stage. It was captivating. Also want to pay a special compliment to that gulliver-pounding (but pleasurable!) Dawson's production is a carnival ride, and it will leave you breathless. Especially Shock the Monkey. The play is framed around and above by banisters, cages, and cogs. Well, that's how you feel (and FEEL is the operative word here) when you watch Alex Dawson's electrifying adaptation of A CLOCKWORK ORANGE at Middlesex County College. It occurred to me that though the book had examined enduring social issues, it had done so through a prism that perhaps best fit the particular viewpoint of the early 1960s. ORANGE YOU GLAD YOU DID? And, what’s more, it will make me search out future productions that will be staged at Middlesex, hoping for the same degree of originality and daring. Like a graphic novel on stage. Once it began, TJ McNeill blew my mind. I don't generally have the attention span, and the handful I've seen never really kept me interested. Sitting in the audience before the play began I was struck by the challenge of restructuring Anthony Burgess’ original literary work into an updated live production. ", "The production makes full use of the theatre. "Dear Middlesex County College; Thank you very much for putting on "A Clockwork Orange". OR... MAYBE NOT. ", "Clockwork exploded my expectations. The decision to present this new version at Middlesex is something I champion fervently; I believe it will make people think, make them seek out the original novel and movie, and make those with an interest in theater very excited about the very idea of performing themselves. 'Clockwork Orange' link with boy's crime", キューブリック監督作、劇場に蘇る!『時計じかけのオレンジ』ほか3作品 - 広島では展覧会も - Peachy - ライブドアニュース, 不朽の衝撃作『時計じかけのオレンジ』主演のマルコム・マクダウェルが名シーンの裏側を語る, Article discussing the edits, with photographs,,, 博士の異常な愛情 または私は如何にして心配するのを止めて水爆を愛するようになったか,時計じかけのオレンジ&oldid=78007945, Best Drama Adapted from Another Medium – Stanley Kubrick. In recent years, I was worried that it had evaporated from the public consciousness, which would be a shame. The “free love” mood of the Sixties was officially over. Add to this Mr. Dawson's new take on the wardrobe, along with the scaffolded DJ and intriguing musical selections, and we have a distilled and refreshing rendering of " A Clockwork Orange." Perhaps we'll get the chance to see it again one night this week. T.J. McNeill did a very good job portraying Alex, the film's anti-hero, coming across as an exuberant man-child, with a seductively mischievous swagger. Full use of lights and sound and movement. "I attended the Sunday, October 25th matinee of The Clockwork Orange and enjoyed the show immensely. ", "I saw A CLOCKWORK ORANGE at Middlesex County College with TJ McNeil. I saw it twice, because it was so well done. In particular, I remember thinking that the opening sequence, involving the brutal clang of metal on metal, was a proper introduction to the friction filled story that was about to start. It was spectacular. She loved it, too! ", "I had the pleasure of attending the mischief night performance of A Clockwork Orange. At another point in the show I noticed an elderly female member of the audience covering her ears against the aggressive guitars and menacing drum track…..more evidence that this take on the cult classic got it just about right. ", Encyclopedia of Hollywood Film Actors: From the Silent Era to 1965, Everybody's Talkin': The Top Films of 1965 - 1969, "EXPLOSIVE...INSPIRED...TRANSCENDENT...PROVOCATIVE. ", "I was beyond impressed with Alex Dawson’s provocative and irreverent staging of A Clockwork Orange, a production that far exceeded my expectations in both design and performance. Second, it draws on the talents of a fine collection of gifted, local artists. As a die hard fan of Stanley Kubrick's kick *ss flick, I wondered if a stage adaptation could viscerally stand up. It drew me in more as a participant in the play rather than just an observer. But I'm 65 and I loved it! The appropriately selected scenes were well played, and executed with seamless transitions and a constant attendance to the needs of an audience. ", "I gather the show was aimed at a younger, hipper crowd. What we see is consistent with what we hear. I thought the unique combination of set, lighting, sound and costume design was very well conceived, creating a vibrant and unsettling theatrical environment which worked beautifully within the limits of the theater space. It was an atmosphere of fear and dirtiness that helped to emphasize the dark aroma of the story. Belching smokestacks, colossal clock cogs, the ribbed wreckage of a crashed zeppelin, all under-lit by the blazing Fires of Industry, Dawson’s steam-punk version of Anthony Burgess’s A CLOCKWORK ORANGE features a soundtrack of Beethoven symphonies screened through the fractious filters of punk, thrash, and techno, then scribble scratched by a goggle-eyed DJ sitting atop a scaffolded clock tower that rises fifteen feet above the boards.

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