1.3. 128 0 obj <>stream Brainstorming is the process of coming up with ideas. 0000006921 00000 n This is a fairly straightforward method of brainstorming ideas. Look at the main ideas you’ve written and see if you can think of other ideas that connect to them. Whether you have too many ideas and need clarity, or not enough and need inspiration, the techniques below can be used to both conceptualize ideas for a topic and explore those ideas further. 0000011207 00000 n �'�_ls"���@��#cS�oG�ݘ����ޣ��e�(��7���b�6][N�L�i5��(}�j���x4")iP'*���c�� �^fgHK�R�ޒ���#� �E:6�/��6���#(���b[}+7[����_ ��T����`%o.��3��2�F�al����7Qi��u���i*;��I�z�Z��B6tjVg��Z���A'^z.�2|Jp��e�q���ax��:�c�|��(���$T�)� �Y3 Finding a brainstorming technique that works for you can greatly improve y our writing efficiency. %61ԉ�>�4���]g2�?ҁ�9h$Jb�GI���v8�3h(�>r��Us�;6��٩rĄ[���䩬G9���[s����4��L}��*�"Et����#�"��%��j.��R�,��{E�3섲��Z־�N��o�}봍�D�5F;]�6{͛|���by8��0�{����G�`y]�TW��n�q��XԢv#kL�k?�V�]���_K#��^#4�P�F|G��>��Q꩸_�O�e�J��so�>x扆H�(�_)��.��E���S�N+��^;֚�\ܩ��)�%�. 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Tell them to put their pens and pencils down and to focus on thinking. �۔��9̕��.��h��r1Q�,GV"�8�6Y��}ȟ�gHsV �]|��Q�I9��'�3�d`��KO�c+����(�$���'S���q���m����O���ȁ���������1wL�#~>���6K1%_#�q���}������c��5�/����� �v�����߇�����^"{�� 2�lԪFF��M^,���+V>���G�ztd�ښp��)͆t��p�o臞��u�!���RW��#@F����r2��OR���ROA��0Q?�ß�����FH�zaw�8M��=D㡷��7���~ ��38�2M�@6G&':4N4Mm�L}�@G��S[��u���:+H!���7�&շ)X��d� H"�E�{l"1Cj�1{`�o� �B��&/��߶y���f � � ��*�z,/��*GmB�ի��x�2 ���|����y�h����f{��=��k��E�=?6�����/L ������x ��t��� ��ܲjU����Y�_�oG��q3ȫM�Y�/�Ld��]�*W�LG��\�0�͋��nN�I?�,_WL�V�MuGf��Mg��t��}{n�P�QdW�n��+�� *��a:�h1�&K������6�%Xd�m��X=�K�q��t���J�/����k�F��\�g'��!�(0��=� &�X!�cd��$�|߄�4��_`=�t|j�Xz� �V[lj This activity can be used as a preparation activity for a normal writing or speaking task or as a regular activity. 4 0 obj Much of what the students will Copyright ©1995-2018 by The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University. 0000056133 00000 n endstream endobj 267 0 obj <>stream The map below uses the sample essay topic from the previous resource to show you what an idea map might look like. This is a brainstorming task that can be used before a writing or speaking stage to help students gather and organise ideas. It’s a useful way to get ideas flowing to write successfully. 0000003931 00000 n Also, drawing a map might help you see how your thoughts connect to one another, which will help you when you begin organizing your essay. 0000003707 00000 n You may have heard teachers refer to this stage as pre-writing. Remember that it is okay—actually, it is great—if you have many ideas right now. ��\���^7g�1���w�_q�M?�~]����d�0�v0�6�����T��`�������v�!kY�Fm����� AK��R�������l]L1XA���x'9%�L}�je�~�r��w����;E���|W�\�L����@d9x0�e�U��h=eMt9�_'��6����lu�B��_�)w`�V]*g����;Ƅ��Y�s�+1b���U������b @,'U�*k���*�q��QH\P(4Ɯ�#��%�Ւr�"��F}�1*D T�lpaBl�e+����h���sWز�k��왴p���G�>�)�9`R�?D���MA��IG�=6� In the center of the map, write your topic and draw a circle around it. Rather than draw a map, some people prefer to brainstorm by simply listing their ideas. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our terms and conditions of fair use. 0000001730 00000 n 0000050840 00000 n 0000023984 00000 n You can brainstorm in order to decide on a topic, to explore approaches to your paper, or to deepen your understanding of a certain subject. All rights reserved. %�@-��(��ݦ�ܘ��. 