endstream endobj 58 0 obj <. A peer buddy can help the child who has difficulty with transitions, difficulty remembering the rules and procedures of routines, or who seems to need a lot of peer attention. Ich engagiere mich in meiner Schule, weil ich Verantwortung übernehmen möchte, dass wir ein gutes Miteinander haben. 136 0 obj <> endobj h�bbd```b``��A$�ɾ̶���j��l]ɨ y&���;�|&��I�zq�ze��%D����A���d,)�9�u�e��A��a���D ��I>��`3��҉:r�;� -3� Photo: Steve Debenport, iStock How Buddy Programs Work. %%EOF 95 0 obj <>stream "F$H:R��!z��F�Qd?r9�\A&�G���rQ��h������E��]�a�4z�Bg�����E#H �*B=��0H�I��p�p�0MxJ$�D1��D, V���ĭ����KĻ�Y�dE�"E��I2���E�B�G��t�4MzN�����r!YK� ���?%_&�#���(��0J:EAi��Q�(�()ӔWT6U@���P+���!�~��m���D�e�Դ�!��h�Ӧh/��']B/����ҏӿ�?a0n�hF!��X���8����܌k�c&5S�����6�l��Ia�2c�K�M�A�!�E�#��ƒ�d�V��(�k��e���l ����}�}�C�q�9 (It is more fun; a buddy can help you if you get hurt; a buddy can help you remember your safety rules, etc.) H���yTSw�oɞ����c [���5la�QIBH�ADED���2�mtFOE�.�c��}���0��8��8G�Ng�����9�w���߽��� �'����0 �֠�J��b� These are my Buddy Bears. Whether it’s the pairing of older students with younger companions, or teaming up special and general education students, these buddy systems are helping students feel more at home within their student community. Buddy systems play an important role in helping to create safe school environments. Wie Carlos, 14jähriger buddY-Schüler aus Duisburg, können seit nunmehr 19 Jahren Schüler*innen bundesweit mit dem peergroup-orientierten buddY-Programm ihre sozialen und emotionalen Kompetenzen stärken: Engagement, Konflikt- und Kooperationsfähigkeit, Reflektion, Perspektivübernahme und Zuverlässigkeit gehören mittlerweile an rund 1.600 Schulen in sechs Bundesl… (a friend, someone to be with, a pal) Discuss. The buddy system is an effective method by which a deployed staff member shares in the responsibility for his or her partner’s safety and well-being. H�!+D�qK@DH�� ��@, !��m��Ab@B�$�������p�b``���ϸ�@� �jI Buddy programs for families may be known by other names, such as family support groups or parent buddies or mentors. �V��)g�B�0�i�W��8#�8wթ��8_�٥ʨQ����Q�j@�&�A)/��g�>'K�� �t�;\�� ӥ$պF�ZUn����(4T�%)뫔�0C&�����Z��i���8��bx��E���B�;�����P���ӓ̹�A�om?�W= This research, a first of its kind in Malaysia, examined the effectiveness of the buddy support system in 10 special education integrated program schools in Malaysia. �x������- �����[��� 0����}��y)7ta�����>j���T�7���@���tܛ�`q�2��ʀ��&���6�Z�L�Ą?�_��yxg)˔z���çL�U���*�u�Sk�Se�O4?�c����.� � �� R� ߁��-��2�5������ ��S�>ӣV����d�`r��n~��Y�&�+`��;�A4�� ���A9� =�-�t��l�`;��~p���� �Gp| ��[`L��`� "A�YA�+��Cb(��R�,� *�T�2B-� 1 0 obj<> endobj 2 0 obj<> endobj 3 0 obj<> endobj 5 0 obj<> endobj 7 0 obj<> endobj 9 0 obj<>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/ExtGState<>>>>> endobj 11 0 obj<> endobj 12 0 obj<> endobj 13 0 obj<> endobj 14 0 obj[/ICCBased 17 0 R] endobj 16 0 obj<> endobj 17 0 obj<>stream The safest way to play is with a buddy. %%EOF The purpose of implementing a buddy system is to increase social interaction and appropriate play among children in your classroom. 2y�.-;!���K�Z� ���^�i�"L��0���-�� @8(��r�;q��7�L��y��&�Q��q�4�j���|�9�� Buddy systems teach, and give children the opportunity to practise, the important values of respect, care, valuing difference, responsibility, friendship and including others. (mom, dad, brother, grandma, friend, teacher, etc.) 185 0 obj <>stream ��frLP8`��`y����A�1�-r~J0��!&2i&F�KP��٬��w!��r ��? h�b`````z������� @1V ������p&n�%:::X�dH2���ii ���2�3퓴�אHY`Ɛ�4�͉��H��@�CAC:+����;qɏ�vUmR��壎���eBl拁4#Ѝ@Z����3�Ϧw�[�6�(�&@� �J%� ��w�G� xR^���[�oƜch�g�`>b���$���*~� �:����E���b��~���,m,�-��ݖ,�Y��¬�*�6X�[ݱF�=�3�뭷Y��~dó ���t���i�z�f�6�~`{�v���.�Ng����#{�}�}��������j������c1X6���fm���;'_9 �r�:�8�q�:��˜�O:ϸ8������u��Jq���nv=���M����m����R 4 � endstream endobj startxref 0 A buddy system pairs students in your class and asks them to support one another with specific tasks or skills. 0 N'��)�].�u�J�r� endstream endobj startxref A child with a cochlear implant may benefit from a buddy that helps signal transitions, repeats teachers’ directions, or facilitates the child’s participation in noisy environments, like the playground. n�3ܣ�k�Gݯz=��[=��=�B�0FX'�+������t���G�,�}���/���Hh8�m�W�2p[����AiA��N�#8$X�?�A�KHI�{!7�. %PDF-1.5 %���� h�b``a``�� N0�F fa�h@�b� >��ЀL�� �ꇆ��n���Q�t�}MA�0�al������S�x ��k�&�^���>�0|>_�'��,�G! This type of active support is important in any deployment. endstream endobj 137 0 obj <. Many schools provide opportunities such as informal and social occasions for families new to the school to get to know one another, develop new relationships and clarify any aspect of school life that is unclear. Who can be a buddy? 165 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<4F4FB9A843BA4E4DA061B4E4A2BEC04C>]/Index[136 50]/Info 135 0 R/Length 130/Prev 266520/Root 137 0 R/Size 186/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream h�bbd``b`�$���" ��H0��� b What is a buddy? 57 0 obj <> endobj %PDF-1.5 %���� %PDF-1.5 %���� 79 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<91A129ED175C554AA35ECACF15757812><9BBD7F07B752BF41ABE8FA831AE10A1D>]/Index[57 39]/Info 56 0 R/Length 102/Prev 43943/Root 58 0 R/Size 96/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream
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