0000009242 00000 n 0000051221 00000 n All rights reserved. H�\�ۊ�0@����Kۙ 0000032121 00000 n 0000013507 00000 n (��ߍ���%�f���}�q��>��A�ʵY����\����M�/�C� Lȣ��ӌ��:��]1$):jVÍ�3-j��cm�;pf���2�u�g)$V�^�_�|���������%�����K]ĥ9o͢�O��6������. When I say "literacy" what pops into your mind? startxref 0000006536 00000 n 0000018472 00000 n 0000004738 00000 n You can use many lists to find supporting points for each of your ideas. �ܯɋ�nCqž:Wh�2����j����'�2���g�kÿ ��� H���_O�@������2ÿ��Z�Y������ ҡ���� ��;Zt�c6�%$��;s�ឞ.�~��.���ru�ejԅ�8vC 0000032549 00000 n Part of brainstorming will This is a brainstorming task that can be used before a writing or speaking stage to help students gather and organise ideas. You won’t necessarily use all of them in your essay, but all that's important is to collect many ideas right now. <> �����X�#���*�+��(@d��W���q:��������i����8�lCh?j8Bvn��0�k51���m2�&��-^ !�|,���1hDz��h�%�v��n��`.�-!\ݗ����X��Y]a�H��v��Ɯ��4l�Z���0p��FʾL��&��q! Copyright ©1995-2020 by The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University. h�bbd``b`V�@��H�� �� ���hI| q�C��m ��H�� �b�:9 !�b��vw&F�� �)"�3N�` X�> ����ta��D��&+w��!�����,��ȱ�mE� Brainstorming and Listing Exercise Teacher Instructions, Brainstorming and Listing Exercise Student Instructions. endstream endobj 269 0 obj <>stream 0000376994 00000 n 0000053238 00000 n 0000003757 00000 n Use of this site constitutes acceptance of, Résumé and Cover Letter Slide Presentations, Community Writing and Education Station (CWEST), keeping in touch with my friends and family, to finish school, I can figure out what my goals are for school, find a school that fits my goals, and apply to schools and for financial aid, to get a better job, I can finish school, learn a new language, search for jobs, prepare my applications, and make a list of people who will give me a good reference, to keep in touch with my friends and family, I can make a list of everyone’s contact information, like addresses, phone numbers, and email, to learn a new language, I can pick what language I want to learn, get a dictionary, and find a class. 0 As you brainstorm, don’t be afraid to jot down ways in which people might critique your ideas. 0000004825 00000 n 0000039909 00000 n endstream endobj 265 0 obj <>stream ��?� Y�CtD�P����LQ�B. When you come up with a new idea, write it down, draw a circle around it, and draw a line to show how it connects to the topic in the center and/or the other ideas you’ve written down. Tell them not to write anything but think of as many ideas as they can. Think of it as a kind of free association. 0000023432 00000 n endstream endobj 250 0 obj <>/Metadata 47 0 R/PageLabels 44 0 R/Pages 46 0 R/StructTreeRoot 49 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 251 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 252 0 obj <> endobj 253 0 obj [/Indexed/DeviceRGB 179 304 0 R] endobj 254 0 obj [/Indexed/DeviceRGB 255 305 0 R] endobj 255 0 obj <> endobj 256 0 obj <> endobj 257 0 obj <> endobj 258 0 obj <>stream At this stage, you should brainstorm many ideas. 0000002228 00000 n They like speaking in English. There is no criticism, evaluation, judgment, or defense of ideas during the brainstorming session. endstream endobj 270 0 obj <>stream 0000051813 00000 n 0000029388 00000 n 0000052873 00000 n endstream endobj 259 0 obj <> endobj 260 0 obj <> endobj 261 0 obj <>stream It can be done at any time during the writing process. 0000006058 00000 n endstream endobj 95 0 obj <> endobj 96 0 obj <>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 97 0 obj <>stream 0000039402 00000 n This material may not be published, reproduced, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission. endstream endobj startxref endobj There wouldn't be any hesitation or shy among the students. Brainstorming is an informal way of generating topics to write about, or points to make about your topic. %%EOF Creating free speaking atmosphare is very important in teaching English. "It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be wrong, than to always be right by having no ideas at all." 0000046592 00000 n 0000024428 00000 n 0 0000013429 00000 n Can you think of a way to use it differently or make it better? 0000024019 00000 n H��TMk�@�ϯ��}�zf�B����C���P�Nc*�m�*�_�]I+ٴnB�E�y�3�of�R 0000263756 00000 n 0000003807 00000 n Reassure them - tell them not to worry about whether they will use these ideas or not later. The lists below use the sample essay topic above to show you what idea lists might look like.Example Idea ListWhat is an important goal I have for the next few years? 2 0 obj Tell your students the title of the piece that they will write. Do not be scared of the brainstorming process. &��Ɯl~���Û��|ɗ��T�W(�Rm���"a���}B��x�(���4%7qoH�&�!�L�3�f�6YB�來����E���+(+�ijW�����b4��C*�-�TÍHەuW��X��������X->��?jj|Q�"JE�$6a�U�����ǧ?G��-7�_>�>z݈�Y��m������Ԥ^D�2fq�HCf'����;�BV���Y�2z]��V0�T��&�Ǿ�9/��Ywe=&tˤ�W� �P� Although in free writing any potential objections are usually ignored, you shouldn’t think of criticism as a separate activity from brain… ����A&3��t����ZMG�$�1�1�#�*��Hљ�d��?! H�\��n�0��z Writing out your topic helps you focus on it. Tell them they have five minutes (and tell them how long they have left at regular intervals). If you don't do this, people "clam up," the number and quality of ideas plummets, and morale can suffer. ߬ηm��!A>�1��'8���g�}�.�F PI���[�8��� (жA�/ewp�����0���b�"��!�!�(���{��(TwY.%��}�����J� ��/c When you freewrite, you let your thoughts flow as they will, putting pen to paper and writing down whatever comes into your mind. At this stage, you should brainstorm many ideas. As the name suggests, Brainstorming is meant to stimulate or excite the brain into thinking about issues in a new way. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our terms and conditions of fair use. This material may not be published, reproduced, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission. After you have a good grasp of what the prompt is asking, you should figure out how you will respond. Tell them to think about the topic for two minutes. Even though you may feel rushed to begin writing right away, it’s important to take some time to go through this step to make sure you have an interesting main idea and plenty of supporting points.You might use one or both of the following methods to gather your ideas. Kً�DP�������#� i�`FS�V���$��EK�z"���9���BFR��7�� �"�)�~�)�2H��i^b2�K1�4ŧ�K�/����ҟ�;��,�Y-J�R�o_��k%\��d�w8{'�cʣڹ�u����+s\�1�W�X�0��-���E� �a��j�i2�$��]�o�o6���tf��r����O � ����p1�o_����2(a�z��!�&C�4g�T��c�U��M� �tSe The Rules of Brainstorming The following criteria are essential to the idea-generation phase of a brainstorming session (Adams, 1979): 1. 0000039285 00000 n 0000004045 00000 n Tell your students to write down their ideas. H��TKkA������0�]��C�B�"����`3�����ٙ5�x���wu}��4�>+AC�5B�.�s{n]� r!�{�^��`��G�~r!�����1�X�G���!a�k�AL�K���| e��X��"�Q�f�R��c�}�C�^�N�I��s�Xwαk���ŽwW6�������'OO!����� ��u�_���^9,^r����U22�6_��k�|��}~0��������;k�ٹu�)��Sb���������Y�1�0�k��B2��R First things first: Select the 4 most important ideas. After you have a good grasp of what the prompt is asking, you should figure out how you will respond. If you struggle with writer’s block, you might try some of the brainstorming activities listed below. 0000052633 00000 n ” Ashley Montagu Possible opinions: 94 0 obj <> endobj trailer <> 3 0 obj 0000039232 00000 n To help students gather and organise ideas.
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